[rules-dev] (Conditional) Named consequences in Drools 5.5

Mark Proctor mproctor at codehaus.org
Fri Sep 7 13:49:23 EDT 2012

While this uses labelled consequences, in the future we will also look at inline anonymous ones - which is more similar to what wolfgang proposed. I see no reason why both can't be used. 

The keyword 'do' was chosen, as it was felt that using 'then' other than from the actual consequence block would be harder to read - when it's used on the LHS.

rule "Give free parking to customers older than 60 and 10% discount to golden ones among them"
    $customer : Customer( age > 60 )
    if ( type == "Golden" ) do[giveDiscount]
    $car : Car ( owner == $customer )
    modify($car) { setFreeParking( true ) };
    modify($customer) { setDiscount( 0.1 ) };

rule "Give free parking to customers older than 60 and 10% discount to golden ones among them"
    $customer : Customer( age > 60 )
    if ( type == "Golden" ) do {
        modify($customer) { setDiscount( 0.1 ) };
    $car : Car ( owner == $customer )
    modify($car) { setFreeParking( true ) };    


On 7 Sep 2012, at 18:45, Mark Proctor <mproctor at codehaus.org> wrote:

> http://blog.athico.com/2012/09/conditional-named-consequences-in.html
> (Conditional) Named consequences in Drools 5.5
> Posted by Mario Fusco
> Until now Drools rules have been always expressed in the form:
> rule "name"
> when
>     LHS (conditional element)
> then
>     RHS (consequence)
> end
> Sometimes this could be somewhat limiting and leads to verbose and difficult to be maintained repetitions like in the following example:
> rule "Give 10% discount to customers older than 60"
> when
>     $customer : Customer( age > 60 )
> then
>     modify($customer) { setDiscount( 0.1 ) };
> end
> rule "Give free parking to customers older than 60"
> when
>     $customer : Customer( age > 60 )
>     $car : Car ( owner == $customer )
> then
>     modify($car) { setFreeParking( true ) };
> end
> It is already possible to partially overcome this problem by making the second rule extending the first one like in:
> rule "Give 10% discount to customers older than 60"
> when
>     $customer : Customer( age > 60 )
> then
>     modify($customer) { setDiscount( 0.1 ) };
> end
> rule "Give free parking to customers older than 60"
>     extends "Give 10% discount to customers older than 60"
> when
>     $car : Car ( owner == $customer )
> then
>     modify($car) { setFreeParking( true ) };
> end
> Anyway, starting from Drools 5.5, it is possible to define more labelled consequences other than the default one in a single rule, so, for example, the 2 former rules can be compacted in only one like it follows:
> rule "Give 10% discount and free parking to customers older than 60"
> when
>     $customer : Customer( age > 60 )
>     do[giveDiscount]
>     $car : Car ( owner == $customer )
> then
>     modify($car) { setFreeParking( true ) };
> then[giveDiscount]
>     modify($customer) { setDiscount( 0.1 ) };
> end
> This last rule has 2 consequences, the usual default one, plus another one named "giveDiscount" that is activated, using the keyword do, as soon as a customer older than 60 is found in the knowledge base, regardless of the fact that he owns a car or not. The activation of a named consequence can be also guarded by an additional condition like in this further example:
> rule "Give free parking to customers older than 60 and 10% discount to golden ones among them"
> when
>     $customer : Customer( age > 60 )
>     if ( type == "Golden" ) do[giveDiscount]
>     $car : Car ( owner == $customer )
> then
>     modify($car) { setFreeParking( true ) };
> then[giveDiscount]
>     modify($customer) { setDiscount( 0.1 ) };
> end
> The condition in the if statement is always evaluated on the pattern immediately preceding it. In the end this last, a bit more complicated, example shows how it is possible to switch over different conditions using a nested if/elsestatement: 
> rule "Give free parking and 10% discount to over 60 Golden customer and 5% to Silver ones"
> when
>     $customer : Customer( age > 60 )
>     if ( type == "Golden" ) do[giveDiscount10]
>     else if ( type == "Silver" ) break[giveDiscount5]
>     $car : Car ( owner == $customer )
> then
>     modify($car) { setFreeParking( true ) };
> then[giveDiscount10]
>     modify($customer) { setDiscount( 0.1 ) };
> then[giveDiscount5]
>     modify($customer) { setDiscount( 0.05 ) };
> end
> Here I wanted to give a 10% discount AND a free parking to Golden customers over 60, but only a 5% discount (without free parking) to the Silver ones. I achieved this result by activating the consequence named "giveDiscount5" using the keyword break instead of do. In fact do just schedules a consequence in the agenda, allowing the remaining part of the LHS to continue of being evaluated as per normal, while break also blocks any further pattern matching evaluation. Note, of course, that the activation of a named consequence not guarded by any condition with break doesn't make sense (and generates a compile time error) since otherwise the LHS part following it would be never reachable.

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