[rules-dev] Drools Planner repository changes this Tuesday 5-MAR

Geoffrey De Smet ge0ffrey.spam at gmail.com
Wed Mar 6 10:24:55 EST 2013

The package renames and directory renames are done.

As usual, follow the upgrade recipe to upgrade to the latest snapshot.

If you don't want to nuke your drools-planner repo dir, here's a good 
way to avoid that:

cd drools-planner

git status
# If you have untracked files, you 'll have to migrate them manually at 
some point

mvn clean -Dfull
# Deleting the target diretories up front prevents trouble

cd ..
mv drools-planner optaplanner
cd optaplanner

git remote -v
# Look for droolsjbpm/drools-planner.git, called "upstream" or "origin".

# Presuming you've forked and it's called "upstream"
git remote rm upstream
git remote add upstream git at github.com:droolsjbpm/optaplanner.git
# Try the connection without getting all changes
git fetch upstream

# Open the flood gates and let the directory and artifact renames come in
git checkout master
git rebase upstream master

# Presuming you didn't fork and it's called "origin"
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin git at github.com:droolsjbpm/optaplanner.git
# Try the connection without getting all changes
git fetch origin
# Avoid error message "You asked me to pull without telling me which 
branch you want to rebase against"
git checkout master
git branch --set-upstream master origin/master
# Open the flood gates and let the directory and artifact renames come in
git pull --rebase

Op 05-03-13 11:13, Geoffrey De Smet schreef:
> The github url has been renamed.
> I 'll send a mail as soon as the directories and artifactId's have 
> been renamed
> together with instructions how to deal with these changes if you 
> prefer not to nuke your drools-planner dir.
> Op 02-03-13 14:11, Geoffrey De Smet schreef:
>> Typo: this Tuesday 5-MAR (there is no this Tuesday 2-MAR :)
>> Op 01-03-13 21:31, Geoffrey De Smet schreef:
>>> Hi guys,
>>> This Tuesday (2-MAR-2013), a few technical changes will occur due to 
>>> Drools Planner's namechange.
>>> 1) The github URL for Drools Planner will change from
>>> https://github.com/droolsjbpm/drools-planner
>>> to
>>> https://github.com/droolsjbpm/optaplanner
>>> 2) The groupId's and artifactId's will change from
>>>   org.drools.planner:drools-planner-*
>>> to
>>>   org.optaplanner:optaplanner-*
>>> 3) The directory names will change accordingly.
>>> *If you have a clone/fork of the Drools Planner repository with 
>>> changes,**
>>> **it's best to send in any changes in a pull request for master by 
>>> Monday evening**
>>> **if you want to avoid a having to port those changes manually.*
>>> This namechange is the technical preparation for the more public 
>>> announcement we'll make in a few weeks.
>>> To avoid speculation, you can read about the full explanation of the 
>>> rename to OptaPlanner below.
>>> https://github.com/droolsjbpm/optaplanner-website/blob/master/community/DroolsPlannerRenamed.md
>>> With kind regards,
>>> Geoffrey De Smet
>>>   Drools Planner renamed to OptaPlanner
>>> As of version |6.0.0.Beta1|, *Drools Planner has been renamed to 
>>> OptaPlanner*.
>>>     Why change the name?
>>> OptaPlanner is the new name for Drools Planner. OptaPlanner is now 
>>> standalone, but can still be optionally combined with the Drools 
>>> rule engine for a powerful declarative approach to planning 
>>> optimization.
>>>  *
>>>     OptaPlanner has graduated from the Drools
>>>     <http://www.jboss.org/drools> project to become a top-level
>>>     JBoss Community <http://www.jboss.org/> project.
>>>       o OptaPlanner (the planning engine) joins its siblings Drools
>>>         (the rule engine) and jBPM (the workflow engine) in the KIE
>>>         group.
>>>  *
>>>     Our commitment to Drools hasn't changed.
>>>       o The efficient Drools rule engine is still the recommended
>>>         way to do score calculation.
>>>       o Alternative score calculation options, such as pure Java
>>>         calculation (no Drools), also remain fully supported.
>>>     How will this affect your business?
>>> From a business point of view, there's *little or no change*:
>>>  *
>>>     The mission remains unchanged:
>>>       o We're still 100% committed to put /business resource
>>>         optimization/ in the hands of normal Java developers.
>>>  *
>>>     The license remains unchanged (Apache Software License 2.0).
>>>     It's still the same open source license.
>>>  *
>>>     Red Hat is considering support subscriptions offerings for
>>>     OptaPlanner as part of its BRMS
>>>     <http://www.redhat.com/products/jbossenterprisemiddleware/business-rules/>
>>>     and BPM platforms.
>>>       o A /Tech Preview/ of OptaPlanner is targeted for BRMS 6.0.
>>>     What has changed?
>>>  *
>>>     The website has changed to http://www.optaplanner.org
>>>  *
>>>     The distributions artifacts have changed name:
>>>      o
>>>         Jar names changes:
>>>           + |drools-planner-core-*.jar| is now |optaplanner-core-*.jar|
>>>           + |drools-planner-benchmark-*.jar| is now
>>>             |optaplanner-benchmark-*.jar|
>>>      o
>>>         Maven identification groupId's and artifactId's changes:
>>>           + groupId |org.drools.planner| is now |org.optaplanner|
>>>           + artifactId |drools-planner-core| is now |optaplanner-core|
>>>           + artifactId |drools-planner-benchmark| is now
>>>             |optaplanner-benchmark|
>>>      o
>>>         As usual, for more information see the Upgrade Recipe in the
>>>         download zip.
>>>  *
>>>     The API's namespace has changed. As usual, see the Upgrade
>>>     Recipe on how to deal with this efficiently.
>>>       o Starting from 6.1.0.Final, OptaPlanner will have a 100%
>>>         backwards compatible API.
>>>  *
>>>     OptaPlanner gets its own IRC channels on Freenode
>>>     <http://freenode.net/>: |#optaplanner| and |#optaplanner-dev|
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>>> rules-dev at lists.jboss.org
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