[rules-users] Event Wait Nodo in a ruleflow

Jeremy Ary jary at franklinamerican.com
Wed Sep 23 09:05:37 EDT 2009

Hi Kevin, 

Is your Person() function within in the constraint returning a boolean result? If not, then that could be the issue. From the documentation on Drools Flow: 

"Code constraints are boolean expressions, evaluated directly whenever they are reached. We currently support two dialects for expressing these code constraints: Java and MVEL. Both Java and MVEL code constraints have direct access to the globals and variables defined in the process." 

You can find it here under section 3.5 if you'd like to read more: 

Jeremy Ary 
Jr Software Developer , IT 

501 Corporate Centre Drive 
Franklin, TN 37067 
Toll Free: 800.295.1020 
Direct: 615.778.2441 
email: jary at franklinamerican.com 
web: www.franklinamerican.com 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kevin Alonso" <kalonso at vicomtech.org> 
To: "Rules Users List" <rules-users at lists.jboss.org> 
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 3:47:17 AM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central 
Subject: [rules-users] Event Wait Nodo in a ruleflow 

I´m working with a simple flow that has a Event Wait node. This node 
has the following condition: 
- Person() 

Being Person a class that is not inserted into the session yet. 

When the flow arrives to the event wait node its execution stops and the 
test main class execution continues. Here I insert a Person object to 
the session, so now, the flow can continue. After wait node I have a 
Split node, which has the followings constraints: 

- Person() 

- not Person() 

The flow always take the not Person() way. But now a Person instance is 
into the session. 

Why is happening this? 

Could anyone help me? 

Thank you, 
rules-users mailing list 
rules-users at lists.jboss.org 
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