[rules-users] Problem deploying BRMS 4.0.6

Robert Morse rmorse at mdesignz.com
Tue Apr 1 16:04:36 EDT 2008

I'm running JBoss AS 4.2.2.GA and have downloaded and built the drools- 
jbrms.war from the 4.0.6 source distribution under Mac OS X  10.5.2.
When I deploy drools-jbrms.war, I get the following error:

11:52:10,028 WARN  [config] Unable to process deployment descriptor  
for context 'JBoss Rules BRMS'
11:52:10,191 ERROR [[/drools-jbrms]] Exception sending context  
initialized event to listener instance of class org.jboss.web.jsf.integration.config.JBossJSFConfigureListener
java.lang.LinkageError: Class javax/el/ELResolver violates loader  

followed by the rest of the stack trace.

If I download the pre-built drools-jbrms.war (also version 4.0.6) from  
the JBoss website it deploys and works just fine.

I exploded the generated war file and discovered some extra jars not  
in the pre-built version.   They are:


Not sure why these are included, or how the pre-built version is  
actually built.  My steps were:   mvn clean ; mvn install
Any suggestions?

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