[seam-commits] Seam SVN: r10446 - in trunk/examples: trunk and 35 other directories.

seam-commits at lists.jboss.org seam-commits at lists.jboss.org
Sun Apr 19 04:29:27 EDT 2009

Author: shane.bryzak at jboss.com
Date: 2009-04-19 04:29:26 -0400 (Sun, 19 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 10446

moved examples to trunk dir

Deleted: trunk/examples/build.xml
--- trunk/examples/build.xml	2009-04-19 08:11:23 UTC (rev 10445)
+++ trunk/examples/build.xml	2009-04-19 08:29:26 UTC (rev 10446)
@@ -1,1183 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!-- ###################### SEAM EXAMPLES BUILD FILE ###################### -->
-  This build file is used for all the Seam examples.  Each example has a 
-  build.xml which is used to specify per project settings, and override targets
-  and filesets as necessary.
-  USING SEAM sections you can see what jars are required (for use on JBoss AS)
-  for Seam, and if you want to use the integration with other projects
-<project name="SeamExample" default="example-info" basedir="." xmlns:artifact="urn:maven-artifact-ant">
-	<tstamp />
-	<!-- Location of Seam -->
-	<dirname property="seam.dir" file="${ant.file.SeamExample}/../" />
-	<!-- Build resources -->
-	<import file="${seam.dir}/build/common.build.xml" />
-	<!-- ###################### PROPERTY DEFINITIONS ###################### -->
-    <!-- Settings -->
-    <property name="loadPersistenceUnits" value="true"/>
-	<!-- Source directories -->
-	<property name="src.java.dir" value="src" />
-	<property name="src.test.dir" value="src" />
-	<property name="view.dir" value="view" />
-	<property name="resources.dir" value="resources" />
-	<property name="validate.resources.dir" value="${resources.dir}" />
-	<property name="example.ds" value="${example.name}-ds.xml" />
-	<property name="example.service" value="${example.name}-service.xml" />
-	<!-- Deployment directories -->
-	<property name="deploy.dir" value="${jboss.home}/server/default/deploy" />
-	<property name="tomcat.deploy.dir" value="${tomcat.home}/webapps" />
-	<property name="farm.deploy.dir" value="${jboss.home}/server/all/farm" />
-	<property name="conf.dir" value="${jboss.home}/server/default/conf" />
-	<!-- Library directories -->
-	<property name="lib.dir" value="${seam.dir}/lib" />
-	<property name="mail.dir" value="${seam.dir}/mail" />
-	<property name="meldware.dir" value="${lib.dir}/meldware.deployable" />
-	<!-- Target directories -->
-	<property name="dist.dir" value="dist" />
-	<property name="exploded-archives.dir" value="exploded-archives" />
-	<property name="ear.dir" value="${exploded-archives.dir}/${example.name}.ear" />
-	<property name="jar.dir" value="${exploded-archives.dir}/${example.name}.jar" />
-	<property name="war.dir" value="${exploded-archives.dir}/${example.name}.war" />
-	<property name="ear.deploy.dir" value="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}.ear" />
-	<property name="jar.deploy.dir" value="${ear.deploy.dir}/${example.name}.jar" />
-	<property name="war.deploy.dir" value="${ear.deploy.dir}/${example.name}.war" />
-	<!-- Testing -->
-	<property name="test.dir" value="test-build" />
-	<property name="coverage.dir" value="${seam.dir}/build/coverage" />
-	<property name="test-report.dir" value="${seam.dir}/test-output" />
-	<property name="eejb.conf.dir" value="${seam.dir}/bootstrap" />
-	<property name="src.schema.dir" value="${seam.dir}/src/main/org/jboss/seam" />
-	<property name="schema.version" value="${version}" />
-	<property name="testng.jar" value="${seam.dir}/lib/testng-5.6-jdk15.jar" />
-	<property name="testng.jvmargs" value="-Dfoo" />
-	<property name="javac.debug" value="true" />
-	<property name="javac.deprecation" value="false" />
-	<!-- ################## PLACEHOLDERS FOR OVERRIDING ################### -->
-	<!-- 
-	   This allows build files which import this one to easily add extra 
-	   resources to the the build 
-	-->
-	<!-- Added to the build classpath -->
-	<path id="build.classpath.extras" />
-	<!-- Added to the test classpath -->
-	<path id="test.classpath.extras" />
-	<!-- Added to the ejb root on build-->
-	<fileset id="jar.extras" dir=".">
-		<exclude name="**/*" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Added to the war root on build -->
-	<fileset id="war.extras" dir=".">
-		<exclude name="**/*" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Added to the WEB-INF/lib on build -->
-	<fileset id="war.lib.extras" dir=".">
-		<exclude name="**/*" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Added to the ear root on build -->
-	<fileset id="ear.extras" dir=".">
-		<exclude name="**/*" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Added to the ear lib directory on build -->
-	<fileset id="ear.lib.extras" dir=".">
-		<exclude name="**/*" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Added to the tomcat war root on build -->
-	<fileset id="tomcat.war.extras" dir=".">
-		<exclude name="**/*" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Added to the tomcat jar root on build -->
-	<fileset id="tomcat.jar.extras" dir=".">
-		<exclude name="**/*" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Added to the non-ejb war lib on build -->
-	<fileset id="noejb.war.lib.extras" dir=".">
-		<exclude name="**/*" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Added to the non-ejb jar root on build -->
-	<fileset id="noejb.jar.extras" dir=".">
-		<exclude name="**/*" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Added to the non-ejb war root on build -->
-	<fileset id="noejb.war.extras" dir=".">
-		<exclude name="**/*" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Extra stuff to delete on clean -->
-	<fileset id="clean.extras" dir=".">
-		<exclude name="**/*"/>
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- ############## SEAM JARS AND REQUIRED DEPENDENCIES ############### -->
-	<!-- 
-	  Seam is made up of a number of jars.  They are specified here, with
-	  dependencies for each one
-	-->
-	<!-- Seam core, with required dependencies -->
-	<fileset id="seam.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jboss-seam.jar" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Seam ui, with required dependencies -->
-	<fileset id="seam.ui.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jboss-seam-ui.jar" if="seam.ui.lib" />
-		<include name="commons-beanutils.jar" if="seam.ui.lib" unless="richfaces.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- tomcat needs in messages example jstl.jar -->
-	<fileset dir="${lib.dir}" id="tomcat-standard-tag.jar">
-	    <include name="jstl.jar" if="tomcat.standard.tag"/>
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Seam  pdf, with required dependencies -->
-	<fileset id="seam.pdf.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jboss-seam-pdf.jar" if="seam.pdf.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Seam  pdf, with required dependencies -->
-	<fileset id="seam.pdf.extra.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="itext.jar" if="seam.pdf.lib" />
-		<include name="itext-rtf.jar" if="seam.pdf.lib" />
-		<include name="jfreechart.jar" if="seam.pdf.lib" />
-		<include name="jcommon.jar" if="seam.pdf.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Seam  excel, with required dependencies -->
-	<fileset id="seam.excel.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jboss-seam-excel.jar" if="seam.excel.lib" />
-		<include name="jxl.jar" if="seam.excel.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- openid required dependencies -->
-	<fileset id="openid.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="openid4java.jar" if="openid.lib" />
-		<include name="openxri-client.jar" if="openid.lib" />
-		<include name="openxri-syntax.jar" if="openid.lib" />
-		<include name="htmlparser.jar" if="openid.lib" />
-		<include name="commons-codec.jar" if="openid.lib" />
-		<include name="commons-httpclient.jar" if="openid.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Seam rss, and dependencies -->
-	<fileset id="seam.rss.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jboss-seam-rss.jar" if="seam.rss.lib" />
-		<include name="yarfraw.jar" if="seam.rss.lib" />
-		<include name="commons-lang.jar" if="seam.rss.lib" />
-		<include name="commons-collections.jar" if="seam.rss.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Seam debug, with required dependencies -->
-	<fileset id="seam.debug.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jboss-seam-debug.jar" if="seam.debug.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Seam ioc, with required dependencies -->
-	<fileset id="seam.ioc.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jboss-seam-ioc.jar" if="seam.ioc.war.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Seam mail, with required dependencies -->
-	<fileset id="seam.mail.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jboss-seam-mail.jar" if="seam.mail.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Seam remoting, with required dependencies -->
-	<fileset id="seam.remoting.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jboss-seam-remoting.jar" if="seam.remoting.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Seam Wicket integration, with required dependencies -->
-	<fileset id="seam.wicket.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jboss-seam-wicket.jar" if="seam.wicket.lib" />
-		<include name="wicket.jar" if="seam.wicket.lib" />
-		<include name="wicket-ioc.jar" if="seam.wicket.lib" />
-		<include name="slf4j-api.jar" if="seam.wicket.lib" />
-		<include name="slf4j-log4j12.jar" if="seam.wicket.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Seam RESTEasy integration, with required dependencies -->
-	<fileset id="seam.resteasy.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jboss-seam-resteasy.jar" if="seam.resteasy.lib" />
-		<include name="jaxrs-api.jar" if="seam.resteasy.lib" />
-		<include name="resteasy-jaxrs.jar" if="seam.resteasy.lib" />
-		<include name="resteasy-jaxb-provider.jar" if="seam.resteasy.lib" />
-		<include name="slf4j-api.jar" if="seam.resteasy.lib" />
-		<include name="slf4j-log4j12.jar" if="seam.resteasy.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-    <!-- Seam IoC Guice, with required dependencies -->
-    <fileset id="seam.ioc-guice.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-        <include name="jboss-seam-ioc.jar" if="seam.ioc-guice.lib" />
-        <include name="guice.jar" if="seam.ioc-guice.lib" />
-    </fileset>
-	<!-- jboss-el -->
-	<fileset id="jboss-el.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jboss-el.jar" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with JSF - only needed if the server
-	     doesn't come with JSF! -->
-	<fileset id="jsf.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jsf-api.jar" />
-		<include name="jsf-impl.jar" />
-		<include name="jstl.jar" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- ############## OPTIONAL DEPENDENCIES FOR USING SEAM ############## -->
-	<!--
-	  Seam provides tight integration with a number of libratries and 
-	  frameworks.  There are examples for these, and the dependencies
-	  for each are specified here 
-	-->
-	<!-- Dependencies for seam-remoting used with GWT -->
-	<fileset id="gwt.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="gwt-servlet.jar" if="gwt.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for seam used with the Quartz dispatcher -->
-	<fileset id="quartz.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="quartz.jar" if="quartz.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for seam-ioc used with Spring -->
-	<fileset id="spring.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="spring.jar" if="spring.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Optional UI jars -->
-	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with facelets -->
-	<fileset id="facelets.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jsf-facelets.jar" if="facelets.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with Richfaces -->
-	<fileset id="richfaces-api.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="richfaces-api.jar" if="richfaces.lib" />
-		<include name="commons-beanutils.jar" if="richfaces.lib" />
-		<include name="commons-digester.jar" if="richfaces.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<fileset id="richfaces-impl.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="richfaces-impl.jar" if="richfaces.lib" />
-		<include name="richfaces-ui.jar" if="richfaces.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with JBPM -->
-	<fileset id="jbpm.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jbpm-jpdl.jar" if="jbpm.lib" />
-	</fileset>	
-	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with JBPM on Tomcat-->
-	<fileset id="tomcat.jbpm.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="bsh.jar" if="jbpm.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with JBoss Cache (s:cache) -->
-	<fileset id="cache.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jboss-cache.jar" if="cache.lib" />
-		<include name="jboss-aop.jar" if="cache.lib" />
-		<include name="jgroups.jar" if="cache.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with Hibernate Search -->
-	<fileset id="search.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="lucene-core.jar" if="search.lib" />
-		<include name="hibernate-search.jar" if="search.lib" />
-		<include name="hibernate-commons-annotations.jar" if="search.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with Drools -->
-	<fileset id="drools.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="antlr-runtime.jar" if="drools.lib" />
-		<include name="core.jar" if="drools.lib" />
-		<include name="janino.jar" if="drools.lib" />
-		<include name="mvel14.jar" if="drools.lib" />
-		<include name="drools-core.jar" if="drools.lib" />
-		<include name="drools-compiler.jar" if="drools.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for using Spring with Cglib -->
-	<fileset id="cglib.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="asm.jar" if="cglib.lib"/>
-		<include name="cglib.jar" if="cglib.lib"/>
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with JCaptcha -->
-	<fileset id="jcaptcha.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jcaptcha-all*.jar" if="jcaptcha.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with URLRewrite -->
-	<fileset id="urlrewrite.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="urlrewrite*.jar" if="urlrewrite.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for using with antlr (if not shipped with server) -->
-	<fileset id="antlr.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="antlr-*.jar" if="antlr.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for using with antlr (if not shipped with server) -->
-	<fileset id="groovy.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="groovy-all.jar" if="groovy.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for including dbunit.jar in ear (if classloader requires it) -->
-	<fileset id="dbunit.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="dbunit.jar" if="dbunit.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for including jboss-embedded-api.jar in ear (if classloader requires it) -->
-	<fileset id="jboss-embedded-api.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jboss-embedded-api.jar" if="jboss-embedded-api.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for wicket -->
-	<fileset id="wicket-extensions.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="wicket-extensions.jar" if="wicket-extensions.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<fileset id="wicket-datetime.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="wicket-datetime.jar" if="wicket-datetime.lib" />
-		<include name="joda-time.jar" if="wicket-datetime.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for Trinidad -->
-	<fileset id="trinidad-api.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="trinidad-api.jar" if="trinidad.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<fileset id="trinidad-impl.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="trinidad-impl.jar" if="trinidad.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies for Metawidget -->
-	<fileset id="metawidget.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="metawidget.jar" if="metawidget-war.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<fileset id="metawidget-frontend.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="metawidget-frontend.jar" if="metawidget-ear.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<fileset id="metawidget-backend.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="metawidget-backend.jar" if="metawidget-ear.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Dependencies if el-ri is needed -->
-	<fileset id="el-ri.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="el-ri.jar" if="el-ri.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<fileset id="jboss-common-core.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
-		<include name="jboss-common-core.jar" if="jboss-common-core.lib" />
-	    <include name="concurrent.jar" if="jboss-common-core.lib" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- ############################ MELDWARE ############################ -->
-	<!--
-	  Meldware from buni.org provides a java based mail server which Seam uses
-	  to demonstrate it's mail capabilities.  It's unlike other dependencies as
-	  it is deployed as a number of standalone wars, rars and ears.
-	-->
-	<!-- Meldware configuration -->
-	<patternset id="meldware.conf.files">
-		<exclude name="**/*" unless="deploy.meldware.mail" />
-		<include name="meldware.store" if="deploy.meldware.mail" />
-	</patternset>
-	<!-- Just the mail portion of meldware -->
-	<patternset id="meldware.files">
-		<exclude name="**/*" unless="deploy.meldware.mail" />
-		<include name="_mail.ear" if="deploy.meldware.mail" />
-		<include name="meldwarebase.sar" if="deploy.meldware.mail" />
-	</patternset>
-	<!-- ############### RESOURCES FOR EXAMPLES ################ -->
-	<!--
-	  A number of configuration files are needed for Seam, and it's 
-	  dependencies.  The examples place all their configuration files in the
-	  resources directory.  They aren't split along packaging lines (as this
-	  varies depending on what platform you deploy to), but rather by location.
-	  Here, therefore, we split them into the ejb, the war and the ear. 
-	  Some resource are also placed in the deploy and conf directory of JBoss
-	  AS.
-	-->
-	<!-- View files -->
-	<fileset id="war.view" dir="${view.dir}">
-		<include name="**/*" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- resources to go in the war -->
-	<fileset id="war.resources" dir="${resources.dir}">
-		<include name="WEB-INF/*.xml" />
-		<include name="WEB-INF/*.sql" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- resources to go in the jar  -->
-	<fileset id="jar.resources" dir="${resources.dir}">
-		<include name="import.sql" />
-		<include name="seam.properties" />
-		<include name="seam.quartz.properties" />
-		<include name="*.drl" />
-		<include name="META-INF/persistence.xml" />
-		<include name="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml" />
-		<include name="META-INF/orm.xml" />
-		<include name="META-INF/components.xml" />
-		<include name="META-INF/jboss.xml" />
-		<include name="META-INF/security-config.xml" />
-		<include name="META-INF/security-rules.drl" />
-		<include name="META-INF/standard-jaxws-endpoint-config.xml" />
-		<include name="*.jpdl.xml" />
-		<exclude name=".gpd*" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- resources to go in the jar for tomcat  -->
-	<fileset id="tomcat.jar.resources" dir="${resources.dir}">
-		<include name="${example.ds}" />
-		<include name="treecache.xml" />
-		<include name="*.jpdl.xml" />
-		<include name="jbpm.cfg.xml" />
-		<include name="hibernate.cfg.xml" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- resources to go in the jar for jbosswar  -->
-	<fileset id="noejb.jar.resources" dir="${resources.dir}">
-		<include name="${example.ds}" />
-		<include name="treecache.xml" />
-		<include name="*.jpdl.xml" />
-		<include name="jbpm.cfg.xml" />
-		<include name="hibernate.cfg.xml" />
-		<include name="*.drl" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Resources to go in the ear -->
-	<fileset id="ear.resources" dir="${resources.dir}">
-		<include name="META-INF/application.xml" />
-		<include name="META-INF/jboss-app.xml" />
-		<include name="META-INF/jboss-structure.xml" />
-		<include name="META-INF/*-service.xml" />
-		<include name="META-INF/*-xmbean.xml" />
-		<include name="treecache.xml" />
-		<include name="*.jpdl.xml" />
-		<exclude name=".gpd.*" />
-		<include name="*.cfg.xml" />
-		<include name="*.xsd" />		
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- Property resources (e.g. themes, i8ln) get put on the classpath -->
-	<fileset id="war.classes.resources" dir="${resources.dir}">
-		<exclude name="seam.properties" />
-		<exclude name="components.properties" />
-		<include name="*.properties" />
-	</fileset>
-	<!-- files for Seam Component jars -->
-	<patternset id="components-jar.files">
-		<include name="**/*.class" />
-		<include name="**/*.component.xml" />
-		<include name="**/components.xml" />
-	</patternset>
-	<!-- files to use as test resources, by default everything -->
-	<patternset id="test.resources.files">
-		<include name="**/*" />
-	</patternset>
-	<!-- files from the view/ directory to copy to the test environment, by default *.xml -->
-	<patternset id="test.view.files">
-		<include name="**/*.page.xml" />
-	</patternset>
-	<patternset id="test.src.files">
-		<include name="**/*.xml" />
-	</patternset>
-	<!-- Build classpath -->
-	<path id="build.classpath">
-		<fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
-			<include name="*.jar" />
-			<include name="jboss-seam-wicket.jar" />
-			<exclude name="jboss-seam-debug.jar" />
-			<exclude name="jboss-seam-ui.jar" />
-			<exclude name="jboss-seam-mail.jar" />
-			<exclude name="jboss-seam-pdf.jar" />
-			<exclude name="jboss-seam-excel.jar" />
-			<exclude name="jboss-seam-rss.jar" />
-		</fileset>
-		<path refid="build.classpath.extras" />
-	</path>
-	<path id="test.classpath">			
-		<path path="${test.dir}" />
-		<fileset dir="${lib.dir}/test">
-			<include name="*.jar" />
-		</fileset>
-		<fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
-			<!-- Don't include seam-ui or interop modules -->
-			<exclude name="jboss-seam-ui.jar" />
-			<exclude name="jboss-seam-wicket.jar" />
-			<exclude name="interop/**/*" />
-			<exclude name="gen/**/*" />
-			<exclude name="src/**/*" />
-		</fileset>
-		<path path="${eejb.conf.dir}" />
-		<path refid="test.classpath.extras" />
-		<path refid="build.classpath.extras" />
-	    <path location="${seam.dir}/src/test/resources/log4j.xml" />
-	</path>
-	<!-- ##################### BUILD TARGETS (COMMON) ##################### -->
-	<!-- 
-	  The build targets which are used for all builds
-	-->
-	<!-- Initialize the build -->
-	<target name="init" depends="copyseam,copyseamdependencies,initpoms,copyextradependencies">
-		<echo message="Building ${Name} ${version}" />
-		<mkdir dir="${jar.dir}" />
-		<mkdir dir="${ear.dir}" />
-		<mkdir dir="${war.dir}" />
-		<mkdir dir="${dist.dir}" />
-	</target>
-	<target name="copyextradependencies" depends="gettrinidad, getmetawidget, getelri"/>
-   <target name="getmetawidget" depends="getmetawidget-war,getmetawidget-ear"/>
-   <target name="getmetawidget-war" if="metawidget-war.lib">
-		<copyInlineDependencies id="metawidget" scope="runtime" todir="${lib.dir}">
-			<dependency groupId="org.metawidget" artifactId="metawidget" version="0.7"/>
-		</copyInlineDependencies>
-   </target>
-   <target name="getmetawidget-ear" if="metawidget-ear.lib">
-		<copyInlineDependencies id="metawidget" scope="runtime" todir="${lib.dir}">
-			<dependency groupId="org.metawidget" artifactId="metawidget-frontend" version="0.7"/>
-			<dependency groupId="org.metawidget" artifactId="metawidget-backend" version="0.7"/>
-		</copyInlineDependencies>
-   </target>
-	<target name="gettrinidad" if="trinidad.lib">
-		<copyInlineDependencies id="trinidad" scope="runtime" todir="${lib.dir}">
-			<dependency groupId="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad" artifactId="trinidad-api" version="1.2.5">
-		    	<exclusion groupId="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad" artifactId="trinidad-build" />
-			    <exclusion groupId="javax.servlet" artifactId="servlet-api" />
-			    <exclusion groupId="javax.servlet.jsp" artifactId="jsp-api"/>
-			    <exclusion groupId="javax.faces" artifactId="jsf-api"/>
-			</dependency>
-			<dependency groupId="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad" artifactId="trinidad-impl" version="1.2.5">
-			    <exclusion groupId="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad" artifactId="trinidad-build" />
-			    <exclusion groupId="javax.servlet" artifactId="servlet-api" />
-			    <exclusion groupId="javax.servlet.jsp" artifactId="jsp-api"/>
-				<exclusion groupId="portlet-api" artifactId="portlet-api"/>
-			    <exclusion groupId="jstl" artifactId="jstl"/>
-				<exclusion groupId="commons-beanutils" artifactId="commons-beanutils"/>
-				<exclusion groupId="javax.faces" artifactId="jsf-api"/>
-				<exclusion groupId="com.sun.facelets" artifactId="jsf-facelets"/>
-			</dependency>
-		</copyInlineDependencies>
-	</target>
-	<target name="getelri" if="el-ri.lib">
-		<copyInlineDependencies id="elri" scope="runtime" todir="${lib.dir}">
-			<dependency groupId="javax.el" artifactId="el-ri" version="1.2" />
-		</copyInlineDependencies>
-	</target>	
-	<!-- Use the Eclipse compiler, if it is available -->
-	<target name="select-compiler">
-		<available classname="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter" property="build.compiler" value="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter" />
-	</target>
-	<!-- Compile the source code, directly into the jar -->
-	<target name="compile" depends="init, select-compiler">
-		<javac classpathref="build.classpath" destdir="${jar.dir}" debug="${javac.debug}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" nowarn="on" >
-			<src path="${src.java.dir}" />
-		</javac>
-		<copy todir="${jar.dir}">
-			<fileset dir="${src.java.dir}">
-				<include name="**/*.component.xml" />
-				<include name="**/components.xml" />
-			</fileset>
-		</copy>
-	</target>
-	<!-- Build the exploded jar -->
-	<target name="jar" depends="compile">
-		<copy todir="${jar.dir}">
-			<fileset refid="jar.resources" />
-			<fileset refid="jar.extras" />
-			<filterset>
-				<filter token="distributable" value="${distributable}" />
-			</filterset>
-		</copy>
-	</target>
-	<target name="init.war">
-		<property name="distributable" value="false"/>
-	</target>
-	<!-- Build the exploded war -->
-	<target name="war" depends="compile, init.war">
-		<copy todir="${war.dir}">
-			<fileset refid="war.view" />
-			<fileset refid="war.extras" />
-		</copy>
-		<copy todir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF/lib">
-			<fileset refid="seam.debug.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="seam.ioc.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="seam.mail.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="seam.excel.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="seam.rss.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="seam.pdf.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="seam.ui.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="facelets.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="urlrewrite.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="richfaces-impl.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="trinidad-impl.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="metawidget-frontend.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="jboss-common-core.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="war.lib.extras" />
-			<fileset refid="tomcat-standard-tag.jar" />
-			<mapper type="flatten" />
-		</copy>
-		<!-- Put properties into the classpath -->
-		<copy todir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF/classes">
-			<fileset refid="war.classes.resources" />
-		</copy>
-	</target>
-	<target name="clean" description="Cleans up the build directory">
-		<delete dir="${dist.dir}" />
-		<delete dir="${exploded-archives.dir}" />
-		<delete dir="${ear.dir}" />
-		<delete dir="${war.dir}" />
-		<delete dir="${jar.dir}" />
-		<delete dir="${test.dir}" />
-		<delete dir="${clean.extra}" />
-	</target>
-	<!-- #################### BUILD TARGETS (JBOSS AS EAR) #################### -->
-	<!-- 
-	  The build targets for the examples.  Both unexploded (deploy, undeploy)
-	  and unexploded (explode, unexplode, restart) deployment is possible.
-	-->
-	<!-- Extend the standard war target to add extras which JBoss needs -->
-	<target name="jboss.war" depends="war">
-		<!-- Copy in resources, with filtering -->
-		<copy todir="${war.dir}">
-			<fileset refid="war.resources" />
-			<filterset>
-				<filter token="debug" value="${debug}" />
-				<filter token="distributable" value="${distributable}" />
-				<filter token="jndiPattern" value="${example.name}/#{ejbName}/local" />
-				<filter token="loadPersistenceUnits" value="${loadPersistenceUnits}" />
-			</filterset>
-		</copy>
-	</target>
-	<target name="distributable.war" if="use.session.replication">
-		<replace file="${war.dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml">
-			<replacetoken><![CDATA[<!-- <distributable/> -->]]></replacetoken>
-			<replacevalue><![CDATA[<distributable/>]]></replacevalue>
-		</replace>
-	</target>
-	<!-- Build the exploded ear -->
-	<target name="ear">
-		<copy todir="${ear.dir}">
-			<fileset refid="seam.jar" />		
-			<fileset refid="ear.resources" />
-			<fileset refid="ear.extras" />
-		</copy>
-		<mkdir dir="${ear.dir}/lib" />
-		<copy todir="${ear.dir}/lib">
-			<fileset refid="richfaces-api.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="ear.lib.extras" />
-			<fileset refid="jboss-el.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="cglib.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="drools.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="jbpm.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="cache.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="search.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="dbunit.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="jboss-embedded-api.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="gwt.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="quartz.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="seam.pdf.extra.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="spring.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="jcaptcha.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="antlr.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="wicket-extensions.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="wicket-datetime.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="seam.wicket.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="seam.resteasy.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="seam.remoting.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="seam.ioc-guice.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="el-ri.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="trinidad-api.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="metawidget-backend.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="jboss-common-core.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="openid.jar" />
-			<mapper type="flatten" />
-		</copy>
-	</target>
-	<target name="archive" depends="jar,jboss.war,distributable.war,ear" description="Package the archives">
-		<jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.jar" basedir="${jar.dir}" />
-		<jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.war" basedir="${war.dir}" />
-		<jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.ear">
-			<fileset dir="${ear.dir}" />
-			<fileset dir="${dist.dir}">
-				<include name="${example.name}.jar" />
-				<include name="${example.name}.war" />
-			</fileset>
-		</jar>
-	</target>
-	<!-- Deploy the target to JBoss AS -->
-	<target name="deploy" depends="archive, datasource, service, meldware" description="Deploy the example to JBoss AS">
-		<fail unless="jboss.home">
-			jboss.home not set, update build.properties
-		</fail>
-		<copy file="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.ear" todir="${deploy.dir}" />
-	</target>
-	<!-- Deploy meldware to JBoss AS -->
-	<target name="meldware" if="deploy.meldware.mail">
-		<copyInlineDependencies id="jbosscommoncore" scope="runtime" todir="${meldware.dir}">
-			<dependency groupId="org.buni.meldware" artifactId="mail" type="ear" version="1.0M8" />
-			<dependency groupId="org.buni.meldware" artifactId="meldware" type="store" version="1.0M8" />
-			<dependency groupId="org.buni.meldware" artifactId="meldwarebase" type="sar" version="1.0M8" />
-		</copyInlineDependencies>
-		<copy todir="${deploy.dir}">
-			<fileset dir="${meldware.dir}">
-				<patternset refid="meldware.files" />
-			</fileset>
-		</copy>
-		<copy todir="${conf.dir}">
-			<fileset dir="${meldware.dir}">
-				<patternset refid="meldware.conf.files" />
-			</fileset>
-		</copy>
-	</target>
-	<target name="undeploy" description="Undeploy the example from JBoss">
-		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}.ear" />
-		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.ds}" />
-		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.service}" />
-		<delete>
-			<fileset dir="${deploy.dir}">
-				<patternset refid="meldware.files" />
-			</fileset>
-		</delete>
-	</target>
-	<!-- Copy the data source to JBoss AS -->
-	<target name="datasource">
-		<fail unless="jboss.home">jboss.home not set</fail>
-		<copy todir="${deploy.dir}">
-			<fileset dir="${resources.dir}">
-				<include name="${example.ds}" />
-			</fileset>
-		</copy>
-	</target>
-	<!-- Copy service file to JBoss AS -->
-	<target name="service">
-		<fail unless="jboss.home">jboss.home not set</fail>
-		<copy todir="${deploy.dir}">
-			<fileset dir="${resources.dir}">
-				<include name="${example.service}" />
-			</fileset>
-		</copy>
-	</target>
-	<target name="init.distributable">
-		<property name="distributable" value="true"/>
-		<condition property="use.session.replication">
-			<or>
-				<not><isset property="session.replication"/></not>
-				<equals arg1="${session.replication}" arg2="true"/>
-			</or>
-		</condition>
-	</target>
-	<target name="farm-archive" depends="init.distributable,archive"/>
-	<!-- FIXME Set the deploy.dir dynamically to avoid the duplicate targets for farming -->
-	<target name="farm-datasource" description="Deploy the datasource to a JBoss AS cluster">
-		<fail unless="jboss.home">jboss.home not set</fail>
-		<copy todir="${farm.deploy.dir}">
-			<fileset dir="${resources.dir}">
-				<include name="${example.ds}" />
-			</fileset>
-		</copy>
-	</target>
-	<target name="farm" depends="farm-archive,farm-datasource" description="Deploy the example to a JBoss AS cluster">
-		<fail unless="jboss.home">
-			jboss.home not set, update build.properties
-		</fail>
-		<copy file="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.ear" todir="${farm.deploy.dir}" />
-	</target>
-	<target name="unfarm" description="Undeploy the example from a JBoss AS cluster">
-		<delete file="${farm.deploy.dir}/${example.name}.ear" />
-		<delete file="${farm.deploy.dir}/${example.ds}" />
-	</target>
-	<target name="explode" depends="jar,jboss.war,ear,datasource, meldware" description="Deploy the exploded archive">
-		<fail unless="jboss.home">jboss.home not set</fail>
-		<mkdir dir="${jar.deploy.dir}" />
-		<mkdir dir="${war.deploy.dir}" />
-		<copy todir="${jar.deploy.dir}">
-			<fileset dir="${jar.dir}" />
-		</copy>
-		<copy todir="${war.deploy.dir}">
-			<fileset dir="${war.dir}" />
-		</copy>
-		<copy todir="${ear.deploy.dir}">
-			<fileset dir="${ear.dir}" />
-		</copy>
-	</target>
-	<target name="unexplode" description="Undeploy the exploded archive">
-		<delete failonerror="no">
-			<fileset dir="${ear.deploy.dir}">
-				<exclude name="**/*.jar" />
-			</fileset>
-		</delete>
-		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.ds}" failonerror="no" />
-		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}-service.xml" failonerror="no" />		
-		<delete dir="${ear.deploy.dir}" failonerror="no" />
-		<delete failonerror="no">
-			<fileset dir="${deploy.dir}">
-				<patternset refid="meldware.files" />
-			</fileset>
-		</delete>
-	</target>
-	<target name="restart" depends="explode" description="Restart the exploded archive">
-		<touch file="${ear.deploy.dir}/META-INF/application.xml" />
-	</target>
-	<target name="restartclean" depends="clean, unexplode, restart" description="Clean the example and restart it" />
-	<!-- #################### BUILD TARGETS (TOMCAT) #################### -->
-	<target name="tomcat.warn">
-		<echo message="If you built for JBoss AS, remember to run clean before building for Tomcat" />
-		<echo message="Remember to configure Embedded JBoss" />
-	</target>
-	<target name="tomcat.jar" depends="jar">
-		<copy todir="${jar.dir}">
-			<fileset refid="tomcat.jar.resources" />
-		</copy>
-	</target>
-	<!-- Extend the standard war target to add extras which Tomcat needs -->
-	<target name="tomcat.war" depends="war">
-		<copy todir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF/lib">
-			<fileset refid="seam.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="tomcat.war.extras" />
-			<fileset refid="cglib.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="drools.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="cache.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="jbpm.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="tomcat.jbpm.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="seam.remoting.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="spring.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="gwt.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="openid.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="jboss-el.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="jsf.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="search.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="richfaces-api.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="seam.pdf.extra.jar" />
-			<mapper type="flatten" />
-		</copy>
-		<!-- Copy in resources, with filtering -->
-		<copy todir="${war.dir}">
-			<fileset refid="war.resources" />
-			<filterset>
-				<filter token="debug" value="${debug}" />
-				<filter token="distributable" value="${distributable}" />
-				<filter token="jndiPattern" value="#{ejbName}/local" />
-			</filterset>
-		</copy>
-	</target>
-	<target name="tomcat.archive" depends="tomcat.warn,tomcat.jar,tomcat.war" description="Package the archives for tomcat">
-		<jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.jar" basedir="${jar.dir}" />
-		<jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.war">
-			<fileset dir="${war.dir}" />
-			<zipfileset dir="${dist.dir}" prefix="WEB-INF/lib">
-				<include name="${example.name}.jar" />
-			</zipfileset>
-		</jar>
-	</target>
-	<target name="tomcat.deploy" depends="tomcat.archive" description="Deploy the example to Tomcat">
-		<fail unless="tomcat.home">
-			tomcat.home not set, update build.properties
-		</fail>
-		<copy file="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.war" todir="${tomcat.deploy.dir}" />
-	</target>
-	<target name="tomcat.undeploy" description="Undeploy the example from Tomcat">
-		<delete file="${tomcat.deploy.dir}/${example.name}.war" />
-	</target>
-	<!-- #################### BUILD TARGETS (NOEJB) ##################### -->
-	<target name="noejb.jar" depends="jar">
-		<copy todir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF/classes">
-			<fileset dir="${jar.dir}">
-				<exclude name="**/ejb-jar.xml" />
-			</fileset>
-			<fileset refid="noejb.jar.extras" />
-			<fileset refid="noejb.jar.resources" />
-		</copy>
-	</target>
-	<!-- Extend the standard war target to add extras which non-ejb wars needs -->
-	<target name="noejb.war" depends="war">
-		<copy todir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF/lib">
-			<fileset refid="seam.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="noejb.war.lib.extras" />
-			<fileset refid="cglib.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="drools.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="cache.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="jbpm.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="spring.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="gwt.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="jboss-el.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="search.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="richfaces-api.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="groovy.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="wicket-extensions.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="wicket-datetime.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="seam.wicket.jar" />
-         <fileset refid="seam.resteasy.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="trinidad-api.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="metawidget.jar" />
-			<fileset refid="el-ri.jar"/>
-			<mapper type="flatten" />
-		</copy>
-		<copy todir="${war.dir}">
-			<fileset refid="noejb.war.extras" />
-		</copy>
-		<!-- Copy in resources, with filtering -->
-		<copy todir="${war.dir}">
-			<fileset refid="war.resources" />
-			<filterset>
-				<filter token="debug" value="${debug}" />
-				<filter token="distributable" value="${distributable}" />
-				<filter token="jndiPattern" value="#{ejbName}/local" />
-				<filter token="loadPersistenceUnits" value="${loadPersistenceUnits}" />
-			</filterset>
-		</copy>
-	</target>
-	<target name="noejb.archive" depends="noejb.jar,noejb.war,distributable.war" description="Package the archives for non-ejb war">
-		<jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.war">
-			<fileset dir="${war.dir}" />
-			<zipfileset dir="${dist.dir}" prefix="WEB-INF/lib">
-				<include name="${example.name}.jar" />
-			</zipfileset>
-		</jar>
-	</target>
-	<!-- #################### BUILD TARGETS (JBOSS AS WAR) #################### -->
-	<target name="jbosswar.deploy" depends="noejb.archive, datasource" description="Deploy the example to JBoss AS">
-		<fail unless="jboss.home">
-			jboss.home not set, update build.properties
-		</fail>
-		<copy file="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.war" todir="${deploy.dir}" />
-	</target>
-	<target name="jbosswar.undeploy" description="Undeploy the example from JBoss">
-		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}.war" />
-	</target>
-	<target name="noejb.farm-archive" depends="init.distributable,noejb.archive"/>
-	<!-- FIXME Set the deploy.dir dynamically to avoid the duplicate targets for farming -->
-	<target name="jbosswar.farm" depends="noejb.farm-archive,farm-datasource" description="Deploy the example to a JBoss AS cluster">
-		<fail unless="jboss.home">
-			jboss.home not set, update build.properties
-		</fail>
-		<copy file="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.war" todir="${farm.deploy.dir}" />
-	</target>
-	<target name="jbosswar.unfarm" description="Undeploy the example from a JBoss AS cluster">
-		<delete file="${farm.deploy.dir}/${example.name}.war" />
-	</target>
-	<target name="jbosswar.explode" depends="noejb.jar, noejb.war, datasource" description="Deploy the example (exploded) to JBoss AS">
-		<fail unless="jboss.home">
-			jboss.home not set, update build.properties
-		</fail>
-		<copy todir="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}.war">
-			<fileset dir="${exploded-archives.dir}/${example.name}.war" />
-		</copy>
-		<copy todir="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}.war/WEB-INF/classes">
-			<fileset dir="${exploded-archives.dir}/${example.name}.jar" />
-		</copy>
-	</target>
-	<target name="jbosswar.restart" depends="jbosswar.explode" description="Restart the exploded archive">
-		<touch file="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}.war/WEB-INF/web.xml" />
-	</target>
-	<target name="jbosswar.unexplode" description="Undeploy the example from JBoss">
-		<delete dir="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}.war" />
-		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.ds}" failonerror="no" />
-		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}-service.xml" failonerror="no" />
-	</target>
-	<!-- #################### TEST TARGETS (JBOSS AS) ##################### -->
-	<!--
-	  You can test the example by running the test target.  
-	-->
-	<target name="validateConfiguration" description="Validate XML Configuration files">
-		<echo message="Validating configuaration files for ${Name}" />
-		<ant antfile="${build.dir}/validate.xml" target="validateConfiguration">
-			<reference refid="validate.resources" />
-		</ant>
-	</target>
-	<!-- Compile the test classes -->
-	<target name="compiletest" unless="eclipse.running" depends="init">
-		<mkdir dir="${test.dir}" />
-		<javac classpathref="build.classpath" destdir="${test.dir}" debug="${javac.debug}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" nowarn="on">
-			<src path="${src.java.dir}" />
-			<src path="${src.test.dir}" />
-		</javac>
-	</target>
-	<!-- Build the exploded test directory structure -->
-	<target name="buildtest" depends="compiletest">
-		<copy todir="${test.dir}">
-			<fileset dir="${resources.dir}">
-				<patternset refid="test.resources.files" />
-			</fileset>
-		</copy>
-		<copy todir="${test.dir}">
-			<fileset dir="${src.test.dir}">
-				<patternset refid="test.src.files" />
-			</fileset>
-		</copy>
-        <copy todir="${test.dir}">
-            <fileset dir="${view.dir}">
-            	<patternset refid="test.view.files" />
-        	</fileset>
-        </copy>
-	</target>
-	<target name="test" depends="buildtest, copyjbossembedded,getemma" description="Run the tests">
-        <condition property="incompatible.jdk">
-            <and>
-                <equals arg1="${ant.java.version}" arg2="1.6"/>
-                <not><available classname="javax.xml.bind.JAXB"/></not>
-            </and>
-        </condition>
-        <fail if="incompatible.jdk">You are using an incompatible JDK 6. Please use Sun JDK 6 Update 4 (1.6.0_04) or newer or use Open JDK 6.</fail>
-		<taskdef resource="testngtasks" classpathref="test.classpath" />
-		<testng outputdir="${test-report.dir}">
-         <jvmarg line="-Xmx800M" />
-         <jvmarg line="-Djava.awt.headless=true" />
-			<jvmarg line="-Demma.coverage.out.file=${coverage.ec}" />
-			<jvmarg line="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=${endorsed.dir}" />
-		    <!--added for JDK6 compatibility with JBoss embedded-->
-		    <jvmarg line="-Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true"/>
-			<jvmarg line="${testng.jvmargs}" />
-			<classpath>
-         	<path refid="test.classpath" />
-         	<path refid="runtime.emma.path" />
-         </classpath>
-			<xmlfileset dir="${src.test.dir}" includes="**/testng.xml" />
-		</testng>
-		<echo>You can increase the logging by editing bootstrap/log4j.xml</echo>
-	</target>
-	<target name="testclass" depends="buildtest, copyjbossembedded,getemma" description="Run a specific test">
-		<taskdef resource="testngtasks" classpathref="build.classpath" />
-		<testng outputdir="${test-report.dir}" testname="${className}" suitename="${className}" >
-            <jvmarg line="-Xmx800M" />
-            <jvmarg line="-Djava.awt.headless=true" />
-			<jvmarg line="-Demma.coverage.out.file=${coverage.ec}" />
-			<jvmarg line="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=${endorsed.dir}" />
-		    <!--added for JDK6 compatibility with JBoss embedded-->
-		    <jvmarg line="-Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true"/>
-			<jvmarg line="${testng.jvmargs}" />
-			<classpath>
-            	<path refid="test.classpath" />
-            	<path refid="runtime.emma.path" />
-            </classpath>
-			<classfileset dir="${test.dir}" includes="**/${className}.class"/>
-		</testng>
-		<echo>You can increase the logging by editing bootstrap/log4j.xml</echo>
-	</target>
-    <target name="example-info">
-        <echo>
-This is the Seam examples directory.  The example projects can be run 
-using the individual build files in the each example subdirectory.
-        </echo>
-    </target>

Deleted: trunk/examples/readme.txt
--- trunk/examples/readme.txt	2009-04-19 08:11:23 UTC (rev 10445)
+++ trunk/examples/readme.txt	2009-04-19 08:29:26 UTC (rev 10446)
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-Seam Example Applications
-This directory contains the Seam example applications, which have all been
-tested on the latest release of JBoss 4.2. All but a few examples have been
-tested on Tomcat (running JDK 1.5), and some have been tested on other
-application servers. Consult the readme.txt file in each of the examples to
-see which additional servers the example supports.
-Below is a list of examples with a brief description. The name of the example,
-refered to later as ${example.name}, is equivalent to the name of the folder
-unless the folder name begins with seam, in which case the prefix "seam" is
-omitted (i.e. seamspace -> space).
-blog/                 The Seam blog example, showing how to write
-                      RESTful applications using Seam.
-booking/              The Seam Booking demo application for EJB 3.0.
-contactlist/          The Seam Contact List demo demonstrating use
-                      of the Seam application framework.
-drools/               A version of the number guessing example that
-                      uses Drools with jBPM.
-dvdstore/             The Seam DVD Store demo demonstrating jBPM 
-                      support in Seam.
-excel/                Demo of excel export support.
-groovybooking/        The Seam Booking demo ported to Groovy.
-hibernate/            The Seam Booking demo ported to Hibernate3.
-icefaces/             The Seam Booking demo with ICEfaces, instead of 
-                      Ajax4JSF.
-itext/                A demo of the Seam iText integration for generating PDFs.
-jee5/booking          The Seam Booking demo ported to the Java EE 5 platforms.
-jee5/remoting         The Seam remoting helloworld demo ported to the Java EE 5 
-                      platforms.
-jpa/                  An example of the use of JPA (provided by Hibernate), runs
-                      on many platforms, including non-EE 5 platforms (including
-                      plain Tomcat).
-mail/                 The Seam mail example demonstrating use of 
-                      facelets-based email templating.
-messages/             The Seam message list example demonstrating use 
-                      of the @DataModel annotation.
-metawidget/           The Seam booking, groovybooking, dvdstore examples implemented
-                      using metawidget to define the UI forms.
-nestedbooking/        The booking example modified to show the use of nested
-                      conversations.
-numberguess/          The Seam number guessing example, demonstrating
-                      jBPM pageflow.
-quartz/               A port of the Seampay example to use the Quartz dispatcher.
-registration/         A trivial example for the tutorial.
-remoting/chatroom/    The Seam Chat Room example, demostrating Seam remoting.
-remoting/gwt/         An example of using GWT with Seam remoting.
-remoting/helloworld/  A trivial example using Ajax.
-remoting/progressbar/ An example of an Ajax progress bar.
-restbay/              An example of using Seam with JAX-RS plain HTTP Web Services.
-seambay/              An example of using Seam with Web Services.
-seamdiscs/            Demonstrates Seam, Trinidad, Ajax4jsf and Richfaces.
-seampay/              The Seam Payments demo demonstrating the use of
-                      asynchronous methods.
-seamspace/            The Seam Spaces demo demonstrating Seam security.
-spring/               Demonstrates Spring framework integration.
-todo/                 The Seam todo list example demonstrating
-                      jBPM business process management.
-ui/                   Demonstrates some Seam JSF controls.
-wiki/                 A fully featured wiki system based on Seam which
-					  is used by seamframework.org. Please read
-					  wiki/README.txt for installation instructions.
-Deploying and Testing an Example Application
-These are general instructions for deploying Seam examples. Take a look at the 
-readme.txt in the example to see if there are any specific instructions.
-How to Build and Deploy an Example on JBoss AS
-1. Download and unzip JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA from:
-   http://labs.jboss.com/jbossas/downloads
-2. Make sure you have an up to date version of Seam: 
-   http://seamframework.org/Download
-3. Open the "build.properties" file at the root of the Seam distribution in
-   your editor and change jboss.home to point to your JBoss AS directory
-   (the examples are deployed to the default profile)
-4. (Optional) Build Seam by running "ant" the Seam root directory
-   Only required if you are working from an SVN checkout.
-5. Build and deploy the example by running the following command from the Seam
-   "examples/${example.name}" directory:
-   ant explode
-   To undeploy the example, run:
-   ant unexplode
-   To restart the deployed application, run:
-   ant restart
-6. Start JBoss AS by typing "./run.sh" (on Linux/Unix) or "run" (on Windows) 
-   in the jboss-4.2.3.GA/bin directory
-7. Point your web browser to:
-   http://localhost:8080/seam-${example.name}
-   Recall that ${example.name} is the name of the example folder unless the
-   folder begins with seam, in which the prefix "seam" is omitted. The
-   context path is set in META-INF/application.xml for EAR deployments.
-   However, WAR deployments use a different naming convention for the context
-   path. If you deploy a WAR example, point your web browser to:
-   http://localhost:8080/jboss-seam-${example.name}
-   The WAR examples are groovybooking, jpa, hibernate, and spring
-NOTE: The examples use the HSQL database embedded in JBoss AS
-How to Build and Deploy the Example on Tomcat
-1. Download and install Tomcat 6
-   NOTE: Due to a bug, you must install Tomcat to a directory
-   path with no spaces. The example does not work in a default
-   install of Tomcat.
-2. Install Embedded JBoss as described in the "Configuration" chapter of the
-   Seam reference documentation. 
-3. Make sure you have an up to date version of Seam: 
-   http://seamframework.org/Download
-4. Open the "build.properties" file at the root of the Seam distribution in
-   your editor and change tomcat.home to point to your Tomcat directory
-5. (Optional) Build Seam by running "ant" the Seam root directory
-   Only required if you are working from an SVN checkout.
-6. Build and deploy the example by running the following command from the Seam
-   "examples/${example.name}" directory:
-   ant tomcat.deploy
-   To undeploy the example, run:
-   ant tomcat.undeploy
-   To redeploy/restart the deployed application, run:
-   ant tomcat.deploy
-7. Start Tomcat
-8. Point your web browser to:
-   http://localhost:8080/jboss-seam-${example.name}
-   Note that examples deployed to Tomcat use the context path prefix
-   jboss-seam- rather than seam- like with the JBoss AS deployment.
-Running The TestNG Tests
-In the "examples/${example.name}" directory, type "ant test"
-Running the TestNG Tests in Eclipse
-1. Install the TestNG Eclipse plugin from http://beust.com/eclipse
-2. Create the TestNG runner with the following directories added to the
-   classpath:
-   examples/${example.name}/src/
-   examples/${example.name}/resources/
-   bootstrap/
-   And all jar files from the following directories in your classpath:
-   lib/test
-   Make sure all these come before the referenced libraries
-3. Locate and run the testng.xml file using the TestNG plugin

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/blog (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/blog)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/blog
Name: svn:ignore
   + build




Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/booking (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/booking)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/booking
Name: svn:ignore
   + build




Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/build.xml (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/build.xml)
--- trunk/examples/trunk/build.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/examples/trunk/build.xml	2009-04-19 08:29:26 UTC (rev 10446)
@@ -0,0 +1,1183 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- ###################### SEAM EXAMPLES BUILD FILE ###################### -->
+  This build file is used for all the Seam examples.  Each example has a 
+  build.xml which is used to specify per project settings, and override targets
+  and filesets as necessary.
+  USING SEAM sections you can see what jars are required (for use on JBoss AS)
+  for Seam, and if you want to use the integration with other projects
+<project name="SeamExample" default="example-info" basedir="." xmlns:artifact="urn:maven-artifact-ant">
+	<tstamp />
+	<!-- Location of Seam -->
+	<dirname property="seam.dir" file="${ant.file.SeamExample}/../" />
+	<!-- Build resources -->
+	<import file="${seam.dir}/build/common.build.xml" />
+	<!-- ###################### PROPERTY DEFINITIONS ###################### -->
+    <!-- Settings -->
+    <property name="loadPersistenceUnits" value="true"/>
+	<!-- Source directories -->
+	<property name="src.java.dir" value="src" />
+	<property name="src.test.dir" value="src" />
+	<property name="view.dir" value="view" />
+	<property name="resources.dir" value="resources" />
+	<property name="validate.resources.dir" value="${resources.dir}" />
+	<property name="example.ds" value="${example.name}-ds.xml" />
+	<property name="example.service" value="${example.name}-service.xml" />
+	<!-- Deployment directories -->
+	<property name="deploy.dir" value="${jboss.home}/server/default/deploy" />
+	<property name="tomcat.deploy.dir" value="${tomcat.home}/webapps" />
+	<property name="farm.deploy.dir" value="${jboss.home}/server/all/farm" />
+	<property name="conf.dir" value="${jboss.home}/server/default/conf" />
+	<!-- Library directories -->
+	<property name="lib.dir" value="${seam.dir}/lib" />
+	<property name="mail.dir" value="${seam.dir}/mail" />
+	<property name="meldware.dir" value="${lib.dir}/meldware.deployable" />
+	<!-- Target directories -->
+	<property name="dist.dir" value="dist" />
+	<property name="exploded-archives.dir" value="exploded-archives" />
+	<property name="ear.dir" value="${exploded-archives.dir}/${example.name}.ear" />
+	<property name="jar.dir" value="${exploded-archives.dir}/${example.name}.jar" />
+	<property name="war.dir" value="${exploded-archives.dir}/${example.name}.war" />
+	<property name="ear.deploy.dir" value="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}.ear" />
+	<property name="jar.deploy.dir" value="${ear.deploy.dir}/${example.name}.jar" />
+	<property name="war.deploy.dir" value="${ear.deploy.dir}/${example.name}.war" />
+	<!-- Testing -->
+	<property name="test.dir" value="test-build" />
+	<property name="coverage.dir" value="${seam.dir}/build/coverage" />
+	<property name="test-report.dir" value="${seam.dir}/test-output" />
+	<property name="eejb.conf.dir" value="${seam.dir}/bootstrap" />
+	<property name="src.schema.dir" value="${seam.dir}/src/main/org/jboss/seam" />
+	<property name="schema.version" value="${version}" />
+	<property name="testng.jar" value="${seam.dir}/lib/testng-5.6-jdk15.jar" />
+	<property name="testng.jvmargs" value="-Dfoo" />
+	<property name="javac.debug" value="true" />
+	<property name="javac.deprecation" value="false" />
+	<!-- ################## PLACEHOLDERS FOR OVERRIDING ################### -->
+	<!-- 
+	   This allows build files which import this one to easily add extra 
+	   resources to the the build 
+	-->
+	<!-- Added to the build classpath -->
+	<path id="build.classpath.extras" />
+	<!-- Added to the test classpath -->
+	<path id="test.classpath.extras" />
+	<!-- Added to the ejb root on build-->
+	<fileset id="jar.extras" dir=".">
+		<exclude name="**/*" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Added to the war root on build -->
+	<fileset id="war.extras" dir=".">
+		<exclude name="**/*" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Added to the WEB-INF/lib on build -->
+	<fileset id="war.lib.extras" dir=".">
+		<exclude name="**/*" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Added to the ear root on build -->
+	<fileset id="ear.extras" dir=".">
+		<exclude name="**/*" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Added to the ear lib directory on build -->
+	<fileset id="ear.lib.extras" dir=".">
+		<exclude name="**/*" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Added to the tomcat war root on build -->
+	<fileset id="tomcat.war.extras" dir=".">
+		<exclude name="**/*" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Added to the tomcat jar root on build -->
+	<fileset id="tomcat.jar.extras" dir=".">
+		<exclude name="**/*" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Added to the non-ejb war lib on build -->
+	<fileset id="noejb.war.lib.extras" dir=".">
+		<exclude name="**/*" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Added to the non-ejb jar root on build -->
+	<fileset id="noejb.jar.extras" dir=".">
+		<exclude name="**/*" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Added to the non-ejb war root on build -->
+	<fileset id="noejb.war.extras" dir=".">
+		<exclude name="**/*" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Extra stuff to delete on clean -->
+	<fileset id="clean.extras" dir=".">
+		<exclude name="**/*"/>
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- ############## SEAM JARS AND REQUIRED DEPENDENCIES ############### -->
+	<!-- 
+	  Seam is made up of a number of jars.  They are specified here, with
+	  dependencies for each one
+	-->
+	<!-- Seam core, with required dependencies -->
+	<fileset id="seam.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jboss-seam.jar" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Seam ui, with required dependencies -->
+	<fileset id="seam.ui.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jboss-seam-ui.jar" if="seam.ui.lib" />
+		<include name="commons-beanutils.jar" if="seam.ui.lib" unless="richfaces.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- tomcat needs in messages example jstl.jar -->
+	<fileset dir="${lib.dir}" id="tomcat-standard-tag.jar">
+	    <include name="jstl.jar" if="tomcat.standard.tag"/>
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Seam  pdf, with required dependencies -->
+	<fileset id="seam.pdf.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jboss-seam-pdf.jar" if="seam.pdf.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Seam  pdf, with required dependencies -->
+	<fileset id="seam.pdf.extra.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="itext.jar" if="seam.pdf.lib" />
+		<include name="itext-rtf.jar" if="seam.pdf.lib" />
+		<include name="jfreechart.jar" if="seam.pdf.lib" />
+		<include name="jcommon.jar" if="seam.pdf.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Seam  excel, with required dependencies -->
+	<fileset id="seam.excel.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jboss-seam-excel.jar" if="seam.excel.lib" />
+		<include name="jxl.jar" if="seam.excel.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- openid required dependencies -->
+	<fileset id="openid.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="openid4java.jar" if="openid.lib" />
+		<include name="openxri-client.jar" if="openid.lib" />
+		<include name="openxri-syntax.jar" if="openid.lib" />
+		<include name="htmlparser.jar" if="openid.lib" />
+		<include name="commons-codec.jar" if="openid.lib" />
+		<include name="commons-httpclient.jar" if="openid.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Seam rss, and dependencies -->
+	<fileset id="seam.rss.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jboss-seam-rss.jar" if="seam.rss.lib" />
+		<include name="yarfraw.jar" if="seam.rss.lib" />
+		<include name="commons-lang.jar" if="seam.rss.lib" />
+		<include name="commons-collections.jar" if="seam.rss.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Seam debug, with required dependencies -->
+	<fileset id="seam.debug.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jboss-seam-debug.jar" if="seam.debug.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Seam ioc, with required dependencies -->
+	<fileset id="seam.ioc.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jboss-seam-ioc.jar" if="seam.ioc.war.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Seam mail, with required dependencies -->
+	<fileset id="seam.mail.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jboss-seam-mail.jar" if="seam.mail.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Seam remoting, with required dependencies -->
+	<fileset id="seam.remoting.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jboss-seam-remoting.jar" if="seam.remoting.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Seam Wicket integration, with required dependencies -->
+	<fileset id="seam.wicket.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jboss-seam-wicket.jar" if="seam.wicket.lib" />
+		<include name="wicket.jar" if="seam.wicket.lib" />
+		<include name="wicket-ioc.jar" if="seam.wicket.lib" />
+		<include name="slf4j-api.jar" if="seam.wicket.lib" />
+		<include name="slf4j-log4j12.jar" if="seam.wicket.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Seam RESTEasy integration, with required dependencies -->
+	<fileset id="seam.resteasy.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jboss-seam-resteasy.jar" if="seam.resteasy.lib" />
+		<include name="jaxrs-api.jar" if="seam.resteasy.lib" />
+		<include name="resteasy-jaxrs.jar" if="seam.resteasy.lib" />
+		<include name="resteasy-jaxb-provider.jar" if="seam.resteasy.lib" />
+		<include name="slf4j-api.jar" if="seam.resteasy.lib" />
+		<include name="slf4j-log4j12.jar" if="seam.resteasy.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+    <!-- Seam IoC Guice, with required dependencies -->
+    <fileset id="seam.ioc-guice.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+        <include name="jboss-seam-ioc.jar" if="seam.ioc-guice.lib" />
+        <include name="guice.jar" if="seam.ioc-guice.lib" />
+    </fileset>
+	<!-- jboss-el -->
+	<fileset id="jboss-el.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jboss-el.jar" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with JSF - only needed if the server
+	     doesn't come with JSF! -->
+	<fileset id="jsf.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jsf-api.jar" />
+		<include name="jsf-impl.jar" />
+		<include name="jstl.jar" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- ############## OPTIONAL DEPENDENCIES FOR USING SEAM ############## -->
+	<!--
+	  Seam provides tight integration with a number of libratries and 
+	  frameworks.  There are examples for these, and the dependencies
+	  for each are specified here 
+	-->
+	<!-- Dependencies for seam-remoting used with GWT -->
+	<fileset id="gwt.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="gwt-servlet.jar" if="gwt.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for seam used with the Quartz dispatcher -->
+	<fileset id="quartz.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="quartz.jar" if="quartz.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for seam-ioc used with Spring -->
+	<fileset id="spring.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="spring.jar" if="spring.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Optional UI jars -->
+	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with facelets -->
+	<fileset id="facelets.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jsf-facelets.jar" if="facelets.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with Richfaces -->
+	<fileset id="richfaces-api.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="richfaces-api.jar" if="richfaces.lib" />
+		<include name="commons-beanutils.jar" if="richfaces.lib" />
+		<include name="commons-digester.jar" if="richfaces.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<fileset id="richfaces-impl.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="richfaces-impl.jar" if="richfaces.lib" />
+		<include name="richfaces-ui.jar" if="richfaces.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with JBPM -->
+	<fileset id="jbpm.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jbpm-jpdl.jar" if="jbpm.lib" />
+	</fileset>	
+	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with JBPM on Tomcat-->
+	<fileset id="tomcat.jbpm.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="bsh.jar" if="jbpm.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with JBoss Cache (s:cache) -->
+	<fileset id="cache.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jboss-cache.jar" if="cache.lib" />
+		<include name="jboss-aop.jar" if="cache.lib" />
+		<include name="jgroups.jar" if="cache.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with Hibernate Search -->
+	<fileset id="search.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="lucene-core.jar" if="search.lib" />
+		<include name="hibernate-search.jar" if="search.lib" />
+		<include name="hibernate-commons-annotations.jar" if="search.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with Drools -->
+	<fileset id="drools.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="antlr-runtime.jar" if="drools.lib" />
+		<include name="core.jar" if="drools.lib" />
+		<include name="janino.jar" if="drools.lib" />
+		<include name="mvel14.jar" if="drools.lib" />
+		<include name="drools-core.jar" if="drools.lib" />
+		<include name="drools-compiler.jar" if="drools.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for using Spring with Cglib -->
+	<fileset id="cglib.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="asm.jar" if="cglib.lib"/>
+		<include name="cglib.jar" if="cglib.lib"/>
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with JCaptcha -->
+	<fileset id="jcaptcha.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jcaptcha-all*.jar" if="jcaptcha.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for using Seam with URLRewrite -->
+	<fileset id="urlrewrite.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="urlrewrite*.jar" if="urlrewrite.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for using with antlr (if not shipped with server) -->
+	<fileset id="antlr.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="antlr-*.jar" if="antlr.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for using with antlr (if not shipped with server) -->
+	<fileset id="groovy.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="groovy-all.jar" if="groovy.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for including dbunit.jar in ear (if classloader requires it) -->
+	<fileset id="dbunit.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="dbunit.jar" if="dbunit.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for including jboss-embedded-api.jar in ear (if classloader requires it) -->
+	<fileset id="jboss-embedded-api.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jboss-embedded-api.jar" if="jboss-embedded-api.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for wicket -->
+	<fileset id="wicket-extensions.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="wicket-extensions.jar" if="wicket-extensions.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<fileset id="wicket-datetime.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="wicket-datetime.jar" if="wicket-datetime.lib" />
+		<include name="joda-time.jar" if="wicket-datetime.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for Trinidad -->
+	<fileset id="trinidad-api.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="trinidad-api.jar" if="trinidad.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<fileset id="trinidad-impl.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="trinidad-impl.jar" if="trinidad.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies for Metawidget -->
+	<fileset id="metawidget.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="metawidget.jar" if="metawidget-war.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<fileset id="metawidget-frontend.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="metawidget-frontend.jar" if="metawidget-ear.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<fileset id="metawidget-backend.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="metawidget-backend.jar" if="metawidget-ear.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Dependencies if el-ri is needed -->
+	<fileset id="el-ri.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="el-ri.jar" if="el-ri.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<fileset id="jboss-common-core.jar" dir="${lib.dir}">
+		<include name="jboss-common-core.jar" if="jboss-common-core.lib" />
+	    <include name="concurrent.jar" if="jboss-common-core.lib" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- ############################ MELDWARE ############################ -->
+	<!--
+	  Meldware from buni.org provides a java based mail server which Seam uses
+	  to demonstrate it's mail capabilities.  It's unlike other dependencies as
+	  it is deployed as a number of standalone wars, rars and ears.
+	-->
+	<!-- Meldware configuration -->
+	<patternset id="meldware.conf.files">
+		<exclude name="**/*" unless="deploy.meldware.mail" />
+		<include name="meldware.store" if="deploy.meldware.mail" />
+	</patternset>
+	<!-- Just the mail portion of meldware -->
+	<patternset id="meldware.files">
+		<exclude name="**/*" unless="deploy.meldware.mail" />
+		<include name="_mail.ear" if="deploy.meldware.mail" />
+		<include name="meldwarebase.sar" if="deploy.meldware.mail" />
+	</patternset>
+	<!-- ############### RESOURCES FOR EXAMPLES ################ -->
+	<!--
+	  A number of configuration files are needed for Seam, and it's 
+	  dependencies.  The examples place all their configuration files in the
+	  resources directory.  They aren't split along packaging lines (as this
+	  varies depending on what platform you deploy to), but rather by location.
+	  Here, therefore, we split them into the ejb, the war and the ear. 
+	  Some resource are also placed in the deploy and conf directory of JBoss
+	  AS.
+	-->
+	<!-- View files -->
+	<fileset id="war.view" dir="${view.dir}">
+		<include name="**/*" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- resources to go in the war -->
+	<fileset id="war.resources" dir="${resources.dir}">
+		<include name="WEB-INF/*.xml" />
+		<include name="WEB-INF/*.sql" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- resources to go in the jar  -->
+	<fileset id="jar.resources" dir="${resources.dir}">
+		<include name="import.sql" />
+		<include name="seam.properties" />
+		<include name="seam.quartz.properties" />
+		<include name="*.drl" />
+		<include name="META-INF/persistence.xml" />
+		<include name="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml" />
+		<include name="META-INF/orm.xml" />
+		<include name="META-INF/components.xml" />
+		<include name="META-INF/jboss.xml" />
+		<include name="META-INF/security-config.xml" />
+		<include name="META-INF/security-rules.drl" />
+		<include name="META-INF/standard-jaxws-endpoint-config.xml" />
+		<include name="*.jpdl.xml" />
+		<exclude name=".gpd*" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- resources to go in the jar for tomcat  -->
+	<fileset id="tomcat.jar.resources" dir="${resources.dir}">
+		<include name="${example.ds}" />
+		<include name="treecache.xml" />
+		<include name="*.jpdl.xml" />
+		<include name="jbpm.cfg.xml" />
+		<include name="hibernate.cfg.xml" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- resources to go in the jar for jbosswar  -->
+	<fileset id="noejb.jar.resources" dir="${resources.dir}">
+		<include name="${example.ds}" />
+		<include name="treecache.xml" />
+		<include name="*.jpdl.xml" />
+		<include name="jbpm.cfg.xml" />
+		<include name="hibernate.cfg.xml" />
+		<include name="*.drl" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Resources to go in the ear -->
+	<fileset id="ear.resources" dir="${resources.dir}">
+		<include name="META-INF/application.xml" />
+		<include name="META-INF/jboss-app.xml" />
+		<include name="META-INF/jboss-structure.xml" />
+		<include name="META-INF/*-service.xml" />
+		<include name="META-INF/*-xmbean.xml" />
+		<include name="treecache.xml" />
+		<include name="*.jpdl.xml" />
+		<exclude name=".gpd.*" />
+		<include name="*.cfg.xml" />
+		<include name="*.xsd" />		
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- Property resources (e.g. themes, i8ln) get put on the classpath -->
+	<fileset id="war.classes.resources" dir="${resources.dir}">
+		<exclude name="seam.properties" />
+		<exclude name="components.properties" />
+		<include name="*.properties" />
+	</fileset>
+	<!-- files for Seam Component jars -->
+	<patternset id="components-jar.files">
+		<include name="**/*.class" />
+		<include name="**/*.component.xml" />
+		<include name="**/components.xml" />
+	</patternset>
+	<!-- files to use as test resources, by default everything -->
+	<patternset id="test.resources.files">
+		<include name="**/*" />
+	</patternset>
+	<!-- files from the view/ directory to copy to the test environment, by default *.xml -->
+	<patternset id="test.view.files">
+		<include name="**/*.page.xml" />
+	</patternset>
+	<patternset id="test.src.files">
+		<include name="**/*.xml" />
+	</patternset>
+	<!-- Build classpath -->
+	<path id="build.classpath">
+		<fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
+			<include name="*.jar" />
+			<include name="jboss-seam-wicket.jar" />
+			<exclude name="jboss-seam-debug.jar" />
+			<exclude name="jboss-seam-ui.jar" />
+			<exclude name="jboss-seam-mail.jar" />
+			<exclude name="jboss-seam-pdf.jar" />
+			<exclude name="jboss-seam-excel.jar" />
+			<exclude name="jboss-seam-rss.jar" />
+		</fileset>
+		<path refid="build.classpath.extras" />
+	</path>
+	<path id="test.classpath">			
+		<path path="${test.dir}" />
+		<fileset dir="${lib.dir}/test">
+			<include name="*.jar" />
+		</fileset>
+		<fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
+			<!-- Don't include seam-ui or interop modules -->
+			<exclude name="jboss-seam-ui.jar" />
+			<exclude name="jboss-seam-wicket.jar" />
+			<exclude name="interop/**/*" />
+			<exclude name="gen/**/*" />
+			<exclude name="src/**/*" />
+		</fileset>
+		<path path="${eejb.conf.dir}" />
+		<path refid="test.classpath.extras" />
+		<path refid="build.classpath.extras" />
+	    <path location="${seam.dir}/src/test/resources/log4j.xml" />
+	</path>
+	<!-- ##################### BUILD TARGETS (COMMON) ##################### -->
+	<!-- 
+	  The build targets which are used for all builds
+	-->
+	<!-- Initialize the build -->
+	<target name="init" depends="copyseam,copyseamdependencies,initpoms,copyextradependencies">
+		<echo message="Building ${Name} ${version}" />
+		<mkdir dir="${jar.dir}" />
+		<mkdir dir="${ear.dir}" />
+		<mkdir dir="${war.dir}" />
+		<mkdir dir="${dist.dir}" />
+	</target>
+	<target name="copyextradependencies" depends="gettrinidad, getmetawidget, getelri"/>
+   <target name="getmetawidget" depends="getmetawidget-war,getmetawidget-ear"/>
+   <target name="getmetawidget-war" if="metawidget-war.lib">
+		<copyInlineDependencies id="metawidget" scope="runtime" todir="${lib.dir}">
+			<dependency groupId="org.metawidget" artifactId="metawidget" version="0.7"/>
+		</copyInlineDependencies>
+   </target>
+   <target name="getmetawidget-ear" if="metawidget-ear.lib">
+		<copyInlineDependencies id="metawidget" scope="runtime" todir="${lib.dir}">
+			<dependency groupId="org.metawidget" artifactId="metawidget-frontend" version="0.7"/>
+			<dependency groupId="org.metawidget" artifactId="metawidget-backend" version="0.7"/>
+		</copyInlineDependencies>
+   </target>
+	<target name="gettrinidad" if="trinidad.lib">
+		<copyInlineDependencies id="trinidad" scope="runtime" todir="${lib.dir}">
+			<dependency groupId="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad" artifactId="trinidad-api" version="1.2.5">
+		    	<exclusion groupId="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad" artifactId="trinidad-build" />
+			    <exclusion groupId="javax.servlet" artifactId="servlet-api" />
+			    <exclusion groupId="javax.servlet.jsp" artifactId="jsp-api"/>
+			    <exclusion groupId="javax.faces" artifactId="jsf-api"/>
+			</dependency>
+			<dependency groupId="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad" artifactId="trinidad-impl" version="1.2.5">
+			    <exclusion groupId="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad" artifactId="trinidad-build" />
+			    <exclusion groupId="javax.servlet" artifactId="servlet-api" />
+			    <exclusion groupId="javax.servlet.jsp" artifactId="jsp-api"/>
+				<exclusion groupId="portlet-api" artifactId="portlet-api"/>
+			    <exclusion groupId="jstl" artifactId="jstl"/>
+				<exclusion groupId="commons-beanutils" artifactId="commons-beanutils"/>
+				<exclusion groupId="javax.faces" artifactId="jsf-api"/>
+				<exclusion groupId="com.sun.facelets" artifactId="jsf-facelets"/>
+			</dependency>
+		</copyInlineDependencies>
+	</target>
+	<target name="getelri" if="el-ri.lib">
+		<copyInlineDependencies id="elri" scope="runtime" todir="${lib.dir}">
+			<dependency groupId="javax.el" artifactId="el-ri" version="1.2" />
+		</copyInlineDependencies>
+	</target>	
+	<!-- Use the Eclipse compiler, if it is available -->
+	<target name="select-compiler">
+		<available classname="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter" property="build.compiler" value="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter" />
+	</target>
+	<!-- Compile the source code, directly into the jar -->
+	<target name="compile" depends="init, select-compiler">
+		<javac classpathref="build.classpath" destdir="${jar.dir}" debug="${javac.debug}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" nowarn="on" >
+			<src path="${src.java.dir}" />
+		</javac>
+		<copy todir="${jar.dir}">
+			<fileset dir="${src.java.dir}">
+				<include name="**/*.component.xml" />
+				<include name="**/components.xml" />
+			</fileset>
+		</copy>
+	</target>
+	<!-- Build the exploded jar -->
+	<target name="jar" depends="compile">
+		<copy todir="${jar.dir}">
+			<fileset refid="jar.resources" />
+			<fileset refid="jar.extras" />
+			<filterset>
+				<filter token="distributable" value="${distributable}" />
+			</filterset>
+		</copy>
+	</target>
+	<target name="init.war">
+		<property name="distributable" value="false"/>
+	</target>
+	<!-- Build the exploded war -->
+	<target name="war" depends="compile, init.war">
+		<copy todir="${war.dir}">
+			<fileset refid="war.view" />
+			<fileset refid="war.extras" />
+		</copy>
+		<copy todir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF/lib">
+			<fileset refid="seam.debug.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="seam.ioc.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="seam.mail.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="seam.excel.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="seam.rss.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="seam.pdf.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="seam.ui.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="facelets.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="urlrewrite.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="richfaces-impl.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="trinidad-impl.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="metawidget-frontend.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="jboss-common-core.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="war.lib.extras" />
+			<fileset refid="tomcat-standard-tag.jar" />
+			<mapper type="flatten" />
+		</copy>
+		<!-- Put properties into the classpath -->
+		<copy todir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF/classes">
+			<fileset refid="war.classes.resources" />
+		</copy>
+	</target>
+	<target name="clean" description="Cleans up the build directory">
+		<delete dir="${dist.dir}" />
+		<delete dir="${exploded-archives.dir}" />
+		<delete dir="${ear.dir}" />
+		<delete dir="${war.dir}" />
+		<delete dir="${jar.dir}" />
+		<delete dir="${test.dir}" />
+		<delete dir="${clean.extra}" />
+	</target>
+	<!-- #################### BUILD TARGETS (JBOSS AS EAR) #################### -->
+	<!-- 
+	  The build targets for the examples.  Both unexploded (deploy, undeploy)
+	  and unexploded (explode, unexplode, restart) deployment is possible.
+	-->
+	<!-- Extend the standard war target to add extras which JBoss needs -->
+	<target name="jboss.war" depends="war">
+		<!-- Copy in resources, with filtering -->
+		<copy todir="${war.dir}">
+			<fileset refid="war.resources" />
+			<filterset>
+				<filter token="debug" value="${debug}" />
+				<filter token="distributable" value="${distributable}" />
+				<filter token="jndiPattern" value="${example.name}/#{ejbName}/local" />
+				<filter token="loadPersistenceUnits" value="${loadPersistenceUnits}" />
+			</filterset>
+		</copy>
+	</target>
+	<target name="distributable.war" if="use.session.replication">
+		<replace file="${war.dir}/WEB-INF/web.xml">
+			<replacetoken><![CDATA[<!-- <distributable/> -->]]></replacetoken>
+			<replacevalue><![CDATA[<distributable/>]]></replacevalue>
+		</replace>
+	</target>
+	<!-- Build the exploded ear -->
+	<target name="ear">
+		<copy todir="${ear.dir}">
+			<fileset refid="seam.jar" />		
+			<fileset refid="ear.resources" />
+			<fileset refid="ear.extras" />
+		</copy>
+		<mkdir dir="${ear.dir}/lib" />
+		<copy todir="${ear.dir}/lib">
+			<fileset refid="richfaces-api.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="ear.lib.extras" />
+			<fileset refid="jboss-el.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="cglib.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="drools.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="jbpm.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="cache.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="search.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="dbunit.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="jboss-embedded-api.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="gwt.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="quartz.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="seam.pdf.extra.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="spring.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="jcaptcha.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="antlr.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="wicket-extensions.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="wicket-datetime.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="seam.wicket.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="seam.resteasy.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="seam.remoting.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="seam.ioc-guice.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="el-ri.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="trinidad-api.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="metawidget-backend.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="jboss-common-core.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="openid.jar" />
+			<mapper type="flatten" />
+		</copy>
+	</target>
+	<target name="archive" depends="jar,jboss.war,distributable.war,ear" description="Package the archives">
+		<jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.jar" basedir="${jar.dir}" />
+		<jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.war" basedir="${war.dir}" />
+		<jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.ear">
+			<fileset dir="${ear.dir}" />
+			<fileset dir="${dist.dir}">
+				<include name="${example.name}.jar" />
+				<include name="${example.name}.war" />
+			</fileset>
+		</jar>
+	</target>
+	<!-- Deploy the target to JBoss AS -->
+	<target name="deploy" depends="archive, datasource, service, meldware" description="Deploy the example to JBoss AS">
+		<fail unless="jboss.home">
+			jboss.home not set, update build.properties
+		</fail>
+		<copy file="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.ear" todir="${deploy.dir}" />
+	</target>
+	<!-- Deploy meldware to JBoss AS -->
+	<target name="meldware" if="deploy.meldware.mail">
+		<copyInlineDependencies id="jbosscommoncore" scope="runtime" todir="${meldware.dir}">
+			<dependency groupId="org.buni.meldware" artifactId="mail" type="ear" version="1.0M8" />
+			<dependency groupId="org.buni.meldware" artifactId="meldware" type="store" version="1.0M8" />
+			<dependency groupId="org.buni.meldware" artifactId="meldwarebase" type="sar" version="1.0M8" />
+		</copyInlineDependencies>
+		<copy todir="${deploy.dir}">
+			<fileset dir="${meldware.dir}">
+				<patternset refid="meldware.files" />
+			</fileset>
+		</copy>
+		<copy todir="${conf.dir}">
+			<fileset dir="${meldware.dir}">
+				<patternset refid="meldware.conf.files" />
+			</fileset>
+		</copy>
+	</target>
+	<target name="undeploy" description="Undeploy the example from JBoss">
+		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}.ear" />
+		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.ds}" />
+		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.service}" />
+		<delete>
+			<fileset dir="${deploy.dir}">
+				<patternset refid="meldware.files" />
+			</fileset>
+		</delete>
+	</target>
+	<!-- Copy the data source to JBoss AS -->
+	<target name="datasource">
+		<fail unless="jboss.home">jboss.home not set</fail>
+		<copy todir="${deploy.dir}">
+			<fileset dir="${resources.dir}">
+				<include name="${example.ds}" />
+			</fileset>
+		</copy>
+	</target>
+	<!-- Copy service file to JBoss AS -->
+	<target name="service">
+		<fail unless="jboss.home">jboss.home not set</fail>
+		<copy todir="${deploy.dir}">
+			<fileset dir="${resources.dir}">
+				<include name="${example.service}" />
+			</fileset>
+		</copy>
+	</target>
+	<target name="init.distributable">
+		<property name="distributable" value="true"/>
+		<condition property="use.session.replication">
+			<or>
+				<not><isset property="session.replication"/></not>
+				<equals arg1="${session.replication}" arg2="true"/>
+			</or>
+		</condition>
+	</target>
+	<target name="farm-archive" depends="init.distributable,archive"/>
+	<!-- FIXME Set the deploy.dir dynamically to avoid the duplicate targets for farming -->
+	<target name="farm-datasource" description="Deploy the datasource to a JBoss AS cluster">
+		<fail unless="jboss.home">jboss.home not set</fail>
+		<copy todir="${farm.deploy.dir}">
+			<fileset dir="${resources.dir}">
+				<include name="${example.ds}" />
+			</fileset>
+		</copy>
+	</target>
+	<target name="farm" depends="farm-archive,farm-datasource" description="Deploy the example to a JBoss AS cluster">
+		<fail unless="jboss.home">
+			jboss.home not set, update build.properties
+		</fail>
+		<copy file="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.ear" todir="${farm.deploy.dir}" />
+	</target>
+	<target name="unfarm" description="Undeploy the example from a JBoss AS cluster">
+		<delete file="${farm.deploy.dir}/${example.name}.ear" />
+		<delete file="${farm.deploy.dir}/${example.ds}" />
+	</target>
+	<target name="explode" depends="jar,jboss.war,ear,datasource, meldware" description="Deploy the exploded archive">
+		<fail unless="jboss.home">jboss.home not set</fail>
+		<mkdir dir="${jar.deploy.dir}" />
+		<mkdir dir="${war.deploy.dir}" />
+		<copy todir="${jar.deploy.dir}">
+			<fileset dir="${jar.dir}" />
+		</copy>
+		<copy todir="${war.deploy.dir}">
+			<fileset dir="${war.dir}" />
+		</copy>
+		<copy todir="${ear.deploy.dir}">
+			<fileset dir="${ear.dir}" />
+		</copy>
+	</target>
+	<target name="unexplode" description="Undeploy the exploded archive">
+		<delete failonerror="no">
+			<fileset dir="${ear.deploy.dir}">
+				<exclude name="**/*.jar" />
+			</fileset>
+		</delete>
+		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.ds}" failonerror="no" />
+		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}-service.xml" failonerror="no" />		
+		<delete dir="${ear.deploy.dir}" failonerror="no" />
+		<delete failonerror="no">
+			<fileset dir="${deploy.dir}">
+				<patternset refid="meldware.files" />
+			</fileset>
+		</delete>
+	</target>
+	<target name="restart" depends="explode" description="Restart the exploded archive">
+		<touch file="${ear.deploy.dir}/META-INF/application.xml" />
+	</target>
+	<target name="restartclean" depends="clean, unexplode, restart" description="Clean the example and restart it" />
+	<!-- #################### BUILD TARGETS (TOMCAT) #################### -->
+	<target name="tomcat.warn">
+		<echo message="If you built for JBoss AS, remember to run clean before building for Tomcat" />
+		<echo message="Remember to configure Embedded JBoss" />
+	</target>
+	<target name="tomcat.jar" depends="jar">
+		<copy todir="${jar.dir}">
+			<fileset refid="tomcat.jar.resources" />
+		</copy>
+	</target>
+	<!-- Extend the standard war target to add extras which Tomcat needs -->
+	<target name="tomcat.war" depends="war">
+		<copy todir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF/lib">
+			<fileset refid="seam.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="tomcat.war.extras" />
+			<fileset refid="cglib.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="drools.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="cache.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="jbpm.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="tomcat.jbpm.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="seam.remoting.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="spring.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="gwt.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="openid.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="jboss-el.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="jsf.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="search.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="richfaces-api.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="seam.pdf.extra.jar" />
+			<mapper type="flatten" />
+		</copy>
+		<!-- Copy in resources, with filtering -->
+		<copy todir="${war.dir}">
+			<fileset refid="war.resources" />
+			<filterset>
+				<filter token="debug" value="${debug}" />
+				<filter token="distributable" value="${distributable}" />
+				<filter token="jndiPattern" value="#{ejbName}/local" />
+			</filterset>
+		</copy>
+	</target>
+	<target name="tomcat.archive" depends="tomcat.warn,tomcat.jar,tomcat.war" description="Package the archives for tomcat">
+		<jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.jar" basedir="${jar.dir}" />
+		<jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.war">
+			<fileset dir="${war.dir}" />
+			<zipfileset dir="${dist.dir}" prefix="WEB-INF/lib">
+				<include name="${example.name}.jar" />
+			</zipfileset>
+		</jar>
+	</target>
+	<target name="tomcat.deploy" depends="tomcat.archive" description="Deploy the example to Tomcat">
+		<fail unless="tomcat.home">
+			tomcat.home not set, update build.properties
+		</fail>
+		<copy file="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.war" todir="${tomcat.deploy.dir}" />
+	</target>
+	<target name="tomcat.undeploy" description="Undeploy the example from Tomcat">
+		<delete file="${tomcat.deploy.dir}/${example.name}.war" />
+	</target>
+	<!-- #################### BUILD TARGETS (NOEJB) ##################### -->
+	<target name="noejb.jar" depends="jar">
+		<copy todir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF/classes">
+			<fileset dir="${jar.dir}">
+				<exclude name="**/ejb-jar.xml" />
+			</fileset>
+			<fileset refid="noejb.jar.extras" />
+			<fileset refid="noejb.jar.resources" />
+		</copy>
+	</target>
+	<!-- Extend the standard war target to add extras which non-ejb wars needs -->
+	<target name="noejb.war" depends="war">
+		<copy todir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF/lib">
+			<fileset refid="seam.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="noejb.war.lib.extras" />
+			<fileset refid="cglib.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="drools.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="cache.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="jbpm.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="spring.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="gwt.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="jboss-el.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="search.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="richfaces-api.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="groovy.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="wicket-extensions.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="wicket-datetime.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="seam.wicket.jar" />
+         <fileset refid="seam.resteasy.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="trinidad-api.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="metawidget.jar" />
+			<fileset refid="el-ri.jar"/>
+			<mapper type="flatten" />
+		</copy>
+		<copy todir="${war.dir}">
+			<fileset refid="noejb.war.extras" />
+		</copy>
+		<!-- Copy in resources, with filtering -->
+		<copy todir="${war.dir}">
+			<fileset refid="war.resources" />
+			<filterset>
+				<filter token="debug" value="${debug}" />
+				<filter token="distributable" value="${distributable}" />
+				<filter token="jndiPattern" value="#{ejbName}/local" />
+				<filter token="loadPersistenceUnits" value="${loadPersistenceUnits}" />
+			</filterset>
+		</copy>
+	</target>
+	<target name="noejb.archive" depends="noejb.jar,noejb.war,distributable.war" description="Package the archives for non-ejb war">
+		<jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.war">
+			<fileset dir="${war.dir}" />
+			<zipfileset dir="${dist.dir}" prefix="WEB-INF/lib">
+				<include name="${example.name}.jar" />
+			</zipfileset>
+		</jar>
+	</target>
+	<!-- #################### BUILD TARGETS (JBOSS AS WAR) #################### -->
+	<target name="jbosswar.deploy" depends="noejb.archive, datasource" description="Deploy the example to JBoss AS">
+		<fail unless="jboss.home">
+			jboss.home not set, update build.properties
+		</fail>
+		<copy file="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.war" todir="${deploy.dir}" />
+	</target>
+	<target name="jbosswar.undeploy" description="Undeploy the example from JBoss">
+		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}.war" />
+	</target>
+	<target name="noejb.farm-archive" depends="init.distributable,noejb.archive"/>
+	<!-- FIXME Set the deploy.dir dynamically to avoid the duplicate targets for farming -->
+	<target name="jbosswar.farm" depends="noejb.farm-archive,farm-datasource" description="Deploy the example to a JBoss AS cluster">
+		<fail unless="jboss.home">
+			jboss.home not set, update build.properties
+		</fail>
+		<copy file="${dist.dir}/${example.name}.war" todir="${farm.deploy.dir}" />
+	</target>
+	<target name="jbosswar.unfarm" description="Undeploy the example from a JBoss AS cluster">
+		<delete file="${farm.deploy.dir}/${example.name}.war" />
+	</target>
+	<target name="jbosswar.explode" depends="noejb.jar, noejb.war, datasource" description="Deploy the example (exploded) to JBoss AS">
+		<fail unless="jboss.home">
+			jboss.home not set, update build.properties
+		</fail>
+		<copy todir="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}.war">
+			<fileset dir="${exploded-archives.dir}/${example.name}.war" />
+		</copy>
+		<copy todir="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}.war/WEB-INF/classes">
+			<fileset dir="${exploded-archives.dir}/${example.name}.jar" />
+		</copy>
+	</target>
+	<target name="jbosswar.restart" depends="jbosswar.explode" description="Restart the exploded archive">
+		<touch file="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}.war/WEB-INF/web.xml" />
+	</target>
+	<target name="jbosswar.unexplode" description="Undeploy the example from JBoss">
+		<delete dir="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}.war" />
+		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.ds}" failonerror="no" />
+		<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.name}-service.xml" failonerror="no" />
+	</target>
+	<!-- #################### TEST TARGETS (JBOSS AS) ##################### -->
+	<!--
+	  You can test the example by running the test target.  
+	-->
+	<target name="validateConfiguration" description="Validate XML Configuration files">
+		<echo message="Validating configuaration files for ${Name}" />
+		<ant antfile="${build.dir}/validate.xml" target="validateConfiguration">
+			<reference refid="validate.resources" />
+		</ant>
+	</target>
+	<!-- Compile the test classes -->
+	<target name="compiletest" unless="eclipse.running" depends="init">
+		<mkdir dir="${test.dir}" />
+		<javac classpathref="build.classpath" destdir="${test.dir}" debug="${javac.debug}" deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" nowarn="on">
+			<src path="${src.java.dir}" />
+			<src path="${src.test.dir}" />
+		</javac>
+	</target>
+	<!-- Build the exploded test directory structure -->
+	<target name="buildtest" depends="compiletest">
+		<copy todir="${test.dir}">
+			<fileset dir="${resources.dir}">
+				<patternset refid="test.resources.files" />
+			</fileset>
+		</copy>
+		<copy todir="${test.dir}">
+			<fileset dir="${src.test.dir}">
+				<patternset refid="test.src.files" />
+			</fileset>
+		</copy>
+        <copy todir="${test.dir}">
+            <fileset dir="${view.dir}">
+            	<patternset refid="test.view.files" />
+        	</fileset>
+        </copy>
+	</target>
+	<target name="test" depends="buildtest, copyjbossembedded,getemma" description="Run the tests">
+        <condition property="incompatible.jdk">
+            <and>
+                <equals arg1="${ant.java.version}" arg2="1.6"/>
+                <not><available classname="javax.xml.bind.JAXB"/></not>
+            </and>
+        </condition>
+        <fail if="incompatible.jdk">You are using an incompatible JDK 6. Please use Sun JDK 6 Update 4 (1.6.0_04) or newer or use Open JDK 6.</fail>
+		<taskdef resource="testngtasks" classpathref="test.classpath" />
+		<testng outputdir="${test-report.dir}">
+         <jvmarg line="-Xmx800M" />
+         <jvmarg line="-Djava.awt.headless=true" />
+			<jvmarg line="-Demma.coverage.out.file=${coverage.ec}" />
+			<jvmarg line="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=${endorsed.dir}" />
+		    <!--added for JDK6 compatibility with JBoss embedded-->
+		    <jvmarg line="-Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true"/>
+			<jvmarg line="${testng.jvmargs}" />
+			<classpath>
+         	<path refid="test.classpath" />
+         	<path refid="runtime.emma.path" />
+         </classpath>
+			<xmlfileset dir="${src.test.dir}" includes="**/testng.xml" />
+		</testng>
+		<echo>You can increase the logging by editing bootstrap/log4j.xml</echo>
+	</target>
+	<target name="testclass" depends="buildtest, copyjbossembedded,getemma" description="Run a specific test">
+		<taskdef resource="testngtasks" classpathref="build.classpath" />
+		<testng outputdir="${test-report.dir}" testname="${className}" suitename="${className}" >
+            <jvmarg line="-Xmx800M" />
+            <jvmarg line="-Djava.awt.headless=true" />
+			<jvmarg line="-Demma.coverage.out.file=${coverage.ec}" />
+			<jvmarg line="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=${endorsed.dir}" />
+		    <!--added for JDK6 compatibility with JBoss embedded-->
+		    <jvmarg line="-Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true"/>
+			<jvmarg line="${testng.jvmargs}" />
+			<classpath>
+            	<path refid="test.classpath" />
+            	<path refid="runtime.emma.path" />
+            </classpath>
+			<classfileset dir="${test.dir}" includes="**/${className}.class"/>
+		</testng>
+		<echo>You can increase the logging by editing bootstrap/log4j.xml</echo>
+	</target>
+    <target name="example-info">
+        <echo>
+This is the Seam examples directory.  The example projects can be run 
+using the individual build files in the each example subdirectory.
+        </echo>
+    </target>

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/build.xml
Name: svn:keywords
   + Author Date Id Revision
Name: svn:mergeinfo
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/contactlist (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/contactlist)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/contactlist
Name: svn:ignore
   + output




Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/drools (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/drools)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/drools
Name: svn:ignore
   + build




Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/dvdstore (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/dvdstore)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/dvdstore
Name: svn:ignore
   + build





Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/excel (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/excel)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/excel
Name: svn:ignore
   + dist



Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/groovybooking (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/groovybooking)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/groovybooking
Name: svn:ignore
   + dist

Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/guice (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/guice)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/guice
Name: svn:ignore
   + dist

Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/hibernate (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/hibernate)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/hibernate
Name: svn:ignore
   + build






Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/icefaces (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/icefaces)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/icefaces
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/itext (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/itext)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/itext
Name: svn:ignore
   + exploded-archives



Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/jee5 (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/jee5)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/jee5
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/jpa (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/jpa)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/jpa
Name: svn:ignore
   + test-build



Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/mail (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/mail)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/mail
Name: svn:ignore
   + test-build




Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/messages (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/messages)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/messages
Name: svn:ignore
   + build




Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/metawidget (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/metawidget)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/metawidget
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/nestedbooking (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/nestedbooking)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/nestedbooking
Name: svn:ignore
   + dist



Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/numberguess (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/numberguess)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/numberguess
Name: svn:ignore
   + build




Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/openid (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/openid)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/openid
Name: svn:ignore
   + dist

Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/portal (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/portal)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/portal
Name: svn:ignore
   + build

Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/quartz (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/quartz)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/quartz
Name: svn:ignore
   + exploded-archives



Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/readme.txt (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/readme.txt)
--- trunk/examples/trunk/readme.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/examples/trunk/readme.txt	2009-04-19 08:29:26 UTC (rev 10446)
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+Seam Example Applications
+This directory contains the Seam example applications, which have all been
+tested on the latest release of JBoss 4.2. All but a few examples have been
+tested on Tomcat (running JDK 1.5), and some have been tested on other
+application servers. Consult the readme.txt file in each of the examples to
+see which additional servers the example supports.
+Below is a list of examples with a brief description. The name of the example,
+refered to later as ${example.name}, is equivalent to the name of the folder
+unless the folder name begins with seam, in which case the prefix "seam" is
+omitted (i.e. seamspace -> space).
+blog/                 The Seam blog example, showing how to write
+                      RESTful applications using Seam.
+booking/              The Seam Booking demo application for EJB 3.0.
+contactlist/          The Seam Contact List demo demonstrating use
+                      of the Seam application framework.
+drools/               A version of the number guessing example that
+                      uses Drools with jBPM.
+dvdstore/             The Seam DVD Store demo demonstrating jBPM 
+                      support in Seam.
+excel/                Demo of excel export support.
+groovybooking/        The Seam Booking demo ported to Groovy.
+hibernate/            The Seam Booking demo ported to Hibernate3.
+icefaces/             The Seam Booking demo with ICEfaces, instead of 
+                      Ajax4JSF.
+itext/                A demo of the Seam iText integration for generating PDFs.
+jee5/booking          The Seam Booking demo ported to the Java EE 5 platforms.
+jee5/remoting         The Seam remoting helloworld demo ported to the Java EE 5 
+                      platforms.
+jpa/                  An example of the use of JPA (provided by Hibernate), runs
+                      on many platforms, including non-EE 5 platforms (including
+                      plain Tomcat).
+mail/                 The Seam mail example demonstrating use of 
+                      facelets-based email templating.
+messages/             The Seam message list example demonstrating use 
+                      of the @DataModel annotation.
+metawidget/           The Seam booking, groovybooking, dvdstore examples implemented
+                      using metawidget to define the UI forms.
+nestedbooking/        The booking example modified to show the use of nested
+                      conversations.
+numberguess/          The Seam number guessing example, demonstrating
+                      jBPM pageflow.
+quartz/               A port of the Seampay example to use the Quartz dispatcher.
+registration/         A trivial example for the tutorial.
+remoting/chatroom/    The Seam Chat Room example, demostrating Seam remoting.
+remoting/gwt/         An example of using GWT with Seam remoting.
+remoting/helloworld/  A trivial example using Ajax.
+remoting/progressbar/ An example of an Ajax progress bar.
+restbay/              An example of using Seam with JAX-RS plain HTTP Web Services.
+seambay/              An example of using Seam with Web Services.
+seamdiscs/            Demonstrates Seam, Trinidad, Ajax4jsf and Richfaces.
+seampay/              The Seam Payments demo demonstrating the use of
+                      asynchronous methods.
+seamspace/            The Seam Spaces demo demonstrating Seam security.
+spring/               Demonstrates Spring framework integration.
+todo/                 The Seam todo list example demonstrating
+                      jBPM business process management.
+ui/                   Demonstrates some Seam JSF controls.
+wiki/                 A fully featured wiki system based on Seam which
+					  is used by seamframework.org. Please read
+					  wiki/README.txt for installation instructions.
+Deploying and Testing an Example Application
+These are general instructions for deploying Seam examples. Take a look at the 
+readme.txt in the example to see if there are any specific instructions.
+How to Build and Deploy an Example on JBoss AS
+1. Download and unzip JBoss AS 4.2.3.GA from:
+   http://labs.jboss.com/jbossas/downloads
+2. Make sure you have an up to date version of Seam: 
+   http://seamframework.org/Download
+3. Open the "build.properties" file at the root of the Seam distribution in
+   your editor and change jboss.home to point to your JBoss AS directory
+   (the examples are deployed to the default profile)
+4. (Optional) Build Seam by running "ant" the Seam root directory
+   Only required if you are working from an SVN checkout.
+5. Build and deploy the example by running the following command from the Seam
+   "examples/${example.name}" directory:
+   ant explode
+   To undeploy the example, run:
+   ant unexplode
+   To restart the deployed application, run:
+   ant restart
+6. Start JBoss AS by typing "./run.sh" (on Linux/Unix) or "run" (on Windows) 
+   in the jboss-4.2.3.GA/bin directory
+7. Point your web browser to:
+   http://localhost:8080/seam-${example.name}
+   Recall that ${example.name} is the name of the example folder unless the
+   folder begins with seam, in which the prefix "seam" is omitted. The
+   context path is set in META-INF/application.xml for EAR deployments.
+   However, WAR deployments use a different naming convention for the context
+   path. If you deploy a WAR example, point your web browser to:
+   http://localhost:8080/jboss-seam-${example.name}
+   The WAR examples are groovybooking, jpa, hibernate, and spring
+NOTE: The examples use the HSQL database embedded in JBoss AS
+How to Build and Deploy the Example on Tomcat
+1. Download and install Tomcat 6
+   NOTE: Due to a bug, you must install Tomcat to a directory
+   path with no spaces. The example does not work in a default
+   install of Tomcat.
+2. Install Embedded JBoss as described in the "Configuration" chapter of the
+   Seam reference documentation. 
+3. Make sure you have an up to date version of Seam: 
+   http://seamframework.org/Download
+4. Open the "build.properties" file at the root of the Seam distribution in
+   your editor and change tomcat.home to point to your Tomcat directory
+5. (Optional) Build Seam by running "ant" the Seam root directory
+   Only required if you are working from an SVN checkout.
+6. Build and deploy the example by running the following command from the Seam
+   "examples/${example.name}" directory:
+   ant tomcat.deploy
+   To undeploy the example, run:
+   ant tomcat.undeploy
+   To redeploy/restart the deployed application, run:
+   ant tomcat.deploy
+7. Start Tomcat
+8. Point your web browser to:
+   http://localhost:8080/jboss-seam-${example.name}
+   Note that examples deployed to Tomcat use the context path prefix
+   jboss-seam- rather than seam- like with the JBoss AS deployment.
+Running The TestNG Tests
+In the "examples/${example.name}" directory, type "ant test"
+Running the TestNG Tests in Eclipse
+1. Install the TestNG Eclipse plugin from http://beust.com/eclipse
+2. Create the TestNG runner with the following directories added to the
+   classpath:
+   examples/${example.name}/src/
+   examples/${example.name}/resources/
+   bootstrap/
+   And all jar files from the following directories in your classpath:
+   lib/test
+   Make sure all these come before the referenced libraries
+3. Locate and run the testng.xml file using the TestNG plugin

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/readme.txt
Name: svn:keywords
   + Author Date Id Revision
Name: svn:mergeinfo
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/registration (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/registration)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/registration
Name: svn:ignore
   + output




Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/remoting (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/remoting)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/remoting
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/restbay (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/restbay)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/restbay
Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/rss (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/rss)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/rss
Name: svn:ignore
   + test-build

Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/seambay (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/seambay)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/seambay
Name: svn:ignore
   + build




Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/seamdiscs (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/seamdiscs)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/seamdiscs
Name: svn:ignore
   + lib




Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/seampay (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/seampay)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/seampay
Name: svn:ignore
   + exploded-archives



Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/seamspace (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/seamspace)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/seamspace
Name: svn:ignore
   + build

Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/spring (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/spring)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/spring
Name: svn:ignore
   + dist-jbosswar


Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/todo (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/todo)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/todo
Name: svn:ignore
   + build




Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/ui (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/ui)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/ui
Name: svn:ignore
   + dist


Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/wicket (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/wicket)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/wicket
Name: svn:ignore
   + exploded-archives





Name: svn:mergeinfo

Copied: trunk/examples/trunk/wiki (from rev 10445, trunk/examples/wiki)

Property changes on: trunk/examples/trunk/wiki
Name: svn:ignore
   + build

Name: svn:mergeinfo

Modified: trunk/examples/trunk/wiki/view/themes/default/js/jqDimensions.js
--- trunk/examples/wiki/view/themes/default/js/jqDimensions.js	2009-04-19 08:11:23 UTC (rev 10445)
+++ trunk/examples/trunk/wiki/view/themes/default/js/jqDimensions.js	2009-04-19 08:29:26 UTC (rev 10446)
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
  * Dual licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
  * and GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) licenses.
- * $LastChangedDate: 2007-07-01 20:19:35 -0500 (Sun, 01 Jul 2007) $
- * $Rev: 2209 $
+ * $LastChangedDate$
+ * $Rev$
  * Version: 1.0rc1

Modified: trunk/examples/trunk/wiki/view/themes/default/js/jquery.js
--- trunk/examples/wiki/view/themes/default/js/jquery.js	2009-04-19 08:11:23 UTC (rev 10445)
+++ trunk/examples/trunk/wiki/view/themes/default/js/jquery.js	2009-04-19 08:29:26 UTC (rev 10446)
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@
  * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
  * $Date$
- * $Rev: 2243 $
+ * $Rev$
 eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('7(1g 18.6=="I"){18.I=18.I;u 6=q(a,c){7(18==9||!9.3X)v 14 6(a,c);v 9.3X(a,c)};7(1g $!="I")6.1I$=$;u $=6;6.11=6.8r={3X:q(a,c){a=a||P;7(6.16(a))v 14 6(P)[6.11.1G?"1G":"1W"](a);7(1g a=="1s"){u m=/^[^<]*(<(.|\\s)+>)[^>]*$/.1V(a);7(m)a=6.31([m[1]]);B v 14 6(c).1L(a)}v 9.4E(a.15==2b&&a||(a.3C||a.C&&a!=18&&!a.1q&&a[0]!=I&&a[0].1q)&&6.2L(a)||[a])},3C:"",7W:q(){v 9.C},C:0,1M:q(a){v a==I?6.2L(9):9[a]},1Z:q(a){u b=6(a);b.5q=9;v b},4E:q(a){9.C=0;[].R.O(9,a);v 9},F:q(a,b){v 6.F(9,a,b)},2p:q(a){u b=-1;9.F(q(i){7(9==a)b=i});v b},1b:q(f,d,e){u c=f;7(f.15==33)7(d==I)v 9.C&&6[e||"1b"](9[0],f)||I;B{c={};c[f]=d}v 9.F(q(a){E(u b V c)6.1b(e?9.T:9,b,6.4H(9,c[b],e,a,b))})!
 },1f:q(b,a){v 9.1b(b,a,"2z")},2A:q(e){7(1g e=="1s")v 9.2Y().3e(P.66(e));u t="";6.F(e||9,q(){6.F(9.2S,q(){7(9.1q!=8)t+=9.1q!=1?9.5R:6.11.2A([9])})});v t},8b:q(){u a,1S=19;v 9.F(q(){7(!a)a=6.31(1S,9.2O);u b=a[0].3s(K);9.L.2K(b,9);1v(b.1d)b=b.1d;b.4g(9)})},3e:q(){v 9.2F(19,K,1,q(a){9.4g(a)})},5w:q(){v 9.2F(19,K,-1,q(a){9.2K(a,9.1d)})},5t:q(){v 9.2F(19,N,1,q(a){9.L.2K(a,9)})},5s:q(){v 9.2F(19,N,-1,q(a){9.L.2K(a,9.1X)})},2U:q(){v 9.5q||6([])},1L:q(t){u b=6.3k(9,q(a){v 6.1L(t,a)});v 9.1Z(/[^+>] [^+>]/.17(t)||t.J("..")>-1?6.5g(b):b)},7x:q(e){u d=9.1A(9.1L("*"));d.F(q(){9.1I$1a={};E(u a V 9.$1a)9.1I$1a[a]=6.1c({},9.$1a[a])}).3U();u r=9.1Z(6.3k(9,q(a){v a.3s(e!=I?e:K)}));d.F(q(){u b=9.1I$1a;E(u a V b)E(u c V b[a])6.S.1A(9,a,b[a][c],b[a][c].W);9.1I$1a=H});v r},1i:q(t){v 9.1Z(6.16(t)&&6.2s(9,q(b,a){v t.O(b,[a])})||6.2x(t,9))},4Y:q(t){v 9.1Z(t.15==33&&6.2x(t,9,K)||6.2s(9,q(a){v(t.15==2b||t.3C)?6.2w(a,t)<0:a!=t}))},1A:q(t){v 9.1Z(6.1T(9.1M(),t.15==33?6(t).1M():t.C!=I&&(!t.Q||t.Q=="6Z")?!
 t:[t]))},37:q(a){v a?6.2x(a,9).C>0:N},6R:q(a){v a==I?(9.C?9[0].2v:H):9
.1b("2v",a)},3F:q(a){v a==I?(9.C?9[0].27:H):9.2Y().3e(a)},2F:q(f,d,g,e){u c=9.C>1,a;v 9.F(q(){7(!a){a=6.31(f,9.2O);7(g<0)a.6E()}u b=9;7(d&&6.Q(9,"1r")&&6.Q(a[0],"2V"))b=9.3R("1z")[0]||9.4g(P.5h("1z"));6.F(a,q(){e.O(b,[c?9.3s(K):9])})})}};6.1c=6.11.1c=q(){u c=19[0],a=1;7(19.C==1){c=9;a=0}u b;1v((b=19[a++])!=H)E(u i V b)c[i]=b[i];v c};6.1c({6n:q(){7(6.1I$)$=6.1I$;v 6},16:q(a){v!!a&&1g a!="1s"&&!a.Q&&a.15!=2b&&/q/i.17(a+"")},40:q(a){v a.4z&&a.2O&&!a.2O.4y},Q:q(b,a){v b.Q&&b.Q.1D()==a.1D()},F:q(a,b,c){7(a.C==I)E(u i V a)b.O(a[i],c||[i,a[i]]);B E(u i=0,4x=a.C;i<4x;i++)7(b.O(a[i],c||[i,a[i]])===N)1F;v a},4H:q(c,b,d,e,a){7(6.16(b))b=b.3D(c,[e]);u f=/z-?2p|5Y-?8p|1e|5U|8i-?1u/i;v b&&b.15==3y&&d=="2z"&&!f.17(a)?b+"4o":b},12:{1A:q(b,c){6.F(c.2R(/\\s+/),q(i,a){7(!6.12.3w(b.12,a))b.12+=(b.12?" ":"")+a})},1E:q(b,c){b.12=c!=I?6.2s(b.12.2R(/\\s+/),q(a){v!6.12.3w(c,a)}).5M(" "):""},3w:q(t,c){v 6.2w(c,(t.12||t).3v().2R(/\\s+/))>-1}},4m:q(e,o,f){E(u i V o){e.T["2N"+i]=e.T[i];e.T[i]=o[i]}f.O(e!
 ,[]);E(u i V o)e.T[i]=e.T["2N"+i]},1f:q(e,p){7(p=="1u"||p=="29"){u b={},3r,3p,d=["83","81","80","7Y"];6.F(d,q(){b["7V"+9]=0;b["7T"+9+"7S"]=0});6.4m(e,b,q(){7(6(e).37(\':4f\')){3r=e.7Q;3p=e.7O}B{e=6(e.3s(K)).1L(":4b").5v("2B").2U().1f({48:"1y",3i:"7L",U:"2h",7K:"0",7I:"0"}).5o(e.L)[0];u a=6.1f(e.L,"3i")||"3n";7(a=="3n")e.L.T.3i="7G";3r=e.7E;3p=e.7D;7(a=="3n")e.L.T.3i="3n";e.L.3q(e)}});v p=="1u"?3r:3p}v 6.2z(e,p)},2z:q(e,a,d){u g;7(a=="1e"&&6.M.1h){g=6.1b(e.T,"1e");v g==""?"1":g}7(a.3t(/3x/i))a=6.1U;7(!d&&e.T[a])g=e.T[a];B 7(P.3f&&P.3f.3Y){7(a.3t(/3x/i))a="3x";a=a.1o(/([A-Z])/g,"-$1").2H();u b=P.3f.3Y(e,H);7(b)g=b.57(a);B 7(a=="U")g="1P";B 6.4m(e,{U:"2h"},q(){u c=P.3f.3Y(9,"");g=c&&c.57(a)||""})}B 7(e.3S){u f=a.1o(/\\-(\\w)/g,q(m,c){v c.1D()});g=e.3S[a]||e.3S[f]}v g},31:q(a,c){u r=[];c=c||P;6.F(a,q(i,b){7(!b)v;7(b.15==3y)b=b.3v();7(1g b=="1s"){u s=6.2C(b).2H(),1x=c.5h("1x"),1N=[];u a=!s.J("<1H")&&[1,"<2y>","</2y>"]||!s.J("<7g")&&[1,"<52>","</52>"]||(!s.J("<7c")||!s.J("<1z")||!
z>","</1z></1r>"]||(!s.J("<75")||!s.J("<74"))&&[3,"<1r><1z><2V>","</2V></1z></1r>"]||!s.J("<73")&&[2,"<1r><4W>","</4W></1r>"]||[0,"",""];1x.27=a[1]+b+a[2];1v(a[0]--)1x=1x.1d;7(6.M.1h){7(!s.J("<1r")&&s.J("<1z")<0)1N=1x.1d&&1x.1d.2S;B 7(a[1]=="<1r>"&&s.J("<1z")<0)1N=1x.2S;E(u n=1N.C-1;n>=0;--n)7(6.Q(1N[n],"1z")&&!1N[n].2S.C)1N[n].L.3q(1N[n])}b=6.2L(1x.2S)}7(0===b.C&&(!6.Q(b,"34")&&!6.Q(b,"2y")))v;7(b[0]==I||6.Q(b,"34")||b.71)r.R(b);B r=6.1T(r,b)});v r},1b:q(c,d,a){u e=6.40(c)?{}:6.3H;7(e[d]){7(a!=I)c[e[d]]=a;v c[e[d]]}B 7(a==I&&6.M.1h&&6.Q(c,"34")&&(d=="70"||d=="6Y"))v c.6W(d).5R;B 7(c.4z){7(a!=I)c.6U(d,a);7(6.M.1h&&/4M|2u/.17(d)&&!6.40(c))v c.35(d,2);v c.35(d)}B{7(d=="1e"&&6.M.1h){7(a!=I){c.5U=1;c.1i=(c.1i||"").1o(/4L\\([^)]*\\)/,"")+(39(a).3v()=="6M"?"":"4L(1e="+a*4X+")")}v c.1i?(39(c.1i.3t(/1e=([^)]*)/)[1])/4X).3v():""}d=d.1o(/-([a-z])/6K,q(z,b){v b.1D()});7(a!=I)c[d]=a;v c[d]}},2C:q(t){v t.1o(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g,"")},2L:q(a){u r=[];7(1g a!="6I")E(u i=0,26=a.C;i<26;i++)r.R(a[i])!
 ;B r=a.51(0);v r},2w:q(b,a){E(u i=0,26=a.C;i<26;i++)7(a[i]==b)v i;v-1},1T:q(a,b){E(u i=0;b[i];i++)a.R(b[i]);v a},5g:q(a){u r=[],3P=6.1k++;E(u i=0,4G=a.C;i<4G;i++)7(3P!=a[i].1k){a[i].1k=3P;r.R(a[i])}v r},1k:0,2s:q(c,b,d){7(1g b=="1s")b=14 45("a","i","v "+b);u a=[];E(u i=0,30=c.C;i<30;i++)7(!d&&b(c[i],i)||d&&!b(c[i],i))a.R(c[i]);v a},3k:q(c,b){7(1g b=="1s")b=14 45("a","v "+b);u d=[];E(u i=0,30=c.C;i<30;i++){u a=b(c[i],i);7(a!==H&&a!=I){7(a.15!=2b)a=[a];d=d.6v(a)}}v d}});14 q(){u b=6u.6t.2H();6.M={4D:(b.3t(/.+(?:6s|6q|6o|6m)[\\/: ]([\\d.]+)/)||[])[1],20:/5l/.17(b),2a:/2a/.17(b),1h:/1h/.17(b)&&!/2a/.17(b),3j:/3j/.17(b)&&!/(6h|5l)/.17(b)};6.6g=!6.M.1h||P.6f=="6c";6.1U=6.M.1h?"1U":"5x",6.3H={"E":"68","67":"12","3x":6.1U,5x:6.1U,1U:6.1U,27:"27",12:"12",2v:"2v",2r:"2r",2B:"2B",65:"63",2T:"2T",62:"5Z"}};6.F({4v:"a.L",4p:"6.4p(a)",8o:"6.22(a,2,\'1X\')",8n:"6.22(a,2,\'4t\')",8k:"6.4q(a.L.1d,a)",8h:"6.4q(a.1d)"},q(i,n){6.11[i]=q(a){u b=6.3k(9,n);7(a&&1g a=="1s")b=6.2x(a,b);v 9.1Z(b)}})!
 ;6.F({5o:"3e",8g:"5w",2K:"5t",8f:"5s"},q(i,n){6.11[i]=q(){u a=19;v 9.F
(q(){E(u j=0,26=a.C;j<26;j++)6(a[j])[n](9)})}});6.F({5v:q(a){6.1b(9,a,"");9.8d(a)},8c:q(c){6.12.1A(9,c)},88:q(c){6.12.1E(9,c)},87:q(c){6.12[6.12.3w(9,c)?"1E":"1A"](9,c)},1E:q(a){7(!a||6.1i(a,[9]).r.C)9.L.3q(9)},2Y:q(){1v(9.1d)9.3q(9.1d)}},q(i,n){6.11[i]=q(){v 9.F(n,19)}});6.F(["5Q","5P","5O","5N"],q(i,n){6.11[n]=q(a,b){v 9.1i(":"+n+"("+a+")",b)}});6.F(["1u","29"],q(i,n){6.11[n]=q(h){v h==I?(9.C?6.1f(9[0],n):H):9.1f(n,h.15==33?h:h+"4o")}});6.1c({4n:{"":"m[2]==\'*\'||6.Q(a,m[2])","#":"a.35(\'2m\')==m[2]",":":{5P:"i<m[3]-0",5O:"i>m[3]-0",22:"m[3]-0==i",5Q:"m[3]-0==i",2Q:"i==0",2P:"i==r.C-1",5L:"i%2==0",5K:"i%2","2Q-3u":"a.L.3R(\'*\')[0]==a","2P-3u":"6.22(a.L.5J,1,\'4t\')==a","86-3u":"!6.22(a.L.5J,2,\'4t\')",4v:"a.1d",2Y:"!a.1d",5N:"(a.5H||a.85||\'\').J(m[3])>=0",4f:\'"1y"!=a.G&&6.1f(a,"U")!="1P"&&6.1f(a,"48")!="1y"\',1y:\'"1y"==a.G||6.1f(a,"U")=="1P"||6.1f(a,"48")=="1y"\',84:"!a.2r",2r:"a.2r",2B:"a.2B",2T:"a.2T||6.1b(a,\'2T\')",2A:"\'2A\'==a.G",4b:"\'4b\'==a.G",5F:"\'5F\'==a.G"!
 ,4l:"\'4l\'==a.G",5E:"\'5E\'==a.G",4k:"\'4k\'==a.G",5D:"\'5D\'==a.G",5C:"\'5C\'==a.G",1J:\'"1J"==a.G||6.Q(a,"1J")\',5B:"/5B|2y|82|1J/i.17(a.Q)"},"[":"6.1L(m[2],a).C"},5A:[/^\\[ *(@)([\\w-]+) *([!*$^~=]*) *(\'?"?)(.*?)\\4 *\\]/,/^(\\[)\\s*(.*?(\\[.*?\\])?[^[]*?)\\s*\\]/,/^(:)([\\w-]+)\\("?\'?(.*?(\\(.*?\\))?[^(]*?)"?\'?\\)/,14 3o("^([:.#]*)("+(6.2J=6.M.20&&6.M.4D<"3.0.0"?"\\\\w":"(?:[\\\\w\\7Z-\\7X*1I-]|\\\\\\\\.)")+"+)")],2x:q(a,c,b){u d,1K=[];1v(a&&a!=d){d=a;u f=6.1i(a,c,b);a=f.t.1o(/^\\s*,\\s*/,"");1K=b?c=f.r:6.1T(1K,f.r)}v 1K},1L:q(t,l){7(1g t!="1s")v[t];7(l&&!l.1q)l=H;l=l||P;7(!t.J("//")){l=l.4h;t=t.2G(2,t.C)}B 7(!t.J("/")&&!l.2O){l=l.4h;t=t.2G(1,t.C);7(t.J("/")>=1)t=t.2G(t.J("/"),t.C)}u b=[l],2j=[],2P;1v(t&&2P!=t){u r=[];2P=t;t=6.2C(t).1o(/^\\/\\//,"");u k=N;u g=14 3o("^[/>]\\\\s*("+6.2J+"+)");u m=g.1V(t);7(m){u o=m[1].1D();E(u i=0;b[i];i++)E(u c=b[i].1d;c;c=c.1X)7(c.1q==1&&(o=="*"||c.Q.1D()==o.1D()))r.R(c);b=r;t=t.1o(g,"");7(t.J(" ")==0)7R;k=K}B{g=/^((\\/?\\.\\.)|([>\!
 \/+~]))\\s*([a-z]*)/i;7((m=g.1V(t))!=H){r=[];u o=m[4],1k=6.1k++;m=m[1]
;E(u j=0,2e=b.C;j<2e;j++)7(m.J("..")<0){u n=m=="~"||m=="+"?b[j].1X:b[j].1d;E(;n;n=n.1X)7(n.1q==1){7(m=="~"&&n.1k==1k)1F;7(!o||n.Q.1D()==o.1D()){7(m=="~")n.1k=1k;r.R(n)}7(m=="+")1F}}B r.R(b[j].L);b=r;t=6.2C(t.1o(g,""));k=K}}7(t&&!k){7(!t.J(",")){7(l==b[0])b.4e();2j=6.1T(2j,b);r=b=[l];t=" "+t.2G(1,t.C)}B{u h=14 3o("^("+6.2J+"+)(#)("+6.2J+"+)");u m=h.1V(t);7(m){m=[0,m[2],m[3],m[1]]}B{h=14 3o("^([#.]?)("+6.2J+"*)");m=h.1V(t)}m[2]=m[2].1o(/\\\\/g,"");u f=b[b.C-1];7(m[1]=="#"&&f&&f.4d){u p=f.4d(m[2]);7((6.M.1h||6.M.2a)&&p&&1g p.2m=="1s"&&p.2m!=m[2])p=6(\'[@2m="\'+m[2]+\'"]\',f)[0];b=r=p&&(!m[3]||6.Q(p,m[3]))?[p]:[]}B{E(u i=0;b[i];i++){u a=m[1]!=""||m[0]==""?"*":m[2];7(a=="*"&&b[i].Q.2H()=="7P")a="2E";r=6.1T(r,b[i].3R(a))}7(m[1]==".")r=6.4c(r,m[2]);7(m[1]=="#"){u e=[];E(u i=0;r[i];i++)7(r[i].35("2m")==m[2]){e=[r[i]];1F}r=e}b=r}t=t.1o(h,"")}}7(t){u d=6.1i(t,r);b=r=d.r;t=6.2C(d.t)}}7(t)b=[];7(b&&l==b[0])b.4e();2j=6.1T(2j,b);v 2j},4c:q(r,m,a){m=" "+m+" ";u b=[];E(u i=0;r[i];i++){u c=(!
 " "+r[i].12+" ").J(m)>=0;7(!a&&c||a&&!c)b.R(r[i])}v b},1i:q(t,r,h){u d;1v(t&&t!=d){d=t;u p=6.5A,m;E(u i=0;p[i];i++){m=p[i].1V(t);7(m){t=t.7N(m[0].C);m[2]=m[2].1o(/\\\\/g,"");1F}}7(!m)1F;7(m[1]==":"&&m[2]=="4Y")r=6.1i(m[3],r,K).r;B 7(m[1]==".")r=6.4c(r,m[2],h);B 7(m[1]=="@"){u g=[],G=m[3];E(u i=0,2e=r.C;i<2e;i++){u a=r[i],z=a[6.3H[m[2]]||m[2]];7(z==H||/4M|2u/.17(m[2]))z=6.1b(a,m[2])||\'\';7((G==""&&!!z||G=="="&&z==m[5]||G=="!="&&z!=m[5]||G=="^="&&z&&!z.J(m[5])||G=="$="&&z.2G(z.C-m[5].C)==m[5]||(G=="*="||G=="~=")&&z.J(m[5])>=0)^h)g.R(a)}r=g}B 7(m[1]==":"&&m[2]=="22-3u"){u e=6.1k++,g=[],17=/(\\d*)n\\+?(\\d*)/.1V(m[3]=="5L"&&"2n"||m[3]=="5K"&&"2n+1"||!/\\D/.17(m[3])&&"n+"+m[3]||m[3]),2Q=(17[1]||1)-0,d=17[2]-0;E(u i=0,2e=r.C;i<2e;i++){u j=r[i],L=j.L;7(e!=L.1k){u c=1;E(u n=L.1d;n;n=n.1X)7(n.1q==1)n.4a=c++;L.1k=e}u b=N;7(2Q==1){7(d==0||j.4a==d)b=K}B 7((j.4a+d)%2Q==0)b=K;7(b^h)g.R(j)}r=g}B{u f=6.4n[m[1]];7(1g f!="1s")f=6.4n[m[1]][m[2]];49("f = q(a,i){v "+f+"}");r=6.2s(r,f,h)}}v{r:r!
 ,t:t}},4p:q(c){u b=[];u a=c.L;1v(a&&a!=P){b.R(a);a=a.L}v b},22:q(a,e,c
,b){e=e||1;u d=0;E(;a;a=a[c])7(a.1q==1&&++d==e)1F;v a},4q:q(n,a){u r=[];E(;n;n=n.1X){7(n.1q==1&&(!a||n!=a))r.R(n)}v r}});6.S={1A:q(d,e,c,b){7(6.M.1h&&d.3m!=I)d=18;7(!c.1Q)c.1Q=9.1Q++;7(b!=I){u f=c;c=q(){v f.O(9,19)};c.W=b;c.1Q=f.1Q}7(!d.$1a)d.$1a={};7(!d.$1p)d.$1p=q(){u a;7(1g 6=="I"||6.S.47)v a;a=6.S.1p.O(d,19);v a};u g=d.$1a[e];7(!g){g=d.$1a[e]={};7(d.46)d.46(e,d.$1p,N);B d.7M("5r"+e,d.$1p)}g[c.1Q]=c;7(!9.Y[e])9.Y[e]=[];7(6.2w(d,9.Y[e])==-1)9.Y[e].R(d)},1Q:1,Y:{},1E:q(b,c,a){u d=b.$1a,1Y,2p;7(d){7(c&&c.G){a=c.44;c=c.G}7(!c){E(c V d)9.1E(b,c)}B 7(d[c]){7(a)3l d[c][a.1Q];B E(a V b.$1a[c])3l d[c][a];E(1Y V d[c])1F;7(!1Y){7(b.43)b.43(c,b.$1p,N);B b.7J("5r"+c,b.$1p);1Y=H;3l d[c];1v(9.Y[c]&&((2p=6.2w(b,9.Y[c]))>=0))3l 9.Y[c][2p]}}E(1Y V d)1F;7(!1Y)b.$1p=b.$1a=H}},1t:q(c,b,d){b=6.2L(b||[]);7(!d)6.F(9.Y[c]||[],q(){6.S.1t(c,b,9)});B{u a,1Y,11=6.16(d[c]||H);b.5p(9.42({G:c,1O:d}));7(6.16(d.$1p)&&(a=d.$1p.O(d,b))!==N)9.47=K;7(11&&a!==N&&!6.Q(d,\'a\'))d[c]();9.47=N}},1p:q(b){u a;b=6.S.!
 42(b||18.S||{});u c=9.$1a&&9.$1a[b.G],1S=[].51.3D(19,1);1S.5p(b);E(u j V c){1S[0].44=c[j];1S[0].W=c[j].W;7(c[j].O(9,1S)===N){b.2d();b.2D();a=N}}7(6.M.1h)b.1O=b.2d=b.2D=b.44=b.W=H;v a},42:q(c){u a=c;c=6.1c({},a);c.2d=q(){7(a.2d)v a.2d();a.7H=N};c.2D=q(){7(a.2D)v a.2D();a.7F=K};7(!c.1O&&c.5n)c.1O=c.5n;7(6.M.20&&c.1O.1q==3)c.1O=a.1O.L;7(!c.41&&c.4j)c.41=c.4j==c.1O?c.7C:c.4j;7(c.5k==H&&c.5j!=H){u e=P.4h,b=P.4y;c.5k=c.5j+(e&&e.5i||b.5i);c.7z=c.7y+(e&&e.5f||b.5f)}7(!c.3h&&(c.5e||c.5d))c.3h=c.5e||c.5d;7(!c.5c&&c.5b)c.5c=c.5b;7(!c.3h&&c.1J)c.3h=(c.1J&1?1:(c.1J&2?3:(c.1J&4?2:0)));v c}};6.11.1c({3g:q(c,a,b){v c=="3z"?9.3Z(c,a,b):9.F(q(){6.S.1A(9,c,b||a,b&&a)})},3Z:q(d,b,c){v 9.F(q(){6.S.1A(9,d,q(a){6(9).3U(a);v(c||b).O(9,19)},c&&b)})},3U:q(a,b){v 9.F(q(){6.S.1E(9,a,b)})},1t:q(a,b){v 9.F(q(){6.S.1t(a,b,9)})},1R:q(){u a=19;v 9.5a(q(e){9.4u=0==9.4u?1:0;e.2d();v a[9.4u].O(9,[e])||N})},7w:q(f,g){q 3W(e){u p=e.41;1v(p&&p!=9)2g{p=p.L}25(e){p=9};7(p==9)v N;v(e.G=="3V"?f:g).O(9,[e])}v 9.3V(3W!
 ).59(3W)},1G:q(f){7(6.3d)f.O(P,[6]);B 6.2q.R(q(){v f.O(9,[6])});v 9}})
;6.1c({3d:N,2q:[],1G:q(){7(!6.3d){6.3d=K;7(6.2q){6.F(6.2q,q(){9.O(P)});6.2q=H}7(6.M.3j||6.M.2a)P.43("58",6.1G,N);7(!18.7v.C)6(18).1W(q(){6("#3T").1E()})}}});14 q(){6.F(("7u,7t,1W,7s,7r,3z,5a,7q,"+"7p,7o,7n,3V,59,7m,2y,"+"4k,7l,7k,7j,2c").2R(","),q(i,o){6.11[o]=q(f){v f?9.3g(o,f):9.1t(o)}});7(6.M.3j||6.M.2a)P.46("58",6.1G,N);B 7(6.M.1h){P.7i("<7h"+"7f 2m=3T 7e=K "+"2u=//:><\\/3b>");u a=P.4d("3T");7(a)a.7d=q(){7(9.3a!="1n")v;6.1G()};a=H}B 7(6.M.20)6.3N=3m(q(){7(P.3a=="79"||P.3a=="1n"){3M(6.3N);6.3N=H;6.1G()}},10);6.S.1A(18,"1W",6.1G)};7(6.M.1h)6(18).3Z("3z",q(){u a=6.S.Y;E(u b V a){u c=a[b],i=c.C;7(i&&b!=\'3z\')77 c[i-1]&&6.S.1E(c[i-1],b);1v(--i)}});6.11.1c({76:q(c,b,a){9.1W(c,b,a,1)},1W:q(g,d,c,e){7(6.16(g))v 9.3g("1W",g);c=c||q(){};u f="3K";7(d)7(6.16(d)){c=d;d=H}B{d=6.2E(d);f="50"}u h=9;6.2Z({1C:g,G:f,W:d,2t:e,1n:q(a,b){7(b=="28"||!e&&b=="4V")h.1b("27",a.3c).3J().F(c,[a.3c,b,a]);B c.O(h,[a.3c,b,a])}});v 9},72:q(){v 6.2E(9)},3J:q(){v 9.1L("3b").F(q(){7(9.2u)6.4U(9.2u);B 6.3I!
 (9.2A||9.5H||9.27||"")}).2U()}});6.F("4T,4I,4S,4R,4Q,4P".2R(","),q(i,o){6.11[o]=q(f){v 9.3g(o,f)}});6.1c({1M:q(e,c,a,d,b){7(6.16(c)){a=c;c=H}v 6.2Z({G:"3K",1C:e,W:c,28:a,3G:d,2t:b})},6X:q(d,b,a,c){v 6.1M(d,b,a,c,1)},4U:q(b,a){v 6.1M(b,H,a,"3b")},6V:q(c,b,a){v 6.1M(c,b,a,"4N")},6T:q(d,b,a,c){7(6.16(b)){a=b;b={}}v 6.2Z({G:"50",1C:d,W:b,28:a,3G:c})},6S:q(a){6.36.21=a},6Q:q(a){6.1c(6.36,a)},36:{Y:K,G:"3K",21:0,4O:"6P/x-6O-34-6N",4K:K,38:K,W:H},32:{},2Z:q(s){s=6.1c({},6.36,s);7(s.W){7(s.4K&&1g s.W!="1s")s.W=6.2E(s.W);7(s.G.2H()=="1M"){s.1C+=((s.1C.J("?")>-1)?"&":"?")+s.W;s.W=H}}7(s.Y&&!6.3L++)6.S.1t("4T");u f=N;u h=18.4Z?14 4Z("6L.6J"):14 4J();h.7b(s.G,s.1C,s.38);7(s.W)h.3Q("6H-6G",s.4O);7(s.2t)h.3Q("6F-3O-6D",6.32[s.1C]||"6C, 6B 6A 6z 4r:4r:4r 6y");h.3Q("X-6x-6w","4J");7(s.56)s.56(h);7(s.Y)6.S.1t("4P",[h,s]);u g=q(d){7(h&&(h.3a==4||d=="21")){f=K;7(i){3M(i);i=H}u c;2g{c=6.54(h)&&d!="21"?s.2t&&6.4F(h,s.1C)?"4V":"28":"2c";7(c!="2c"){u b;2g{b=h.3E("53-3O")}25(e){}7(s.2t&&b)6.32[s.1!
 C]=b;u a=6.55(h,s.3G);7(s.28)s.28(a,c);7(s.Y)6.S.1t("4Q",[h,s])}B 6.2X
(s,h,c)}25(e){c="2c";6.2X(s,h,c,e)}7(s.Y)6.S.1t("4S",[h,s]);7(s.Y&&!--6.3L)6.S.1t("4I");7(s.1n)s.1n(h,c);7(s.38)h=H}};u i=3m(g,13);7(s.21>0)4C(q(){7(h){h.6r();7(!f)g("21")}},s.21);2g{h.6p(s.W)}25(e){6.2X(s,h,H,e)}7(!s.38)g();v h},2X:q(s,a,b,e){7(s.2c)s.2c(a,b,e);7(s.Y)6.S.1t("4R",[a,s,e])},3L:0,54:q(r){2g{v!r.23&&7A.7B=="4l:"||(r.23>=5u&&r.23<6l)||r.23==5m||6.M.20&&r.23==I}25(e){}v N},4F:q(a,c){2g{u b=a.3E("53-3O");v a.23==5m||b==6.32[c]||6.M.20&&a.23==I}25(e){}v N},55:q(r,b){u c=r.3E("6k-G");u a=!b&&c&&c.J("4B")>=0;a=b=="4B"||a?r.6j:r.3c;7(b=="3b")6.3I(a);7(b=="4N")a=49("("+a+")");7(b=="3F")6("<1x>").3F(a).3J();v a},2E:q(a){u s=[];7(a.15==2b||a.3C)6.F(a,q(){s.R(2l(9.6i)+"="+2l(9.2v))});B E(u j V a)7(a[j]&&a[j].15==2b)6.F(a[j],q(){s.R(2l(j)+"="+2l(9))});B s.R(2l(j)+"="+2l(a[j]));v s.5M("&")},3I:q(a){7(18.4A)18.4A(a);B 7(6.M.20)18.4C(a,0);B 49.3D(18,a)}});6.11.1c({1m:q(b,a){v b?9.1w({1u:"1m",29:"1m",1e:"1m"},b,a):9.1i(":1y").F(q(){9.T.U=9.2i?9.2i:"";7(6.1f(9,"U")=="1P")9.T.U=!
 "2h"}).2U()},1j:q(b,a){v b?9.1w({1u:"1j",29:"1j",1e:"1j"},b,a):9.1i(":4f").F(q(){9.2i=9.2i||6.1f(9,"U");7(9.2i=="1P")9.2i="2h";9.T.U="1P"}).2U()},5G:6.11.1R,1R:q(a,b){v 6.16(a)&&6.16(b)?9.5G(a,b):a?9.1w({1u:"1R",29:"1R",1e:"1R"},a,b):9.F(q(){6(9)[6(9).37(":1y")?"1m":"1j"]()})},6e:q(b,a){v 9.1w({1u:"1m"},b,a)},6d:q(b,a){v 9.1w({1u:"1j"},b,a)},6b:q(b,a){v 9.1w({1u:"1R"},b,a)},6a:q(b,a){v 9.1w({1e:"1m"},b,a)},69:q(b,a){v 9.1w({1e:"1j"},b,a)},7U:q(c,a,b){v 9.1w({1e:a},c,b)},1w:q(d,h,f,g){v 9.1l(q(){u c=6(9).37(":1y"),1H=6.5z(h,f,g),5y=9;E(u p V d){7(d[p]=="1j"&&c||d[p]=="1m"&&!c)v 6.16(1H.1n)&&1H.1n.O(9);7(p=="1u"||p=="29"){1H.U=6.1f(9,"U");1H.2f=9.T.2f}}7(1H.2f!=H)9.T.2f="1y";9.2k=6.1c({},d);6.F(d,q(a,b){u e=14 6.2M(5y,1H,a);7(b.15==3y)e.2W(e.1K(),b);B e[b=="1R"?c?"1m":"1j":b](d)})})},1l:q(a,b){7(!b){b=a;a="2M"}v 9.F(q(){7(!9.1l)9.1l={};7(!9.1l[a])9.1l[a]=[];9.1l[a].R(b);7(9.1l[a].C==1)b.O(9)})}});6.1c({5z:q(b,a,c){u d=b&&b.15==64?b:{1n:c||!c&&a||6.16(b)&&b,1B:b,2I:c&&a||a&&a.!
:5u}[d.1B])||8a;d.2N=d.1n;d.1n=q(){6.5I(9,"2M");7(6.16(d.2N))d.2N.O(9)};v d},2I:{4w:q(p,n,b,a){v b+a*p},4i:q(p,n,b,a){v((-5W.5X(p*5W.8e)/2)+0.5)*a+b}},1l:{},5I:q(b,a){a=a||"2M";7(b.1l&&b.1l[a]){b.1l[a].4e();u f=b.1l[a][0];7(f)f.O(b)}},3B:[],2M:q(f,e,g){u z=9;u y=f.T;z.a=q(){7(e.3A)e.3A.O(f,[z.2o]);7(g=="1e")6.1b(y,"1e",z.2o);B{y[g]=8m(z.2o)+"4o";y.U="2h"}};z.5V=q(){v 39(6.1f(f,g))};z.1K=q(){u r=39(6.2z(f,g));v r&&r>-8l?r:z.5V()};z.2W=q(c,b){z.4s=(14 5T()).5S();z.2o=c;z.a();6.3B.R(q(){v z.3A(c,b)});7(6.3B.C==1){u d=3m(q(){u a=6.3B;E(u i=0;i<a.C;i++)7(!a[i]())a.8j(i--,1);7(!a.C)3M(d)},13)}};z.1m=q(){7(!f.24)f.24={};f.24[g]=6.1b(f.T,g);e.1m=K;z.2W(0,9.1K());7(g!="1e")y[g]="8q";6(f).1m()};z.1j=q(){7(!f.24)f.24={};f.24[g]=6.1b(f.T,g);e.1j=K;z.2W(9.1K(),0)};z.3A=q(a,c){u t=(14 5T()).5S();7(t>e.1B+z.4s){z.2o=c;z.a();7(f.2k)f.2k[g]=K;u b=K;E(u i V f.2k)7(f.2k[i]!==K)b=N;7(b){7(e.U!=H){y.2f=e.2f;y.U=e.U;7(6.1f(f,"U")=="1P")y.U="2h"}7(e.1j)y.U="1P";7(e.1j||e.1m)E(u p V f.2k)6.1b(y,p,f!
 .24[p])}7(b&&6.16(e.1n))e.1n.O(f);v N}B{u n=t-9.4s;u p=n/e.1B;z.2o=6.2I[e.2I](p,n,a,(c-a),e.1B);z.a()}v K}}})}',62,524,'||||||jQuery|if||this|||||||||||||||||function||||var|return||||||else|length||for|each|type|null|undefined|indexOf|true|parentNode|browser|false|apply|document|nodeName|push|event|style|display|in|data||global|||fn|className||new|constructor|isFunction|test|window|arguments|events|attr|extend|firstChild|opacity|css|typeof|msie|filter|hide|mergeNum|queue|show|complete|replace|handle|nodeType|table|string|trigger|height|while|animate|div|hidden|tbody|add|duration|url|toUpperCase|remove|break|ready|opt|_|button|cur|find|get|tb|target|none|guid|toggle|args|merge|styleFloat|exec|load|nextSibling|ret|pushStack|safari|timeout|nth|status|orig|catch|al|innerHTML|success|width|opera|Array|error|preventDefault|rl|overflow|try|block|oldblock|done|curAnim|encodeURIComponent|id||now|index|readyList|disabled|grep|ifModified|src|value|inArray|multiFilter|select|curCSS|te!
\ No newline at end of file

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