[rules-users] Handle activationCancelled Event

Claudio Rainoldi claudio.rainoldi at gmail.com
Fri Jul 25 07:04:43 EDT 2008

Hi everyone,
i'm developing a java application using drools 4 for domotic control;
i ve implemented a listener on my working memory with the method
and activationCancelled(...) .
At startup of my app i've write the following lines:

listener = *new* FiredRulesListener();

Each time a rule is fired the method afterActivationFired(...) is called and
it is ok; but when the rule stop to be true the method
activationCancelled  isn't
never called.
I try to be more clear:

i 've the following rule:
when mylamp=="on"
System.out.println("light 1 on");

When i turn on the light 1 the method afterActivationFired(...)  is called,
but when i turn off the light the method activationCancelled isn't called.
Can someboy help me??
Thanks in advance.


My listener code:


public* *static* *class* FiredRulesListener *extends*DefaultAgendaEventListener


List<Rule> firedRules = *new* ArrayList<Rule>();


public* List<Rule> getFiredRules()


return* *this*.firedRules;



public* *void* afterActivationFired(AfterActivationFiredEvent event,
WorkingMemory workingMemory)


Rule rule = event.getActivation().getRule();

if* (!*this*.firedRules.contains(rule))




public* *void* activationCancelled (ActivationCancelledEvent event,
WorkingMemory workingMemory)


*System.out.println("i never see this message");*

Rule *rule*= event.getActivation().getRule();


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