[rules-dev] Github commit rights cleanup - pull requests going stale

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 08:10:45 EST 2013

> If you want pull-requests to keep coming in, it is very important
> that you monitor and respond to those pull-requests that do come in.
> I see I am not the only one who submitted a pull-request a long time
> ago and still have no feedback or comments on it at all.
+1 but due to the strict deadlines, not all subprojects have been able 
to keep up with incoming pull requests.
There's actually a nice overview of all the open pull requests across 
all projects:

On my end, I try to handle every pull request for drools-planner in a 
reasonable timeframe (<= week unless pto).

Op 15-02-13 08:52, Mattias Nilsson Grip schreef:
> Just a note from one of those who are happy to contribute without
> commit rights...
> If you want pull-requests to keep coming in, it is very important
> that you monitor and respond to those pull-requests that do come in.
> I see I am not the only one who submitted a pull-request a long time
> ago and still have no feedback or comments on it at all. 22 open
> requests on Drools. Many of them are old and have no comments:
> https://github.com/droolsjbpm/drools/pulls
> Best regards,
> Mattias
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Mark Proctor" <mproctor at codehaus.org>
>> To: "Rules Dev List" <rules-dev at lists.jboss.org>
>> Sent: Thursday, 14 February, 2013 4:43:19 PM
>> Subject: Re: [rules-dev] Github commit rights cleanup
>> On 14 Feb 2013, at 14:18, Esteban Aliverti <
>> esteban.aliverti at gmail.com > wrote:
>> Since the time we started using github I've always preferred the
>> pull-request mechanism instead of the direct commit. Having said
>> that, having commit permissions is sometimes helpful and that is why
>> I would like to remain in the commiters list: "just in case".
>> That sounds like a plan, we can always add people back in, if they
>> start committing regularly again.
>> Mark
>> P.S: It's hard to get rid of the old SVN paradigms :).
>> Best Regards,
>> Esteban Aliverti
>> - Blog @ http://ilesteban.wordpress.com
>> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 2:57 PM, Geoffrey De Smet <
>> ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com > wrote:
>> Of course :)
>> Not removing laune and nheron either.
>> Op 14-02-13 14:51, Wolfgang Laun schreef:
>>> If the proposed "remove" wouldn't let me do quick fixes like
>>> today's -
>>> as you proposed - then you might want to let me keep this right, at
>>> your discretion ;-)
>>> -W
>>> On 14/02/2013, Geoffrey De Smet < ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com > wrote:
>>>> Hi guys,
>>>> Stemming from the SVN era, a lot of community contributers still
>>>> have
>>>> full commit rights on the blessed repositories.
>>>> Because GitHub offers the "pull request" paradigm,
>>>> the lack of commit rights are far less intrusive than in SVN.
>>>> Many community contributors seem to prefer contributing changes
>>>> through
>>>> pull request paradigm,
>>>> as it forces a core developer to sign off on the changes.
>>>> Having direct commit rights can even be counter-intuitive:
>>>> for example, if you edit a file directly on github, it doesn't
>>>> create a
>>>> pull request, but applies the changes directly.
>>>> Commits from contributors that come in via pull requests are still
>>>> attributed to the original author
>>>> and count towards the original author's stats, so there are no
>>>> additional disadvantages.
>>>> Following that logic, I propose to *remove the commit rights on
>>>> blessed
>>>> for these contributors* in 72 hours:
>>>> Please note that we appreciate past and future commits. Please
>>>> keep the
>>>> contributions coming! :)
>>>> bauna
>>>> bbrodt
>>>> dennyxu
>>>> dgutierr
>>>> diega
>>>> jcoleman0redhat0com
>>>> jrenaat
>>>> jsvitak
>>>> JuanmaGonzalez
>>>> KurtStam
>>>> laune
>>>> lazarotti
>>>> leogomes
>>>> lucazamador
>>>> michaelneale
>>>> michiBK
>>>> mswiderski
>>>> nheron
>>>> nickboldt
>>>> nmirasch
>>>> pefernan
>>>> RickJWagner
>>>> ryanzhang
>>>> saifulomar
>>>> tkobayas
>>>> trefor
>>>> wmedvede
>>>> yurloc
>>>> If you're on this list and want to keep your commits rights on
>>>> blessed,
>>>> just reply to this mail and I 'll take you off the list. No long
>>>> argumentation needed :)
>>>> *Keep commits rights on the blessed repositories*
>>>> etirelli
>>>> ge0ffrey
>>>> jervisliu
>>>> krisv
>>>> manstis
>>>> mariofusco
>>>> mdproctor
>>>> mrietveld
>>>> porcelli
>>>> pzapata
>>>> Rikkola
>>>> Salaboy
>>>> sotty
>>>> tsurdilo
>>>> *Might keep commits right on the blessed repositories*
>>>> I 'll ask these people what they prefer and do that.
>>>> esteban-aliverti
>>>> triceo
>>>> zenix
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