[rules-users] Drool 6.0.0.Final, 2 question re kie-maven-plugin, please?

Matteo Mortari matteo.mortari at gmail.com
Thu Dec 5 11:35:04 EST 2013

Ciao, with premise I'm not a Maven expert...

I'm following now the new recommended version for 6.0 KIE project/module
development as documented in [1] by generating a new maven archetype
"quickstart" but if compared to the documentation I found, at least in my
case, I had at a minimum to apply also the following in the pom.xml:
A. the packaging must be changed to "kjar"
B. if the project and the rules depend on an external library/maven
artifact, say for instance the object model or domain model objects the
rules will be based on, it is NOT enough to declare them in the
pom.xml <dependencies>, but the exact same dependencies MUST ALSO be also
declared within the kie-maven-plugin <plugin> <dependencies> as well.

Failing to do so, would imply that, respectively:
A. when you run Maven with the default "mvn package" or "mvn deploy" etc,
the kie-maven-plugin would not trigger
B. kie-maven-plugin will fail the build because unable to resolve the
"external" classes referenced in the .drl, with a message similar to
[ERROR] Message [id=3, level=ERROR, path=package.drl, line=3, column=0
text=Unable to find class 'classname']

Questions are:
1. Is this correct, or I'm just complicating my life without noticing, and
it is existing a simpler way, please?
2. Especially point #B, is this really the intended behavior, having to
replicate the dependencies in the two parts of the pom.xml ?

Thanks if somebody can feedback on this,

I'm making reference to:

For reference, here is an example pom.xml I'm using:

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="
http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"  xsi:schemaLocation="


  <!-- point #A, must set to kjar -->

  <!-- ... -->

 <!-- maven artifact containing the object model or domain model objects
the rules will be based on -->




<!-- point #B, the dependency must be repeated in here as well -->


<!-- The following is added to avoid Eclipse ERROR at the pom.xml line
defining the kie-maven-plugin, by explicitly telling Eclipse to avoid run
the plugin on Eclipse-build, leaving it trigger only when running Maven, eg
"mvn package" or "mvn deploy", etc etc , see
http://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E_plugin_execution_not_covered -->
 <ignore />
  <!-- ... -->

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