[rules-users] Web Service deploy out of memory

Edgardo edgardoibanez at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 11:37:29 EDT 2007

Hi list,

     I have developed a web service for deploy my rule package, this rule  
package is in the BRMS, the source code of the web service class is:

public class ValidaLlamadaWS {

	RuleAgent agent = RuleAgent.newRuleAgent("/brmsdeployedrules.properties");
	RuleBase ruleBase = agent.getRuleBase();
	StatelessSession session = ruleBase.newStatelessSession();
	public Object[] ValidaLlamada(Integer cantsegundos){
		Validaciones validaciones = new Validaciones();

		return validaciones.getResult();

The BRMS run over JBoss AS 4.2.1.GA and the web service over Apache Tomcat  
5.5 on the same machine, the rule base contain only 2 rules

The problem is that I need to call the web service more than 400.000  
times, and with 1000 times, I obtain the Java Heap Exception.
If I monitoring my machine memory, this only increase between calls. And  
the process that more memory expensive is java.exe (JBoss AS 4.2.1.GA).
The process javaw.exe (Apache Tomcat 5.5)also is expensive, but less than  

The question are:

How I can "dispose" the objects that I use?
Is correct this use for StatelessSession?
You are the experts, any other idea for implement my web service?

PD: sorry for my bad english.


Edgardo Ibañez O.

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