[rules-users] compiling performance dropped with 5.0.1 to 5.1.1 upgrade

Justin Case send_lotsa_spam_here at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 17 07:45:07 EST 2010

Hi all,

my set of rules (100 files, 20 rules/file) was taking 30 seconds to compile 
until yesterday. Now I upgraded DRools to 5.1.1 and it takes about 2 minutes to 
compile. I'm on Windows XP and cannot notice any memory or CPU bottlenecks.

I'm using an Ant task to do it, and the timing is exactly the same whether I'm 
using the DRools Ant compiler task, or I define a compiler task of my own. I can 
see in my own compiler task that this particular line is spending a few seconds 
per DRL file:

        builder.add( res, ResourceType.DRL );

so the effective compilation is the culprit right? I tried also to merge all the 
DRL files and compile them all-at-once but this didn't change anything.

Do you have any idea what might have changed between 5.0 and 5.1 or what I could 
do to have it like before? Or even faster, of course :)

Thanks a lot,


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