[rules-users] different behavior in Eclipse vs. command line

Charles Binford Charles.Binford at Sun.COM
Tue Oct 7 14:51:33 EDT 2008

This is related to yesterday's post titled "trouble dynamically changing 
packages of a rulebase". 

I decided to try and reduce the problem down as much as possible so I 
started with "Hello World" program automatically created with Eclipse 
when you create a new Drools Project.

I modified the program to do the following additional work:

   1. unload the pkg
   2. add a second pkg to the same rulebase
          * (new rule set is same, except is uses the string "So long"
            instead of "Goodbye")
   3. - create new session
   4. - add new facts to the new session
          *   (this time I use the word "Welcome" instead of "Hello")
   5. - fireall rules

When I run within Eclipse, I get:

    Hello World
    Goodbye cruel world
    Goodbye cruel world
    Welcome World
    So long cruel world

Notice that the Goodbye line comes out twice.  The second time is 
printed when I single step (in the eclipse debugger) over the line
    ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );

in step 2 above.

When I run from the command line I don't get the extra line ("javadr" is 
just a one line shell script that has all of the drools classpath stuff 

    javadr com/sample/DroolsTest
    Hello World
    Goodbye cruel world
    Welcome World
    So long cruel world

I don't know of this is related to my real issue (see yesterday's post) 
or not.  The similarity is that BOTH BEHAVE DIFFERENTLY when run under 
Eclipse vs. command line.

Here is the portion of the src that shows what I added/modified....

          // Now try second set of rules
            readRule2("/Sample2.drl", "com.sample");
            workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
            message.setMessage(  "Welcome World" );
            message.setStatus( Message.HELLO );
            workingMemory.insert( message );

private static RuleBase readRule2(String file, String remPkgName) throws 
Exception {
        //read in the source
        Reader source = new InputStreamReader( 
DroolsTest.class.getResourceAsStream( file ) );
        PackageBuilder builder = new PackageBuilder();
        builder.addPackageFromDrl( source );
        Package pkg = builder.getPackage();

        if (remPkgName != null) {
        ruleBase.addPackage( pkg );
        return ruleBase;

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