[rules-users] What's wrong with this rule
kevin223 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 1 23:20:11 EDT 2010
I get the following errors:
Rule Compilation error : [Rule name='no B for 2 minutes']
com/sample/Rule_no_B_for_2_minutes_0.java (7:571) : Main cannot be resolved
Rule Compilation error : [Rule name='B arrives']
com/sample/Rule_B_arrives_0.java (7:632) : Main cannot be resolved
It seems that 'Main.getClock()' can't be resolved.
Besides, is it possible not to retract EventB when it arrives? Those events
might be checked against other rules.
Out of interest in the last, what are other possible techniques?
Best Regards,
Kevin Zhao
2010/11/1 Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun at gmail.com>
> Absence of events can only be detected by checking the past.
> This means that a trigger must be inserted whenever it's time
> to check the last two minutes. This check cannot be done in
> a uniform way for all players because the arrival of an EventB
> is the start of another 2 minute interval. The solution is based
> on a ticker which inserts the trigger (Checker) whenever 120
> seconds have gone by. (There are also other techniques to do this.)
> declare EventB
> @role( event )
> end
> declare Checker
> @role( event )
> end
> rule "ticker 120"
> no-loop true
> timer(int:0s 1s)
> when
> $p: Player( $index: index, $ticks: ticks )
> then
> if( $ticks == 120 ){
> modify( $p ){ setTicks( 1 ) }
> insert( new Checker( $index ) );
> } else {
> modify( $p ){ setTicks( $ticks + 1 ) }
> }
> end
> rule "no B for 2 minutes"
> when
> $c : Checker( $index: index )
> not EventB( index == $index, this before[0s,2m] $c )
> then
> System.out.println( "at " + Main.getClock() + ": no B:" + $index + " in
> last 2 minutes" );
> retract( $c );
> end
> rule "B arrives"
> when
> $p : Player( $index: index )
> $b : EventB( index == $index )
> then
> System.out.println( "at " + Main.getClock() + ": B:" + $index + ",
> reset ticks" );
> modify( $p ){ setTicks( 0 ) }
> retract( $b );
> end
> 2010/10/31 赵侃侃 <kevin223 at gmail.com>
> this.session = createSession();
>> SessionPseudoClock clock = session.getSessionClock();
>> session.insert( new Player( 1 ) );
>> session.insert( new Player( 2 ) );
>> clock.advanceTime( 3*60, TimeUnit.SECONDS );
>> session.insert(new EventB(1));
>> session.fireAllRules();
>> clock.advanceTime( 3*60, TimeUnit.SECONDS );
>> session.fireAllRules();
>> session.dispose();
>> The above code gives the following output:
>> no B:2 in last 2 minutes
>> no B:1 in last 2 minutes
>> what I expect is:
>> no B:2 in last 2 minutes
>> no B:2 in last 2 minutes
>> no B:1 in last 2 minutes
>> Any ideas?
>> Best Regards,
>> Kevin Zhao
>> 2010/10/29 Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun at gmail.com>
>>> System.out.println( "Test no B" );
>>> session = kBase.newStatefulKnowledgeSession( config, null );
>>> clock = session.getSessionClock();
>>> session.insert( new Player( 1 ) );
>>> clock.advanceTime( 3*60, TimeUnit.SECONDS );
>>> session.fireAllRules();
>>> session.dispose();
>>> The rule fires with this test, (kBase in STREAM mode).
>>> -W
>>> 2010/10/29 赵侃侃 <kevin223 at gmail.com>
>>> The "no B:x for 2 minutes" will not fire if nothing comes in even after
>>>> 2minutes. e.g. if no characters get killed then no events will come in.
>>>> If I add a timer to this rule, say like timer (2m 1s), then the rule
>>>> will fire every second after 2 minutes.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Kevin
>>>> 2010/10/29 Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun at gmail.com>
>>>>> OK; your original version somehow put me off the right track.
>>>>> This rule will fire as soon as there is no B:n according to the
>>>>> Player index for 2 minutes.
>>>>> rule "no B:x for 2 minutes"
>>>>> when
>>>>> $b : Player( $index: index )
>>>>> not ( EventB( index == $index) over window:time( 2m ) )
>>>>> then
>>>>> System.out.println( "no B:" + $index + " in last 2 minutes" );
>>>>> end
>>>>> This would fire whenever there's no B at all for 2 minutes:
>>>>> rule "no B for 2 minutes"
>>>>> when
>>>>> not ( EventB() over window:time( 2m ) )
>>>>> then
>>>>> System.out.println( "no B:" + $index + " in last 2 minutes" );
>>>>> end
>>>>> 2010/10/28 赵侃侃 <kevin223 at gmail.com>
>>>>>> My last mail should actually read:
>>>>>> A player may have multiple characters and the rule should fire when *
>>>>>> ALL* of its characters live longer than 2 minutes. that's why
>>>>>> "characters" do not have a unique identification and there isn't any event
>>>>>> representing a character birth.
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>> Kevin Zhao
>>>>>> 在 2010年10月28日 下午9:50,赵侃侃 <kevin223 at gmail.com>写道:
>>>>>> A player may have multiple characters and the rule should fire when
>>>>>>> any of its characters live longer than 2 minutes. that's why "characters"
>>>>>>> do not have a unique identification and there isn't any event representing
>>>>>>> a character birth.
>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>> Kevin Zhao
>>>>>>> 2010/10/28 Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> If EventB( index == 3 ) signifies that the "character" owned by
>>>>>>>> player 3 has been killed: what is the event that this character has been
>>>>>>>> born? Life is the time between birth and death; these two are well-defined
>>>>>>>> (well, mostly) events, and they ought to be represented by clean-cut events
>>>>>>>> in any application. Then it's no problem to write rules firing when a
>>>>>>>> "character" lives longer or shorter than any time. Also, "characters" may
>>>>>>>> have to have a unique identification beyond their player-owner.
>>>>>>>> If you are constantly shifting your specs, we won't be getting any
>>>>>>>> closer to a solution, though.
>>>>>>>> -W
>>>>>>>> 2010/10/28 赵侃侃 <kevin223 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> To be honest, I don't quite understand the rules you wrote. Let me
>>>>>>>>> explain this a little bit with a real world scenario.
>>>>>>>>> Assume this is an on-line game that EventB indicates a 'kill' event
>>>>>>>>> that a player is losing its character who might be killed by some other
>>>>>>>>> player.
>>>>>>>>> The property index points to the player who owns this character.
>>>>>>>>> What I'm looking for here is to find out when a player's character survives
>>>>>>>>> in 2 minutes. The number of players in a game is at least 2 but can be up to
>>>>>>>>> any number.
>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>> Kevin Zhao
>>>>>>>>> 2010/10/28 Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> 2010/10/28 赵侃侃 <kevin223 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Wolfgang,
>>>>>>>>>>> Index is just like the index in an array. the value can be any
>>>>>>>>>>> from 0 to the array length.
>>>>>>>>>>> for the previous example, the length is 1 so index can be either
>>>>>>>>>>> 0 or 1. but in the real case, the length can be an arbitrary number.
>>>>>>>>>>> another question, there are 2 rules here, do both of them have to
>>>>>>>>>>> be applied?
>>>>>>>>>> One creates and inserts the PatternConsumer which blocks repeated
>>>>>>>>>> usage of the pair of EventB facts that have been successfully paired.
>>>>>>>>>> Otherwise a sequence EventB:0, EventB:1, EventB:2 would fire 2 times.
>>>>>>>>>> If the positive condition is more complex, e.g., you need *all*
>>>>>>>>>> index values 0,...,L-1 within 2m, then other conditions will be required
>>>>>>>>>> (and that's what I meant with "more precisesly"). If any pair a,b from
>>>>>>>>>> [0..L-1] will do, then the modified version (!=) should be OK.
>>>>>>>>>> -W
>>>>>>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Zhao
>>>>>>>>>>> 2010/10/28 Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> Kindly state your requirements precisely.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps
>>>>>>>>>>>> not ( EventB ( index != $index,... )
>>>>>>>>>>>> is what you need.
>>>>>>>>>>>> -W
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2010/10/28 赵侃侃 <kevin223 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>> I haven't tested this rule, but what about the case that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> property index would have arbitrary number of possible values?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2010/10/27 Wolfgang Laun <wolfgang.laun at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Omitting the Entry Points:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rule "B-0-1-not OK"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $b : EventB( $index: index )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not ( PatternConsumer( id == "B01", events contains $b ) )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not ( EventB( index == (1 - $index), this after[0s,2m] $b )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> System.out.println( "B:" + $index + ", but no B:" +
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (1-$index) );
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rule "B-0-1"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $b1 : EventB( $index: index )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $b2 : EventB( index == (1 - $index), this after[0s,2m] $b1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> insert( new PatternConsumer( "B01", $b1, $b2 ) );
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> System.out.println( "B:" + $index + "+B:" + (1-$index) );
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -W
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2010/10/27 赵侃侃 <kevin223 at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > With the help from the community I managed to get my first
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rule working, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > I'm trying to write my second rule on my own but it just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't seem to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > work correctly.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Here is the scenario, what I want is to identify a pattern
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that there's no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > EventB coming in within 2 minutes with a particular index
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> value.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > For example, EventB would have a property named index and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> assume the value
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > of index would be either 0 or 1.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Before firing the rules, I would manually insert facts of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possibleIndex with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > value 0 and 1 into the workingMemory.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Within 2 minutes, if there only comes one EventB with index
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> valued 0 then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > the system should report no EventB coming in with index
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> value 1 in last 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > minutes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Vice versa, in the case of only coming one EventB with index
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> valued 1 then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > the system should report no EventB coming in with index
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> value 0 in last 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > minutes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > If within 2 minutes, there comes 2 EventB with both value 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and 1 then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > nothing should report.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Here is what I wrote, but it doesn't seem to work correctly.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > I used a timer to fire this rule every 10 seconds because I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't think the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > rule would run automatically if I don't add that. (not too
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sure though)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > rule "no B in 2 minutes"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > timer (0 10s)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > possibleIndex( $index : index ) from entry-point "Event
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stream"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > $p : PatternConsumer ( name == 'no B' && index == $index )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > not ( EventB( index == $index && this after[0ms,2m] $p) over
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> window:time(2m)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > from entry-point "Event stream" )
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > then
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > PatternConsumer pc = new PatternConsumer( "no B", $index );
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > insert(pc);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > System.out.println("no B in 2 minutes " + $index);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > end
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > Kevin Zhao
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