[rules-users] Misunderstanding salience?

Peter Ashford petera at bestpractice.org.nz
Tue Mar 8 19:30:31 EST 2011

Hi There


I'm new to drools.  I've just set up the Drools-Server and it is (finally!) working and serving my test rule-set.  The one thing that's not working as I expect it is the rule ordering via salience.  This is my simple test rule set:


rule "General brain eating advice"


              p : Patient(eatsBrains == true)          


              p.setAdvice("Stop eating brains, or at least, try to cut down");     



rule "Zombie exception to brain eating advice" 

       salience -50


              p : Patient(eatsBrains == true, isZombie == true)


              p.setAdvice("Evidence suggests that the undead cannot contract Kuru or that the effects are irellevant given the " +

                              "patient's current zombified state.\nSuggest euthenasing patient lest he/she eat your (or someone " +

                              "else's) brains");             




The idea is that the first rule fires all the time unless the patient happens to be a zombie, in which case the exception rule (the second rule) kicks in.  Now, as I have it here, with the exception at salience at -50 it actually works, which is the opposite of what I was expecting.  I'd thought that I would have had to have the exception at a higher salience to fire first.  That was what I tried first but that didn't work - everyone got the general advice, zombies included.


What am I misunderstanding here?







"It is very difficult to get a man to understand something when his tribal identity depends on his not understanding it" - Michael Bérubé on Republican climate change denial.


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