[rules-dev] Breaking Changes Suggestions

Wolfgang Laun wolfgang.laun at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 05:02:55 EDT 2012

I've collected a few things I've been moaning about... They are
intended to make DRL programming more convenient, given the current
set of the Engine's capabilities, i.e., enhance Drools' usability!

AFAIK, none of these proposals would break backward compatibility.


On 27/03/2012, Mark Proctor <mproctor at codehaus.org> wrote:
> I've put up a wiki page to collect thoughts on ideas that would involve
> breaking backwards compatability in Drools. It's aimed to produce ideas
> for Drools 6.0.
> No suggestion is too silly, think of it as a brainstorming area for
> alternative syntaxes and behaviours to what we have now, so knock
> yourself out.
> https://community.jboss.org/wiki/BreakingChangesSuggestions
> Mark
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