[rules-dev] CR3 cut date

Edson Tirelli ed.tirelli at gmail.com
Thu Aug 22 16:26:32 EDT 2013


   We were requested to do another cut and release Friday, August 30th.
That will be CR3.

   Please work to fix as many bugs as possible, specially blockers (see
below), by Friday EOB.

   Very important, please test your commits and the build to avoid the
problems we had with the CR2 cut.

   FYI, some JIRAs are not mapped into BZs, but the BZs are here:

Issue List:
Blockers - https://url.corp.redhat.com/b173055
Non-Blockers - https://url.corp.redhat.com/7599555

Blockers - https://url.corp.redhat.com/dafc107
Non-Blockers - https://url.corp.redhat.com/98c3a57

    Thank you,

  Edson Tirelli
  Principal Software Engineer
  Red Hat Business Systems and Intelligence Group
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