[rules-users] Data Modeling for medical expert system

Dirk Conzelmann info at dirk-conzelmann.de
Wed Nov 9 05:16:50 EST 2011

 Hi Bruno,

 On Tue, 08 Nov 2011 18:46:45 +0100, Bruno Freudensprung wrote:
> Hi Dirk,
> Good to see that I am not the only one fighting with that question 
> :-).
> I guess the general answer is: it depends on how large your "enums"
> might grow.
> For instance if your application is eventually supposed to help
> diagnosing (say) all MeSH diseases based on all MeSH symptoms, then 
> an
> approach where every symptom and disease is a Java class is not an
> option; this would lead to so many classes that I doubt Drools user
> interface will handle that, or will be useful anyway (drop-down lists
> with thousands of items).
 Yes, Exactly!

> The opposite approach consists in creating a few "root" Java classes
> like (say) Disease and Symptom and to store the MeSH hierarchy into a
> "name" attribute.
> The obvious drawback of the approach is that when your end-users will
> have to write the rules, they will be left with problems like:
> when
>      Symptom(name == "well... what's the name of this MeSH 
> category??")
> then
>      Disease(name == "hmmm... can't remember the exact name of the
> disease as normalized in MeSH...")
> end

 hehe yes, yes :)

> I've posted a message on this topic (subject: Thoughts about rule
> authoring) and Michael Anstis kindly suggested a technical answer. I 
> am
> afraid it did not fit my needs, but it could fit yours :-).
 Ok, i'll search for that later.

> For the moment I have no solution (like an intermediate approach) to 
> my
> problem: I am stuck with approach #2.
> I have the impression that my problem requires a very tight 
> integration
> between my database (MeSH) and the Drools suggestion engine.
> If you have another approach, I would love to know it ;-).
 Yes, i'll let you know. btw. i received a pretty interesting message 
 from 'davide'
 a few moments ago.


 Maybe this will help you too :)

> Best regards,
> Bruno.
> Le 08/11/2011 17:43, Dirk Conzelmann a écrit :
>>   Hi everybody,
>>   I am using Drools as a part of my Bachelor Thesis.
>>   My job is to build an expert system for medical diagnoses.
>>   My Question:
>>   Is there a best practice known in modeling a variable
>>   list of questions and answers in Drools?
>>   Up to now I modeled the list of questions implementing
>>   Java Classes and Enums for each question/answer pair.
>>   But to be able to change those options easyly I need
>>   a higher abstraction level than simple Java Classes and Enums.
>>   Could someone show me an example how to implement this?
>>   I hope I have explained my question understandable :)
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 Dirk Conzelmann


   Telefon: +49.179.2237995
   Email:   info at dirk-conzelmann.de
   Web:     www.dirk-conzelmann.de

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