[rules-users] from l18n syntax question

Waruzjan Shahbazian wshahbazian at xiam.nl
Mon Dec 17 11:22:45 EST 2007

Hi all,

I have the following problem:

There is an Product classe which contains localized title with the getter:

public Localized<String> getTitle() {
            return _title;

Localizes is a classe with private final Map<Locale, T> _bindings; and 
has the public getter: public T get(Locale locale) {}

Now I want to check in the LHS of my rule if the title contains some 
substring. I can do that with matches(regular expression), but how can I 
best iterate in the localizede strings of the title?
I am now doing it with the following eval() way, but there must be a 
better solution:

There are 2 languages in Localizes, so I can check that with the public 
int size. There is also a methode get(Locale) to get the String of the 
given local, but how can I use that here?

$prd : Product()
$title : Localized(size == 2) from $prd.getTitle()
eval( matchesLocalTestString($title, "(?i).*SUBSTRING.*") )

function boolean matchesLocalTestString(Localized locString, String 
matchString) {
    String tmpStr = (String) locString.get(LocaleUtils.DUTCH);
    return tmpStr.matches(matchString) ;

The code above works, but I can't get the result of the eval and I don't 
think this is the fastest way. So can anyone please help me with this?


Waruzjan Shahbazian

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