[rules-dev] Kie: pluggable builders

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Mon Dec 17 01:35:31 EST 2012

Agreed. Guvnor should just define an spi for incremental compilers and result messages integration. Then a thin plugin just delegates to the existing kie infrastructure.


On Sunday, 16 December 2012, Michael Anstis wrote:
I was thinking over the weekend.

Guvnor has many different file types it uses to store rule definitions.

Currently Guvnor builds DRL before passing this to KieBuilder via KieStorage (erm, will do this).

Any thoughts on moving the conversion to DRL from Guvnor to pluggable builders within Kie that accept defined file-types (you have DRL and XLS at the moment).

This further makes Guvnor just the "rule management" component having knowledge base building (from any resource type) within Expert.

Guvnor would obviously provide all the pluggable builders it needs for 6.0.

Just a thought...

sent on the move
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