[rules-users] qualified identifiers in constraints: not commutative?

Michael Whidden mwhidden at thebluew.com
Thu Dec 30 14:32:30 EST 2010

I notice an unexpected behavior when creating a technical DRL in Guvnor.

If I have a fact with a sub-fact, then binary operators don't seem to be 


declare Broker
     maxQ: Integer

declare Order
     q: Integer
     b: Broker

The rule
     $o:Order($o.b.maxQ < $o.q)
validates fine, but
     $o:Order($o.q > $o.b.maxQ)
returns an error "Unable to create restriction 
'[QualifiedIndentifierRestr: > $o.broker.maxQ ]' for field '$o.q' in the 

I'm new, so I want to make sure I'm not missing something obvious here...
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