[rules-dev] Drools 5.4.0 final - documentation being completed

Wolfgang Laun wolfgang.laun at gmail.com
Tue May 8 05:38:19 EDT 2012

On 08/05/2012, Michael Anstis <michael.anstis at gmail.com> wrote:
> I suspect this week... the final documentation is being completed and then
> the build will commence.

"Expert" section 5.9, Query, is badly in need of a review, as
currently can be seen on

<p>Support for positional syntax ...

(1) It's not clear why a declare + @position is shown here, without
any explanation how this relates to a query.
(2) By default the the declared type  => omit 2nd 'the'

Inheritence of classes is supported, but not interfaces of methods yet. =>
(3) Inheritance
(4) "...but not interfaces of methods yet."  ???

Positional and mixed positional/named type is supported.???

Literal expressions can passed as  => can be passed

Here s an example => Here is

you will not received => not  receive

not an alternative instanceof Variable => instance of

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