[rules-dev] Resource getName getDescription

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 04:31:49 EDT 2011

The "expose them in core first, later in api" is a good thing. +1 there.

I was talking about a different aspect:
once we move it to api, sooner or later, the AbstractResource trick 
could prevent binary backwards incompatibility on the api module if 
users have a custom Resource implementation.

For example, this could heighten the change that jbpm 5.2 (which would 
requires drools 5.4) would work with drools 5.5 too (if the later adds a 
method on the Resource interface and jbpm implements it).

Op 12-09-11 10:18, Esteban Aliverti schreef:
> Ok, I will move these attributes to drools-core (InternalResource). 
> Later, we can think about move them to drools-api.
> Geoffrey, I like your idea, but I think that is not the "drools way" 
> :). What Mark wants is to always add new stuff in core and later, when 
> it is stable enough, publish it through drool-api. I agree with this, 
> but when the improvements are only useful for api users (name and 
> description are not used in drools-core in any way) I find this a 
> little bit cumbersome. The feature is never going to be used if it is 
> no exposed. Users must always cast Resource to InternalResource if 
> they want to use this (And I see a lot of these casts even inside 
> drools-core).
> But, as a general solution, I'm not against the implementation of new 
> features in core first and the exposure on api later.
> Best Regards,
> Esteban Aliverti
> - Developer @ http://www.plugtree.com <http://www.plugtree.com>
> - Blog @ http://ilesteban.wordpress.com
> On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Geoffrey De Smet 
> <ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com <mailto:ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     We could use Abstract* class trick (the Collections api does it
>     and I use it a lot in Planner):
>     drools-api has:
>       interface Resource
>       abstract class AbstractResource implement Resource
>     And the javadoc on interface Resource clearly states that they
>     should extend AbstractResource when implementing a custom
>     Resource. Same for the reference manual.
>     (Similar to interface List and class AbstractList)
>     Then if any new method is added, the AbstractResource
>     implementation should try to provide a reasonable default that
>     works (but is possibly not as efficient as a specific implementation).
>     As a result, any custom Resource that extend AbstractResource
>     needed be changed immediately (but might want to in time to
>     implement a more efficient implementation).
>     And, more importantly, we don't break binary backwards
>     compatibility on *api (unless they implemented Resource directly)
>     so less chance of "impossible to fix" if you have a project with a
>     dependency A and B
>     where A and B themselves depend on different drools versions,
>     as you can just use the "highest version" between those 2
>     dependencies.
>     Op 12-09-11 07:51, Mark Proctor schreef:
>>     On 12/09/2011 06:36, Esteban Aliverti wrote:
>>>     Ok, I thought #droolsdev was ok too. Sorry about that.
>>>     The idea to have a 'name' and a 'description' attribute in
>>>     <Resource> elements inside a change-set is to tag them or to add
>>>     them some human-friendly information so you can refer to it not
>>>     using the URL or the name of the asset (could be duplicated in
>>>     different packages), but with a name and a description.
>>>     These changes are 100% end-users oriented, that is why I put
>>>     those attributes in API. End users applications (like Guvnor)
>>>     could take advantages on these new attributes.
>>     You can add them to the xml, and have that set them on the
>>     InternalResource. We can migrate to public apis over time, I just
>>     want people to take a much more conservative outlook on -api changes.
>>     Mark
>>>     So, a change-set now could look like this (the new attributes
>>>     are not mandatory):
>>>     <change-set>
>>>     <add>
>>>     <resource *name="Loan Rules" description="Rules about loans"*
>>>     type="DRL" source="http://someHost:1234/someDRLResource.drl"/>
>>>     <resource *name="Risk Rules" description="Rules about Risk
>>>     evaluation"* type="DRL"
>>>     source="http://someHost:1234/someOtherDRLResource.drl"/>
>>>     </add>
>>>     </change-set>
>>>     These attributes can also be used in Spring's configuration:
>>>     <drools:kbase id="kbase1" node="node1">
>>>     <drools:resources>
>>>     <resource *name="Loan Rules" description="Rules about loans"*
>>>     type="DRL" source="http://someHost:1234/someDRLResource.drl"/>
>>>     <resource *name="Risk Rules" description="Rules about Risk
>>>     evaluation"* type="DRL"
>>>     source="http://someHost:1234/someOtherDRLResource.drl"/>
>>>     </drools:resources>
>>>     </drools:kbase>
>>>     WDYT?
>>>     Best Regards,
>>>     Esteban Aliverti
>>>     - Developer @ http://www.plugtree.com <http://www.plugtree.com>
>>>     - Blog @ http://ilesteban.wordpress.com
>>>     On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 6:25 AM, Mark Proctor
>>>     <mproctor at codehaus.org <mailto:mproctor at codehaus.org>> wrote:
>>>         Shoudn't name and description be on InternalResource, not on
>>>         Resource?
>>>         I think it's time to put a restriction on changes to "-api".
>>>         Feel free
>>>         to change core/compiler etc, but if you want to change -api
>>>         we'll need
>>>         to propose it here.
>>>         Mark
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>     -- 
>     With kind regards,
>     Geoffrey De Smet
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With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

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