[rules-dev] Drools XML Language and Tools Development

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Tue Jan 10 19:35:36 EST 2012

A RuleML and/or RIF parser to Drools would certainly be welcome :)

On 11/01/2012 00:30, Edson Tirelli wrote:
>    Just to add to Mark's comments, there are options for you to move 
> forward.
>    The main bit that probably got you off track is the DRLDumper. That 
> class was used mainly for debugging purposes. No code in Drools makes 
> use of it, and because of that, we didn't have any extensive tests in 
> place for it... result is it broke and no one noticed until a couple 
> months ago. I will try to take some time to fix it for 5.4 (it is 
> wrong in 5.2/5.3) or just remove it completely, as again, it is not 
> used by drools itself... it was just a debugging utility class we used 
> some time ago.
>    Regarding the options for this customer, I suggest we move this 
> discussion to an internal thread. Open a ticket or mail me directly on 
> the corporate e-mail and we can continue from there.
>     Regards,
>       Edson
> On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 6:39 PM, Mark Proctor <mproctor at codehaus.org 
> <mailto:mproctor at codehaus.org>> wrote:
>     Rule base systems typically had simple languages. Data structures
>     where either list or frames, the number of constructs are very
>     limited. Complex expressions, such as nested accessors did not
>     exist - like with Drools 3.0. That made it very easy to support a
>     1 to 1 mapping in xml.
>     Around Drools 4 out langauge become more expression, we started to
>     allow complex expresisons inside of patterns. In Drools 5.3 that
>     is even more so. It quickly became obvious that xml representation
>     fo drools would also need a representation for java expressions,
>     this was going to be a lot of work - especially as we would
>     probably have to change a lot of the existing xml.
>     It seems very few people are using the xml, certainly no one
>     seemed to care about it. Xml parsers and schemas is something that
>     every java developer can do, but no one has come forward maintain
>     this. So we've let it die.
>     I'm not sure I'd want to resurrect it, for a one of piece of
>     work.  It's likely the maintainenance of this would soon fall back
>     on the core developers.
>     I think  I'd rather see xml efforts around RuleML and/or RIF. So
>     imho if you want to do anything, do it around those. The downside
>     is that representing our more powerful constructs like sliding
>     time windows may not be possible in those languages, and you would
>     need to define extensions.
>     Mark
>     On 10/01/2012 22:08, Justin Holmes wrote:
>>     Hello Devs,
>>     My name is Justin Holmes and I'm a Middleware Consultant for Red
>>     Hat. I'm currently staffed on an engagement that provides a very
>>     interesting use case for Drools. In particular, our teams
>>     currently believes that the Drools XML Language would be the best
>>     possible solution for one of our problem. We are aware that the
>>     Drools XML language has not been developed for sometime and is
>>     considered deprecated. Additionally, the application will need to
>>     support Drools CEP functionality in the near future. Before we
>>     begin crafting a custom solution, we would like to ask:
>>     1) Is the XML language truly the best option for our use case?
>>     2) If it is the best option, how do we begin developing the XML
>>     language and tools (XMLPackageReader) to fully support at
>>     least BRMS 5.2?
>>     *Context: *
>>     Client is using Drool 5.1.1 and we are migrating to BRMS 5.2.
>>     There are two independent workflows of interest:
>>     *1) Rule Authoring and DRL generation*: The rule assets and
>>     metadata are kept in a custom format (both relational DB and XML)
>>     in order to decouple it from the runtime. Thus, the client wrote
>>     their own GUI and content manager instead of using Guvnor. The
>>     custom GUI allows business users to author 3 types of content, as
>>     well as rules for these types of content, using a guided-rule
>>     editor with domain specific language. The following steps occur
>>     when a user wants to produce a new version of a rule:
>>     i) GUI saves LHS rule logic in an XML database using MathML
>>     (http://www.w3.org/Math/), and then saves everything else in a
>>     relational database.
>>     ii) iBATIS pulls down the corresponding database and XML entries
>>     and populates POJOs. There is 1 class definition per content type.
>>     iii) Cumbersome application code translates POJOs into
>>     Drools PackageDescr (~5000 lines of code, not using fluent API).
>>     This step produces a very strange and convoluted representation
>>     of the LHS of each RuleDescr. It works with DrlDumper 5.1.1 but
>>     does not work properly with the BRMS 5.2 version of DrlDumper
>>     (MVEL Template). This is the source of our problem.
>>     iv) PackageDescr is dumped into a valid DRL string with Drools
>>     DrlDumper
>>     v) Custom content manager does some versioning and then
>>     stores DRL in an XML database
>>     *2) Deployment and Runtime: *App is deployed daily and will have
>>     dozens of runtimes during that 24 span. When deployed, it pulls
>>     all rules from the database and builds several KnowledgePackages,
>>     which are cached, and then used throughout the day.
>>     *Proposed Solution:*
>>     Because the app code that performs step iii) is so convoluted and
>>     will need to be modified in order to support CEP, we want to
>>     pursue a more maintainable solution to provide the translation
>>     and abandon the mess that is already in the application. We feel
>>     that rewriting this code with the fluent API is just as dangerous
>>     as the present code. Additionally, the rules are far too variable
>>     to use Rule templating.
>>     So, we propose to translate the client's custom rule assets and
>>     metadata into the Drools XML Language, parse the XML and dump out
>>     DRLs. We will likely need to use the existing intermediate POJOs
>>     for this. The most difficult piece in the puzzle by far is
>>     translating the LHS of rules, and of course this is the part that
>>     is broken currently in our system. We believe that it should be
>>     MUCH easier to translate the well formatted MathML representation
>>     of the LHS to the Drools XML schema using XSLT, than to translate
>>     it to PackageDescrs with Java code. There are also the additional
>>     benefits of validation and portability presented by XML. The
>>     downside here is that the XML language and tools are out of date,
>>     so we would need to develop these solutions first.
>>     Both consultants on this project have been interested in
>>     contributing to the Drools project and we feel this could be the
>>     perfect entry point. We realize this is a complicated question
>>     and presenting it over email is limiting, so please feel free to
>>     contact me by phone.
>>     Thank you,
>>     ---
>>     Justin Holmes
>>     Red Hat Consulting
>>     410.599.8432 <tel:410.599.8432> : mobile
>>     http://www.redhat.com/consulting/
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> -- 
>   Edson Tirelli
>   JBoss Drools Core Development
>   JBoss by Red Hat @ www.jboss.com <http://www.jboss.com>
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