[rules-dev] Pull request for remote deploy (GUVNOR-2088)

Joe White Joe.White at recondotech.com
Fri Mar 21 15:58:20 EDT 2014

Thanks Mike.

I will update to deploy to default profile repositories as well and add that to the pull request.


From: rules-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org [mailto:rules-dev-bounces at lists.jboss.org] On Behalf Of Michael Anstis
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 1:48 PM
To: Rules Dev List
Subject: Re: [rules-dev] Pull request for remote deploy (GUVNOR-2088)

Great stuff Joe!

We like to promote that KIE operates "like normal" with regards to Maven. If you've noticed another short fall it'd be great for if you could plug that gap too I'll merge the lot next week.

Other aspects of KIE honour Maven conventions (such as default profiles) and the workbench in this regard should be no different.



Sent on the move
On 21 Mar 2014 19:31, "Joe White" <Joe.White at recondotech.com<mailto:Joe.White at recondotech.com>> wrote:
I have created a pull request that updates the GuvnorM2Repository code to deploy to a remote repository if one is configured in the <distributionManagement> section of a pom in the workbench. If the repository requires authentication the system will fetch the credentials by repository id from the settings.xml file.

I tested this publishing to both a snapshot and a release repository. Both require credentials and both worked (thanks to mfusco).

One question:
Currently it does not publish to the default profile repositories in the settings.xml. Should it? In other words, if the user has a default profile in their settings should Guvnor go ahead and deploy to the configured repository? This would fit with normal maven operation but I don't know if the user would expect the workbench code to be handled differently.

If you guys want Guvnor to publish to the settings.xml repositories automatically let me know and I can make that update as well.

Once the above is decided I'll update the documentation and create a pull request for that as well.



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