[rules-users] How to avoid circular rule activation for non circular problems?

Ralph Ammon ralph.ammon at lisytec.de
Thu Jul 24 09:28:48 EDT 2008

I'd like to get some hints to improve the rules of my simple planning


My simple planning system is derived from the HelloWorld Drools Project. The
job of my planning system is to calculate startTime and endTime as function
of duration and predecessors for each task. Each task has the fields 

long duration;

Set<Task> predesessors;

long startTime;

long endTime;

For each task the rule (endTime = startTime + duration) should hold. If a
task has no predecessors, then its startTime should be 0. If a task has
predecessors, then is should start at the latest endTime of all


These are my DRL-rules:


            rule "Calc EndTime"

                        no-loop true


                                   $t : Task()


                                   $t.setEndTime( $t.getStartTime() +
$t.getDuration() );

                                   System.out.println( "Drools: Set " +
$t.getName() + ".EndTime to " + $t.getEndTime() ); 

                                   update( $t );



            rule "Calc StartTime without predecessors"

                        lock-on-active true


                        $t : Task(predecessorCount == 0)


                                   $t.setStartTime( 0 );

                                   System.out.println( "Drools: " +
$t.toString() + " can start immediately" );

                                   update( $t );



            rule "Calc StartTime with predecessors"


                    $t : Task(predecessorCount > 0, $predecessors :
predecessors )


                    # Checking EndTime > 0 for all predecessors means that
all EndTimes are 

                    # initialy calculated. This is not what we realy want.
Actually we'd like 

                    # to recalculate the successors EndTime, when ever it is


                    forall ( 

                                               $succTask : Task( this == $t

                                                $predTask : Task( this
memberOf $predecessors, endTime > 0 )


                    $endTime : Number()

                                    from accumulate( $p : Task() from

max($p.getEndTime()) )


                                   $t.setStartTime( $endTime.longValue() );

                                   System.out.println( "Drools: " +
$t.toString() + " has new StartTime" );

                                   # !!!! If we did an update($t); here, we
would get an infinite recursion.



My TestClass creates three tasks: task0, task1 and task2. Each task has an
initial duration and (task0, task1) are predecessors of task2. It is
important that this example has no circular dependencies; otherwise the
rules, mentioned above, couldn't be applied.


After fireAllRuels() the endTime of task2 is calculated wrong, so obviously
the rule "Calc EndTime" should be activated. Is the rule-attribute (no-loop
= true) not the right solution to avoid circularity here?


Then the duration of task0 is updated outside of the rule engine. After a
second fireAllRuels() the endTime of task0 is recalculated, but task2 is not
recalculated at all. How can I tell the rule engine, that a task depends on
its predecessors?


I'd appreciate any input that could help me making this example work and if
it works very efficient on a big number of tasks it's brilliant. If anybody
is interested in my TestClass, to run this example with some logging, please
tell me.


Ralph Ammon


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