[rules-users] Error with loading Rule files

Mahalakshmi mr2809 at nyu.edu
Sun Jun 13 18:25:20 EDT 2010

Hi guys,

I am converting a .brl file to a .drl file for loading to my rule base.
using following code:

File file = *new* File(rulesFiles);

            String brl = *null*;


                  BRXMLPersistence read = (BRXMLPersistence)

                  BRDRLPersistence write = (BRDRLPersistence)

                  brl = FileUtils.*readFileToString*(file);

                System.*out*.println("File content: " + brl);

                String outputDRL = write.marshal(read.unmarshal(brl));

                String drlFilePath = "drlFile.drl";

                File drlFile = *new* File(drlFilePath);

                FileUtils.*writeStringToFile*(drlFile, outputDRL);



            }*catch* (IOException e) {



I have downloaded org.apache.commons.io package from
http://commons.apache.org/io/download_io.cgi site.

It does not contain .jar file for org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils. But
contains .java file for the same.

I add it to my classpath and add import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils to
my import statements.

But  I get this error:

xception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:

      FileUtils cannot be resolved

      at com.org.RuleRunner.loadRuleFile(*RuleRunner.java:70*)//

      at com.org.RuleRunner.loadRules(*RuleRunner.java:45*)

      at com.org.RuleRunner.runStatelessRules(*RuleRunner.java:102*)

      at com.org.RulesTest.main(*RulesTest.java:40*)
Could some one please tell me if there is an alternative way for
converting/loading .brl files (business guided rule) to my knowledge base ?
Or point me towards the correct download for

Please help me out. Thank you.
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