[rules-users] Using nested properties on guided editor

Vinicius Carvalho viniciusccarvalho at gmail.com
Tue Aug 19 14:18:13 EDT 2008

Hello there! I'm trying Guvnor 5.0M1  (really nice :)) after reading :

I thought I could use nested objects in my rules. For instance, I have a
technical rule:

        $t: Trabalho( situacao.dscSituacao == "AGUARDANDO APROVAÇÃO" )
        Situacao( dscSituacao == "EM APROVAÇÃO" )

But I can't find a way to bind this using guided editor. I add the fact
Trabalho, bind it to $t variable, but when selecting a restriction to a
field, it ends on situacao, not letting me navigate deeper on the graph. Is
this possible? Do I need a latest version on the SVN in order to use this?

Best Regards

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