[rules-dev] Dr. Douglas Lenat (Cyc) joins Dr. Robert Greenes to keynote IntelliFest 2012

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Thu Jul 12 01:23:22 EDT 2012

Please help promote this event, pass these links around. If you are in 
clinical healthcare, we are still accepting presentation proposals - 
both 25 and 50 minute talks are acceptable.


very excited that this year Dr. Douglas Lenat will be one of the keynote 
Speakers <http://intellifest.org/wordpress/keynotes/#Doug_Lenat>. Dr 
Lenat is the founder of the gound breaking AI project Cyc 
/"*Cyc* is an artificial intelligence project 
that attempts to assemble a comprehensive ontology 
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontology_%28computer_science%29> and 
knowledge base <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knowledge_base> of everyday 
common sense knowledge 
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_sense_knowledge>, with the goal of 
enabling AI <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence> 
applications to perform human-like reasoning." (wikipedia)/
Dr. Douglas Lenat joins Dr Robert Greenes, a biomedical and infomatics 
star <http://www.flinn.org/news/454> from Arizona State University, who 
will be keynoting the Healthcare day 

The healthcare day is being co-chaired by Emory Fry, MD and Dr Davide 
Sottara, and request for presentations is now open. Please send your 
healthcare and medical submissions to the following emails:
to: eafry at gmx d0t com.
cc: dsotty at gmail d0t com, mproctor at codehaus d0t org.

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