[rules-users] What is inference and how does it facilitate good rule design and maintenance

Wolfgang Laun wolfgang.laun at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 02:01:15 EST 2009

2009/11/10 Mark Proctor <mproctor at codehaus.org>:
> Wolfgang Laun wrote:
> It is, however, very desirable to be able to write LHS in a more
> structured way, not being forced to either repeat CEs or create
> additional facts establishing secondary properties (such as isAdult).
>    <result-type> property <name>( <fact-type> <name> ){ <expression> }
> and use this in LHS the way we are used to
> What you just described there is prolog "like" in nature, we have some ideas
> around that. My BRF talk last week showed some ideas on how we can integrate
> POSL. The are upsides and downsides to fact inferrence and query based
> inferrence - hopefully we can provide both worlds :)
> Mark

What I'd really like to have does not extend current LHS semantics and
shouldn't have any impact on rete and inference mechanisms. The "property"
I'm thinking of is a pure CE expression abstraction, without side
effects etc. If
necessary, it could be implemented by textual expansion. Possibly it might
favour compilation into rete but I've never looked into this topic.


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