[rules-dev] 2 very useful github tips

Edson Tirelli ed.tirelli at gmail.com
Thu May 24 09:54:16 EDT 2012

   Was watching a presentation yesterday from Zack Holman (@holman) and he
presented 2 very useful tricks on github:

* on any page in a repository, press "t" on your keyboard and start typing
the name of a file and it will find the file for you. Same as ctrl+t/ctrl+r
on Eclipse. I use this all the time. Press "?" for a list of all keyboard

* on a diff/commit page, add "?w=1" at the end of the URL to make the diff
ignore whitespaces. Very useful for those commits where people are using a
different code format.


  Edson Tirelli
  JBoss Drools Core Development
  JBoss by Red Hat @ www.jboss.com
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