[rules-users] Accumulate function

Vincent LEGENDRE vincent.legendre at eurodecision.com
Tue May 22 08:33:41 EDT 2012

You can't use $obs before you bind it (2nd pattern) 
The binding done for accumulate pattern must be used in some accumulate fonction in order to be seen outside . 

Instead of trying to fix your rule, may be you can describe (with simple phrases) what you are trying to do ? 

----- Mail original -----

De: "Matteo Cusmai" <cusmaimatteo at gmail.com> 
À: "Rules Users List" <rules-users at lists.jboss.org> 
Envoyé: Mardi 22 Mai 2012 12:33:16 
Objet: [rules-users] Accumulate function 

Hi all, 
i am going to use a custom accumulate function like that: 

rule "CrowdInAreaEvent-event" 
$RFIDReader : SensorFixed(type == Sensor.SENSOR_TYPE_RFID, $coverageArea : areaOfInterest ) 
not CrowdInAreaEvent( sensor == $RFIDReader, this meets[ 5s ] $obs ) 
$count : Integer( intValue > 10 ) 
from accumulate( $obs : RFIDObservation( $tagid : tagid, sensor == $RFIDReader ) 
over window:time( 60s ) from entry-point lowLevelSensorStream, countDistinct( $tagid ) ); 
insert( SituationManager.createCrowdInAreaEvent( "Crowd, number people: " + $count, Event.THREAT_LOW, $coverageArea, $RFIDReader, $count, 60, 10 ) ); 

I need to refer $obs object in order to compare timing of new observation with last event. Is it possible to do that? 

Thanks a lot, 

rules-users mailing list 
rules-users at lists.jboss.org 

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