[rules-users] Variables in human tasks

Renato Herebia renato.herebia at dextra-sw.com
Mon Sep 28 16:56:07 EDT 2009

Hi all!

I'm developing a flow to controll what each actor must do in my system using
human tasks for that.
After verify pending tasks for an actor, I have to verify what is the
persistent object related to this flow.
The idea to resolve this situation is to attribute the persistent object id
to a flow variable before start
the process and then attribute the flow variable to task variable/parameter.
Thus, when I have the list
of pending tasks for an actor, I can get the id of persistent object and
restore this object.

In this scenario, my doubt is: how to get the task variable/parameter?


Renato Herebia
Dextra Sistemas - MPS.Br Nível F!
+55 19 3256-6722 Ramal 27

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