[rules-users] Trouble running 4.07 examples

Charles Binford Charles.Binford at Sun.COM
Tue Nov 17 18:02:24 EST 2009

A co-worker is trying to come up to speed on drools 4.07 so I was trying
to get him setup to go through the examples.  The default HelloWorld
program created by the Drools Project wizard works fine, but all of the
examples from the download page show errors.  Here is his config:

Platform is Windows Vista 64-bit. Java JRE 1.6 and JDK installed.

Installed Eclipse Europa 3.3.2.
Installed GEF plugin for matching version through the Eclipse
Install/update method.
Installed Drools 4.0.7 plugin through the Eclipse Install/update method.

Created a new Drools Hello world project.  That built and ran correctly.

Created a new Drools project and imported the drools-4.0.7-examples. 
This resulted in no compile errors for any of the .java files.  However,
there are many, many errors for the .drl files and obviously I can't run
any of the examples.

It seems every 3rd line or so of his drl files are marked with a error
by eclipse - almost like eclipse thinks they should be following java
syntax.  These are not errors from packagebuild, they are eclipse marked
errors.  Here is a sample from the "problems" list.

Severity and Description    Path    Resource    Location    Creation
Time    Id
#1 Once a specific cell has a ResolvedCellValue, remove all the other
PossibleCellValues for the same cell:Unable to resolve ObjectType
sudokuSolver.drl    line 27    1258498499245    50766

Severity and Description    Path    Resource    Location    Creation
Time    Id
#11 If there are two fields with only two possible values in the same
zone, remove the PossibleValues for the same Value in the rest of the
zone:Unable to resolve ObjectType 'PossibleCellValue'   
sudokuSolver.drl    line 141    1258498499245    50804

Severity and Description    Path    Resource    Location    Creation
Time    Id
$account cannot be resolved   
Example6.drl    line 3    1258498498840    50717

Thanks for any help
Charles Binford

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