[rules-dev] [Maven feedback] Uberfire artifacts should start with "uberfire-"

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Mon Nov 19 05:27:14 EST 2012

Hi Alexandre,

Some of your recent pom.xml changes might introduce a new issue.

What changes are an issue?

The uberfire security api has:



Why is that an issue?

  * 1) Hard for users to assert that uberfire's versions are in sync
      o myproject.war // throws NoSuchMethodError in uberfire
          + WEB-INF/lib
              # ...
              # security-api-0.3.jar // wrong version, should be 0.4
              # ...
              # spring-beans-3.0.0.jar
              # spring-core-3.0.0.jar
              # ...
              # uberfire-core-0.4.jar
              # uberfire-vfs-api-0.4.jar
              # ...
  * 2) Clashes/confuses with javax.security:security-api
      o http://search.maven.org/#artifactdetails|javax.security|security-api|1.1-rev-1|jar
      o myproject.war
          + WEB-INF/lib
              # ...
              # security-api-0.4.jar // uberfire
              # security-1.1-rev-1.jar // javax.security

How can you fix it?

Rename it to uberfire-*


Also check the other uberfire poms for the same problem (vfs-api, ...).


Can you take a look at fixing it?
(Let me know if you can't fix it in a timely manner.)

With kind regards,

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