[savara-commits] savara SVN: r428 - in trunk/docs/gettingstartedguide/src/main/en-US: module and 1 other directory.

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Fri Oct 1 06:02:07 EDT 2010

Author: objectiser
Date: 2010-10-01 06:02:06 -0400 (Fri, 01 Oct 2010)
New Revision: 428

Added validation aspects to the Testable Architecture Project section.

Added: trunk/docs/gettingstartedguide/src/main/en-US/images/ExpectedToFail.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/docs/gettingstartedguide/src/main/en-US/images/ExpectedToFail.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Modified: trunk/docs/gettingstartedguide/src/main/en-US/module/tap.xml
--- trunk/docs/gettingstartedguide/src/main/en-US/module/tap.xml	2010-09-30 19:57:46 UTC (rev 427)
+++ trunk/docs/gettingstartedguide/src/main/en-US/module/tap.xml	2010-10-01 10:02:06 UTC (rev 428)
@@ -4,34 +4,37 @@
 <chapter id="tap">
 	<title>Testable Architecture Project</title>   
-    <para>
-    The previous sections have discussed the various phases of the software development
-    lifecycle, and the artifacts that can be created. They have also outlined some
-    validation performed between the scenarios and choreography, when a specific link
-    has been established from the scenario.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-    However the aim of the "Testable Architecture" methodology is to provide validation
-    between all artifacts, to ensure that artifacts defined at any particular phase
-    can be shown to be valid against the artifacts in preceding phases. 
-    </para>
-    <para>
-    Therefore the concept of a "Testable Architecture Project" or TAP has been introduced.
-    This is essentially a file that records information about the artifacts defined in
-    each phase of the software development lifecycle, and the relationships between them.
-    This file can then be validated to ensure that each artifact, and its dependencies,
-    are valid in respect of each other.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-    For example, the <filename>purchasing</filename> example contains a TAP file with
-    the following contents:
-    </para>
-    <informalexample>
-	 	<programlisting role="XML" ><![CDATA[
+    <section>
+    	<title>Managing Dependencies</title>
+	    <para>
+	    The previous sections have discussed the various phases of the software development
+	    lifecycle, and the artifacts that can be created. They have also outlined some
+	    validation performed between the scenarios and choreography, when a specific link
+	    has been established from the scenario.
+	    </para>
+	    <para>
+	    However the aim of the "Testable Architecture" methodology is to provide validation
+	    between all artifacts, to ensure that artifacts defined at any particular phase
+	    can be shown to be valid against the artifacts in preceding phases. 
+	    </para>
+	    <para>
+	    Therefore the concept of a "Testable Architecture Project" or TAP has been introduced.
+	    This is essentially a file that records information about the artifacts defined in
+	    each phase of the software development lifecycle, and the relationships between them.
+	    This file can then be validated to ensure that each artifact, and its dependencies,
+	    are valid in respect of each other.
+	    </para>
+	    <para>
+	    For example, the <filename>purchasing</filename> example contains a TAP file with
+	    the following contents:
+	    </para>
+	    <informalexample>
+		 	<programlisting role="XML" ><![CDATA[
 <project xmlns="http://www.savara.org/ta/project" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
 			xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.savara.org/ta/project tap.xsd"
 			name="Purchasing" version="1.0.0">
@@ -78,74 +81,149 @@
-	 	]]></programlisting>
-	</informalexample>
-    <para>
-    The top level element is <emphasis>project</emphasis>, with the <emphasis>name</emphasis>
-    and <emphasis>version</emphasis> attributes to define the details of the Testable Architecture
-    Project.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-    The project then contains <emphasis>phase</emphasis> elements, one for each stage of the
-    software development lifecycle we are interested in. These elements are only used to
-    segment the artifacts into the different phases, which can be useful for tasks such as
-    project management or documentation generation.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-    The phase element contains <emphasis>resource</emphasis> elements, one per artifact. A
-    resource represents an artifact that is of interest in the Testable Architecture Project.
-    </para>
-    <para>
-    The resource element contains one or more of the following elements:
-    </para>
-    <orderedlist>
-    	<listitem>
-    	uri
-    	<para>
-    	This element is used to define the location of a resource. A URI element is required for
-    	each environent in which the resource may be accessed, for example, within Eclipse and
-    	within an SOA Repository.
-    	</para>
-    	<para>
-    	The <emphasis>type</emphasis> attribute defines the type of locator, which will usually
-    	map onto the environment in which the resource exists. So in this case we are only
-    	defining URI elements associated with the Eclipse environment.
-    	</para>
-    	<para>
-    	The <emphasis>context</emphasis> attribute defines the local information that can be used
-    	in the particular environment, to determine where the resource is contained. For example,
-    	if the environment is Eclipse, the context would be the project name.
-    	</para>
-    	<para>
-    	The <emphasis>locator</emphasis> attribute is used to specify the specific location of
-    	the resource, within the particular specified context, in the environment type. For example,
-    	if the environment was Eclipse, then the locator would be the relative path of the resource
-    	within the project identified in the context attribute.
-    	</para>
-    	</listitem>
-    	<listitem>
-    	relationship
-    	<para>
-    	This element establishes a relationship from the containing resource, to another resource
-    	identifed by the <emphasis>ref</emphasis> attribute.
-    	</para>
-    	<para>
-    	The relationship element can optionally have additional information associated with it,
-    	to help clarify the nature of the relationship between the two resources.
-    	</para>
-    	<para>
-    	For example, in the TAP file illustrated above, the two BPEL resources (in the implementation
-    	phase) have a relationship to the choreography file - however the relationship needs to be
-    	more specific. We need to indicate what <emphasis>role</emphasis> within that choreography
-    	the BPEL processes are associated with. The <emphasis>link</emphasis> element enables
-    	the <emphasis>type</emphasis> to be defined, and a value to be specified in the
-    	<emphasis>to</emphasis> attribute.
-    	</para>
-    	</listitem>
-    </orderedlist>
+		 	]]></programlisting>
+		</informalexample>
+	    <para>
+	    The top level element is <emphasis>project</emphasis>, with the <emphasis>name</emphasis>
+	    and <emphasis>version</emphasis> attributes to define the details of the Testable Architecture
+	    Project.
+	    </para>
+	    <para>
+	    The project then contains <emphasis>phase</emphasis> elements, one for each stage of the
+	    software development lifecycle we are interested in. These elements are only used to
+	    segment the artifacts into the different phases, which can be useful for tasks such as
+	    project management or documentation generation.
+	    </para>
+	    <para>
+	    The phase element contains <emphasis>resource</emphasis> elements, one per artifact. A
+	    resource represents an artifact that is of interest in the Testable Architecture Project.
+	    </para>
+	    <para>
+	    The resource element contains one or more of the following elements:
+	    </para>
+	    <orderedlist>
+	    	<listitem>
+	    	uri
+	    	<para>
+	    	This element is used to define the location of a resource. A URI element is required for
+	    	each environent in which the resource may be accessed, for example, within Eclipse and
+	    	within an SOA Repository.
+	    	</para>
+	    	<para>
+	    	The <emphasis>type</emphasis> attribute defines the type of locator, which will usually
+	    	map onto the environment in which the resource exists. So in this case we are only
+	    	defining URI elements associated with the Eclipse environment.
+	    	</para>
+	    	<para>
+	    	The <emphasis>context</emphasis> attribute defines the local information that can be used
+	    	in the particular environment, to determine where the resource is contained. For example,
+	    	if the environment is Eclipse, the context would be the project name.
+	    	</para>
+	    	<para>
+	    	The <emphasis>locator</emphasis> attribute is used to specify the specific location of
+	    	the resource, within the particular specified context, in the environment type. For example,
+	    	if the environment was Eclipse, then the locator would be the relative path of the resource
+	    	within the project identified in the context attribute.
+	    	</para>
+	    	</listitem>
+	    	<listitem>
+	    	relationship
+	    	<para>
+	    	This element establishes a relationship from the containing resource, to another resource
+	    	identifed by the <emphasis>ref</emphasis> attribute.
+	    	</para>
+	    	<para>
+	    	The relationship element can optionally have additional information associated with it,
+	    	to help clarify the nature of the relationship between the two resources.
+	    	</para>
+	    	<para>
+	    	For example, in the TAP file illustrated above, the two BPEL resources (in the implementation
+	    	phase) have a relationship to the choreography file - however the relationship needs to be
+	    	more specific. We need to indicate what <emphasis>role</emphasis> within that choreography
+	    	the BPEL processes are associated with. The <emphasis>link</emphasis> element enables
+	    	the <emphasis>type</emphasis> to be defined, and a value to be specified in the
+	    	<emphasis>to</emphasis> attribute.
+	    	</para>
+	    	</listitem>
+	    </orderedlist>
+	</section>
+	<section>
+		<title>Validating a Testable Architecture Project</title>
+	    <para>
+	    To trigger validation of a Testable Architecture Project (TAP), select the <filename>.tap</filename>
+	    file and choose the <emphasis>Savara->Validate</emphasis> menu item. If any errors or warnings are
+	    detected, they will be recorded as errors in the Problems or Markers view (depending on which
+	    perspective is being used).
+	    </para>
+	    <para>
+	    If you invoke the validation on the TAP file within the <emphasis>purchasing</emphasis> project,
+	    you will find that it will create an error associated with the choreography file, indicating
+	    that it does not meet the scenario "InvalidPurchase.scn". This is because this scenario has
+	    specifically been created to demonstrate how an error is reported.
+	    </para>
+	    <para>
+	    If the scenario is simulated against the choreography, using the green <emphasis>play</emphasis> button on the
+	    toolbar, then it will be possible to see specifically where the scenario is not met by the
+	    choreography.
+	    </para>
+		<imageobject>
+			<imagedata fileref="en-US/images/InvalidPurchasePostTest.jpg" align="center" width="5in" />
+		</imageobject>
+	    <para>
+	    In this case, it is because the CreditAgency has returned a credit check failed message, but the 
+	    Store is still attempting to return a buy confirmed message.
+	    </para>
+	    <para>
+	    Its possible that this scenario is valid, and therefore the choreography needs to be updated
+	    to cater for this scenario. However in this case, we may just be wanting to represent a
+	    <emphasis>negative</emphasis> use case, and therefore deliberately describe a situation we
+	    do not want the choreography to handle. Therefore we need to configure the scenario to
+	    indicate that the failure is expected. 
+	    </para>
+	    <imageobject>
+			<imagedata fileref="en-US/images/ExpectedToFail.png" align="center" width="5in" />
+		</imageobject>
+	    <para>
+	    Simply select the 'send' node for the final interaction between the Store and Buyer, and
+	    set the 'Expected to Fail' property to true. This will cause a red boundary to be displayed
+	    around the node, indicating that it is expected to fail. Now when the scenario is simulated
+	    or validated, if that node does not fail, that will be reported as an error. However if the
+	    node does fail as expected, that will be treated as a valid case.
+	    </para>
+	    <para>
+	    If the validation of the TAP file is performed again, the error associated with the
+	    <filename>InvalidPurchase.scn</filename> should no disappear.
+	    </para>
+	    <para>
+	    To experiment with other types of validation that are performed, open the <filename>PurchaseGoods.cdm</filename>
+	    and go to the <emphasis>Base Types</emphasis> tab. Then open up the node for
+	    <emphasis>Information Types</emphasis> and select the <emphasis>CreditCheckOk</emphasis>
+	    entry. In the <emphasis>Properties</emphasis> view, change the <emphasis>element</emphasis>
+	    attribute, e.g. appending an 'X' to the "ca:CreditCheckOk" value.
+	    </para>
+	    <para>
+	    When the choreography has been saved, re-perform the validation on the TAP file. This
+	    should now display 'Type Mismatch' errors against the previously generated BPEL
+	    processes, and also flag errors associated with the scenarios.
+	    </para>
+    </section>

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