[rules-users] Automatic updating of Guvnor Rules appears to be not working.

Stephen Mcgruer s0840449 at sms.ed.ac.uk
Thu Jun 24 04:33:39 EDT 2010

Hi there. I'm trying to get automatic update of rules working in my  
project, and seem to
have run into a problem. As far as I can tell, automatic polling and  
updating is turned
on, and claims to update the knowledgebase, but changes to the rules  
don't seem to have
any effect. A simple example - if I add the rule:

rule "TestRule"
         dialect "mvel"
                 System.out.println("Hello, world!");

And start my application, I get:

Firing all rules...
Hello, world!
All rules fired.

As expected. If I then change the rule as follows:

rule "TestRule"
         dialect "mvel"
                 System.out.println("I have changed!");

I get this output (timestamps trimmed for readability):

ResourceChangeScanner attempt to scan 1 resources
ResourceChangeScanner modified resource=[UrlResource
1277371031000 : 1277371254000
ResourceChangeNotification received ChangeSet notification
ResourceChangeScanner thread is waiting for 60
ResourceChangeNotification processing ChangeSet
ResourceChangeNotification ChangeSet modified resource=[UrlResource
for listener=org.drools.agent.impl.KnowledgeAgentImpl at e2d0b2
KnowledgeAgent received ChangeSet changed notification
ResourceChangeNotification thread is waiting for queue update
KnowledgAgent applying ChangeSet
KnowledgeAgent ChangeSet requires KnowledgeBuilderKnowledgeAgent  
rebuilding KnowledgeBase
using ChangeSet
KnowledgeAgent building resource=[UrlResource
KnowledgeAgent adding KnowledgeDefinitionsPackage ERMIE
KnowledgeAgent new KnowledgeBase now built and in use

So, this makes it seem like everything has worked. However, if I  
insert a new fact and
fire all rules...

Inserting new fact...
Hello, World!

So, it hasn't worked. What might I have done wrong?


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