[rules-dev] Pull request for remote deploy (GUVNOR-2088)

Joe White Joe.White at recondotech.com
Fri Mar 21 15:31:00 EDT 2014

I have created a pull request that updates the GuvnorM2Repository code to deploy to a remote repository if one is configured in the <distributionManagement> section of a pom in the workbench. If the repository requires authentication the system will fetch the credentials by repository id from the settings.xml file.

I tested this publishing to both a snapshot and a release repository. Both require credentials and both worked (thanks to mfusco).

One question:
Currently it does not publish to the default profile repositories in the settings.xml. Should it? In other words, if the user has a default profile in their settings should Guvnor go ahead and deploy to the configured repository? This would fit with normal maven operation but I don't know if the user would expect the workbench code to be handled differently.

If you guys want Guvnor to publish to the settings.xml repositories automatically let me know and I can make that update as well.

Once the above is decided I'll update the documentation and create a pull request for that as well.



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