[rules-dev] How to work with Protobuf (.proto) files

Edson Tirelli ed.tirelli at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 12:30:30 EDT 2012


   As we started using Protobuf, it is important to know how you make
changes to .proto files and how to compile them. Easiest way:

1. Download protobuf compiler from:

2. Install protobuf-dt eclipse plugin as detailed here:

3. Configure the destination directory to generate the java files as
detailed in step 2 here:


Set the "Java Output Directory" to: src/main/java

4. VERY IMPORTANT FOR JBPM: jBPM Flow project has a .proto file that
extends the data types defined in the .proto file in Drools Core, so you
need to configure the protobuf import path as detailed here:


Add the following import paths to the jbpm-flow project:

${your drools-core project in eclipse}/src/main/resources

   After doing that, when you edit and save the .proto files, eclipse will
automatically compile and regenerate the java source code for them.


  Edson Tirelli
  JBoss Drools Core Development
  JBoss by Red Hat @ www.jboss.com
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