[rules-users] Re: Performance Tuning

Yuri ydewit at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 13:21:03 EDT 2007

Mark Proctor <mproctor <at> codehaus.org> writes:
> I assume you are on 3.0, as the properties system should be overhauled. 
> However left beta node indexings should be true, for both 3.0 and 4.0. I 
> can't remember if alpha node hashing is true or false in 3.0, but in 4.0 
> its false as default and then gets turned on when you try to do dynamic 
> rule additions. But in all honest you shouldn't be touching that stuff 
> unless you really know what you are doing. Turning of left beta node 
> indexing only improves performance for rules that are always activated 
> from the root (first) pattern.

Yes, I am using 3.0.6.

Here are the defaults from RuleBaseConfiguration.java:

RuleBaseConfiguration.PROPERTY_INDEX_LEFT_BETA_MEMORY = false
RuleBaseConfiguration.PROPERTY_HASH_OBJECT_TYPE_NODES = true
RuleBaseConfiguration.PROPERTY_HASH_ALPHA_NODES = false

For an application that has hundreds of thousands of facts in memory with few
rules would any of these settings improve the performance of joins?


-- yuri

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