[rules-users] rule limit

Ansgar Konermann ansgar.konermann at googlemail.com
Wed Oct 5 18:29:20 EDT 2011

Hi Slyfox,

nice to read you.

Am 05.10.2011 23:49, schrieb slyfox:
> is this something I missed in the doc
As you are talking about "the doc", it seems you have a particular part
of the solution already in mind (the product/tool you'd like to use to
enforce the size limit). Up to now, you did not describe these ideas
anywhere. If you really expect anyone to help you, please let us know
your actual use case and what you have thought up so far.

It is simply not possible to find a "quality" answer in reasonable time
without this knowledge -- finding the "correct" answer would involve a
lot of guessing what you *really* want to know and then answering the
guessed question(s).

When asking a very broad question like "can it be done", the best you
can expect to get is a very broad answer ("Yes, it can be done" in this

>  or would you mind pointing me in the
> direction of how to accomplish this?
If you give more details on what you're trying to *achieve*, I promise
to give it a try.

If not, oh well, ehm, let me put it like this: as you're certainly
storing the file on some media like a hard disk which cannot be
unlimited in capacity, the file it holds is also implicitly "limited" in
the number of rules in that file.

Of course, this is absolutely not the answer you were looking for, but
hey, how can one know better with that little information you gave first

It's all good, and I'd really like to help you, but please please please
allow me and the fellow list members to get a clue what problem you're
actually trying to solve. Describe what you're trying to build, how the
problem you're experiencing surfaced, maybe what you already tried to
solve it, how you think a rule number limit could solve your problem,
these sorts of things.

Best regards


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