[rules-users] Strange intermittent problem with Drools Flow

Dan Nathanson dan at ddnconsulting.com
Thu Mar 31 15:32:12 EDT 2011


I'm seeing some odd behavior in some of my test cases.  And it only
seems to happen to one guy. And he's done fresh checkouts of the code,
blown away his local M2 repository and verified installed software
like OS and Java is same as everyone else's.

I have some test cases that build up some simple flows programatically
using fluent API.  Very simple (start --> work item --> work item -->
state --> end).  I am using Drools Flow 5.1.1 with JPA (in-memory H2
DB for unit tests).  Intermittently, after completing a work item, the
flow doesn't continue.  Logging in a process event listener shows that
the the work item node is never left, although I can see in the logs
that the work item is deleted from DB.

There are no errors, warning or info level messages coming out of
Drools or Hibernate prior to the failure.

It only happens to one guy, but he can reproduce the problem
regularly, although it moves around in different test cases and
different points in the flows.

Anyone ever seen this behavior before?  Any possible explanations?

I'd attach the log file, but it is huge since I've got hibernate
logging set very verbose.


Dan Nathanson

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