[rules-users] How to use contains with a function

Hezi Stern hezis at delegatecom.com
Wed Nov 23 10:51:09 EST 2011

Hi all,


I encountered the following issue:


As an example TaskConectxt() holds a list of time related objects called

I would like to write a rule which ideally would filter the TaskContext
according  to a specific time object.

The problematic restriction is that this time object is derived using a
helper function (imported), in this case called getTimeByID which received
as input an enum ID of a time and returns the desired time object.


Ideally the rule would like something like this: 


rule "verify time"



            $tc:                    TaskContext(times contains





unfortunately this does not work. 

Is there any way to call a function with a param?

Is there a better alternative method than this one?





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