[rules-users] "Not" Non-Existential Quantifier

ringsah at comcast.net ringsah at comcast.net
Thu Jul 31 11:19:23 EDT 2008

How is "not" supposed to work with insertLogical? Assume I have two different rules whose conditions are mutually exclusive, like the following:
rule "Rule One"
not NegativeResult()
insertLogical(new ApplicantStatus("Approved"));
rule "Rule Two"
insertLogical(new ApplicantStatus("Denied"));
Assume that the above two rules are the only way an ApplicantStatus fact can be inserted into working memory. I would expect, after all rules are run, that it would be impossible for there to be one ApplicantStatus with "Approved" as its reason, and another with "Denied" as its reason, in the working memory.
I would expect that, before any NegativeResult is inserted, that rule one could run, and insert an ApplicantStatus fact with an "Approved" reason. Then, after a NegativeResult is inserted, that rule two could run, and insert an ApplicantStatus fact with a "Denied" reason. At this point I would expect that the original ApplicantStatus fact, with an "Approved" reason, would be retracted, since the conditions under which it was inserted are no longer true.
This is not what I am observing, however. I am finding ApplicantStatus facts with both reasons in working memory at the end of the rules run. Should "not" work as I expect with regard to inserting a fact via insertLogical()? Or is this a known limitation, or simply the way it is designed to work?
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