[seam-commits] Seam SVN: r11336 - in branches/community/Seam_2_2: examples/jee5 and 8 other directories.

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Mon Aug 3 16:59:44 EDT 2009

Author: denis.forveille
Date: 2009-08-03 16:59:44 -0400 (Mon, 03 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 11336

WebSpehre v7 jee5/booking sample rework + WebSphere v7 documentation chapter rework

Modified: branches/community/Seam_2_2/doc/Seam_Reference_Guide/en-US/Author_Group.xml
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/doc/Seam_Reference_Guide/en-US/Author_Group.xml	2009-08-03 13:45:14 UTC (rev 11335)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/doc/Seam_Reference_Guide/en-US/Author_Group.xml	2009-08-03 20:59:44 UTC (rev 11336)
@@ -64,6 +64,10 @@
+      <firstname>Denis</firstname>
+      <surname>Forveille</surname>
+   </author>
+   <author>

Modified: branches/community/Seam_2_2/doc/Seam_Reference_Guide/en-US/Websphere.xml
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/doc/Seam_Reference_Guide/en-US/Websphere.xml	2009-08-03 13:45:14 UTC (rev 11335)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/doc/Seam_Reference_Guide/en-US/Websphere.xml	2009-08-03 20:59:44 UTC (rev 11336)
@@ -1,782 +1,638 @@
 <chapter id="websphere">
-   <title>Seam on IBM's Websphere AS</title>
+	<title>Seam on IBM's WebSphere AS v7</title>
+	<section>
+	  <title>WebSphere AS environment and version recommendation</title>
+      <para>
+        WebSphere Application Server v7 is IBM's application server offering. 
+        This release is fully Java EE 5 certified.
+      </para>
+	  <para>
+		WebSphere AS being a commercial product, we will not discuss the
+		details of its installation. At best, we will instruct you to follow the directions
+		provided by your particular installation type and license. 
+      </para>
+      <para>
+       First, we will go over some basic considerations on how to run Seam applications under WebSphere AS v7.
+       We will go over the details of these steps using the JEE5 booking example.
+       We will also deploy the JPA (non-EJB3) example application. 
+      </para>
+	  <para>
+	    All of the examples and information in this chapter are based on
+		WebSphere AS v7. A trial version can be downloaded here :
+        <ulink url="http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/downloads/ws/was"> WebSphere Application Server V7</ulink>
+	  </para>
+	  <para>
+		WebSphere v7.0.0.3 is the minimal recommended version of WebSphere v7 to use
+		with Seam. Earlier versions of WebSphere have bugs in the EJB container that will 
+		cause various exceptions to occur at runtime. 
+      </para>
+	  <para>
+        The following sections in this chapter assume that WebSphere is correctly installed and is
+		functional, and a profile has been successfully created.	
+      </para>
+	  <para>
+        This chapter explain how to compile, deploy and run some sample applications in WebSphere. These sample applications require
+        a database. WebSphere comes by default with a set of sample applications called "Default Application". This set of sample applications
+        use a Derby database running on the Derby instance installed with WebSphere. In order to keep this simple we'll use this Derby database created 
+        for the "Default Applications". However, to run the sample application with the Derby database "as-is", a patched Hibernate
+        dialect must be used (The patch changes the default "auto" key generation strategy) as explained in <xref linkend="glassfish" />.
+        If you want to use another database, it's just a matter of creating a connection pool in WebSphere pointing to this database,
+        declare the correct Hibernate dialect and set the correct JNDI name in <literal>persistence.xml</literal>.  
+      </para>
+   </section>
-   <para>Websphere AS V7 is IBM's application server offering. This release is
-      fully Java EE 5 certified.</para>
-   <para>First we will go over some basic information about the Websphere AS
-      environment that we used for these examples. We will
-      go over the details of those steps with the JEE5 booking example. We will also deploy
-      the JPA example application. </para>
-      <title>Websphere AS environment and deployment information</title>
+     <title>Configuring the WebSphere Web Container</title>
+     <para>
+       This step is mandatory in order to have Seam applications run with WebSphere v7.
+       Two extra properties must be added to the Web Container. Please refer to the IBM WebSphere Information Center for further explanations on those properties.
+     </para>
+     <para> 
+       To add the extra properties: 
+       <itemizedlist>
+         <listitem>
+           Open the WebSphere administration console
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>
+           Select the <literal>Servers/Server Types/WebSphere Application Servers</literal> in the left navigation menu
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>
+           Click on the server name (<literal>server1</literal>)
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>
+           On the right navigation menu, select <literal>Web Container Settings/Web container</literal>)
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>
+           On the right navigation menu, select <literal>custom properties</literal>) and add the following properties:
+           <itemizedlist>
+           <listitem>
+             <literal>prependSlashToResource = true</literal>
+           </listitem>
+           <listitem>
+             <literal>com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.invokefilterscompatibility = true</literal>
+           </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+         </listitem>
+         <listitem>
+           Save and restart the server
+         </listitem>
+       </itemizedlist>
+     </para>
+    </section>
+	<section id="websphere-jndi-section">
+	  <title>Seam and the WebSphere JNDI name space</title>
+      <para>
+        In order to use component injection, Seam needs to know how to lookup for session beans bound to the JNDI name space. 
+        Seam provides two mechanisms to configure the way it will search for such resources:
+		<itemizedlist>
+		  <listitem>
+              The global <literal>jndi-pattern</literal> switch on the <literal>&lt;core:init&gt;</literal>. in <literal>components.xml</literal>. 
+			  The switch can use a special placeholder "<literal>#{ejbName}</literal>" that resolves to the unqualified name of the EJB
+	      </listitem>
+		  <listitem>
+            <para>
+              The <literal>@JndiName</literal> annotation
+            </para>
+	      </listitem>
+       </itemizedlist>
+      </para>
+      <para>
+        <xref linkend="config.integration.ejb.container"/> gives detailed explanations on how those mechanisms work.
+      </para>
-      <para>Websphere AS is a commercial product and so we will not discuss the
-         details of its installation other than to say follow the directions
-         provided by your particular installation type and license. This
-         section will detail the exact server versions used, installation tips,
-         and some custom properties that are needed for all of the
-         examples.</para>
+      <para>
+        By default, WebSphere will bind the session bean in
+		its local JNDI name space under a "short" binding name that adheres to the following pattern  
+        <literal>ejblocal:&lt;package.qualified.local.interface.name&gt;</literal>.
+      </para>
+      <para>
+        For a detailed description on how WebSphere v7 organizes and binds EJBs in its JNDI name spaces, please refer to the WebSphere Information Center.  
+	  </para>
+	  <para>
+        As explained before, Seam needs to lookup for session bean as they appear in JNDI. 
+        Basically, there are three strategies, in order of complexity:
+        <itemizedlist>
+		  <listitem>
+			  Specify which JNDI name Seam must use for each session bean using the <literal>@JndiName</literal> annotation in the java source file
+	      </listitem>
+		  <listitem>
+			  Override the default session bean names generated by WebSphere to conform to the <literal>jndi-pattern</literal> attribute
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+			  Use EJB references
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+      </para>
+      <section id="was.strategy1">
+        <title>Strategy 1: Specify which JNDI name Seam must use for each Session Bean</title>
+		<para>
+		  This strategy is the simplest and fastest one regarding development. It uses the WebSphere v7 default binding mechanism. To use this strategy:
+          <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+                Add a <literal>@JndiName("ejblocal:&lt;package.qualified.local.interface.name&gt;)</literal> annotation to each session bean that is a Seam component.
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>
+                In <literal>components.xml</literal>, add the following line:
+                <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<core:init jndi-name="java:comp/env/#{ejbName}" />]]></programlisting>
+              </para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para >
+                Add a file named <literal>WEB-INF/classes/seam-jndi.properties</literal> in the web module with the following content:
+                 <programlisting>com.ibm.websphere.naming.hostname.normalizer=com.ibm.ws.naming.util.DefaultHostnameNormalizer
+              </para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>
+                At the end of <literal>web.xml</literal>, add the following lines:
+                <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<ejb-local-ref>
+   <ejb-ref-name>EjbSynchronizations</ejb-ref-name>
+   <ejb-ref-type>Session</ejb-ref-type>
+   <local-home></local-home>
+   <local>org.jboss.seam.transaction.LocalEjbSynchronizations</local>
+ </ejb-local-ref>]]></programlisting>
+              </para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </para>
+        <para>
+          That's all folks! No need to update any file during the development, nor to define any EJB to EJB or web to EJB reference!
+        </para>
+        <para>
+		    Compared to the other strategies, this strategy has the advantage not to have to manage any EJBs reference and also not to have to maintain extra files.
+		    The only drawback is one extra line in the java source code with the <literal>@JndiName</literal> annotation
+        </para>
+	  </section>
-         <title>Installation versions</title>
-         <para>All of the examples and information in this chapter are based on
-            the version V7 of Websphere AS at the time of this writing.
-            <itemizedlist>
-               <listitem>
-                  <para><ulink
-                        url="http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/downloads/ws/was">
-                     Websphere Application Server V7</ulink></para>                     
-               </listitem>
-            </itemizedlist> </para>
-         <para>After installing Websphere AS, create server profile with Profile Management Tool, if you
-         	didn't create profile in installation process.
-         </para> 
+        <title>Strategy 2: Override the default names generated by WebSphere</title>
+		  There is no simple way to globally override the default naming strategy for session beans in WebSphere. 
+          However, WebSphere provides a way to override the name of each bean.
+        <para>
+           To use this strategy:
+           <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>
+                Add a file named <literal>META-INF/ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xml</literal> in the EJB module and add an entry for each session bean like this:
+                <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  xmlns="http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee"
+  xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+  xsi:schemaLocation="http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee 
+                      http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee/ibm-ejb-jar-bnd_1_0.xsd"
+  version="1.0">
+ <session name="AuthenticatorAction" simple-binding-name="AuthenticatorAction" />
+ <session name="BookingListAction" simple-binding-name="BookingListAction" />
+              WebSphere will then bind the <literal>AuthenticatorAction</literal> EJB to the <literal>ejblocal:AuthenticatorAction</literal> JNDI name
+              </para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>
+                In <literal>components.xml</literal>, add the following line:
+                <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<core:init jndi-name="ejblocal:#{ejbName}" />]]></programlisting>
+              </para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>
+                Add a file named <literal>WEB-INF/classes/seam-jndi.properties</literal> as described in strategy 1
+              </para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>
+                In <literal>web.xml</literal>, add the following lines (Note the different <literal>ejb-ref-name</literal> value):
+                <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<ejb-local-ref>
+   <ejb-ref-name>ejblocal:EjbSynchronizations</ejb-ref-name>
+   <ejb-ref-type>Session</ejb-ref-type>
+   <local-home></local-home>
+   <local>org.jboss.seam.transaction.LocalEjbSynchronizations</local>
+ </ejb-local-ref>]]></programlisting>
+              </para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+        </para>
+        <para> 
+          Compared to the first strategy, this strategy requires to maintain an extra file 
+          (<literal>META-INF/ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xml</literal>), 
+          where a line must be added  each time a new session bean is added to the application),
+          but still does not require to maintain EJB reference between beans.
+        </para>
-   </section>
-   <section id="jee5-websphere-section">
-      <title> The <literal>jee5/booking</literal> example </title>
-      <para> The <literal>jee5/booking</literal> example is based on the Hotel
-         Booking example (which runs on JBoss AS). Out of the box it is designed 
-         to run on Glassfish, but with the steps below it can be deployed to
-         Websphere. It is located in the
-         <literal>$SEAM_DIST/examples/jee5/booking</literal> directory.
-         </para>
-      <section>
-         <title>Configuration file changes</title>
-         <para>Below are the configuration file changes that are need to the base
-            example.</para>
-         <variablelist>
-            <varlistentry>
-               <term>
-                  <literal>resources/WEB-INF/components.xml</literal>
-               </term>
-               <listitem>
-                  <para>We need to change the way that we look up EJBs for
-                     WAS. We need to remove the
-                     <literal>/local</literal> from the end of the
-                     <literal>jndi-pattern</literal> attribute. It should
-                     look like this: </para>
-                  <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
-<core:init jndi-pattern="java:comp/env/jboss-seam-jee5/#{ejbName}" debug="true"/>
-                  ]]></programlisting>
-               </listitem>
-            </varlistentry>
-            <varlistentry>
-               <term>
-                  <literal>resources/META-INF/ejb-jar.xml</literal>
-               </term>
-               <listitem>
-                  <para>We need to replace the /local string from <literal>ejb-ref-name</literal>. 
-                  See at the following final code:</para>
-                  <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
-   <enterprise-beans>
-      <!-- EJB reference required when one Seam EJB component references another Seam EJB component using @In -->
-      <!-- Not required if you inject using @EJB, but then you lose state management and client-side interceptors (e.g., security) -->
-      <session>
-         <ejb-name>RegisterAction</ejb-name>
-         <ejb-local-ref>
-            <ejb-ref-name>jboss-seam-jee5/AuthenticatorAction</ejb-ref-name>
-            <ejb-ref-type>Session</ejb-ref-type>
-            <local>org.jboss.seam.example.booking.Authenticator</local>
-         </ejb-local-ref>
-      </session>
-   </enterprise-beans>]]></programlisting>
-               </listitem>
-            </varlistentry>
-            <varlistentry>
-               <term> <literal>resources/WEB-INF/web.xml</literal>
-               </term>
-               <listitem>                 
-                  <para>We have to make some changes to the EJB references
-                     in the <literal>web.xml</literal>. These changes are
-                     what will allow WAS to bind automatically the EJB3 references in
-                     the web module to the the actual EJB3 beans in the EAR
-                     module. Replace all of the /local strings in
-                     <literal>ejb-local-refs</literal> when the values
-                     below.</para>
-                  <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
-  <!-- JEE5 EJB3 names -->
-  <ejb-local-ref>
-    <ejb-ref-name>jboss-seam-jee5/AuthenticatorAction</ejb-ref-name>
-    <ejb-ref-type>Session</ejb-ref-type>
-    <local>org.jboss.seam.example.booking.Authenticator</local>
-  </ejb-local-ref>	
+	  <section>
+		  <title>Strategy 3: Use EJB references</title>
+           This strategy is based on the usage of EJB references, from EJB to EJB and from the web module to EJB. To use it:
+           <itemizedlist>
+            <listitem>
+                In <literal>components.xml</literal>, add the following line:
+                <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<core:init jndi-name="java:comp/env/#{ejbName}" />]]></programlisting>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>
+                Follow the instructions in <xref linkend="config.integration.ejb.container"/> to declare the references from web to EJB and from EJB to EJB
+              </para>
+            </listitem>
+          </itemizedlist>
+          <para>
+           This is the most tedious strategy as each session bean referenced by another session bean (i.e. "injected") as to be declared in 
+           <literal>ejb-jar.xml</literal> file.
+           Also, each new session bean has to be added to the list of referenced bean in <literal>web.xml</literal> 
+         </para>  
+      </section>
-  <ejb-local-ref>
-    <ejb-ref-name>jboss-seam-jee5/BookingListAction</ejb-ref-name>
-    <ejb-ref-type>Session</ejb-ref-type>
-    <local>org.jboss.seam.example.booking.BookingList</local>
-  </ejb-local-ref>
+	</section>
-  <ejb-local-ref>
-    <ejb-ref-name>jboss-seam-jee5/RegisterAction</ejb-ref-name>
-    <ejb-ref-type>Session</ejb-ref-type>
-    <local>org.jboss.seam.example.booking.Register</local>
-  </ejb-local-ref>
+	<section id="websphere-timeout-section">
+		<title>Configuring timeouts for Stateful Session Beans</title>
+		<para>
+         A timeout value has to be set for each stateful session bean used in the application because stateful bean must not expire in WebSphere while Seam 
+         might still need thenm.
+         At the time of writing this document, WebSphere does not provide a way to configure a global timeout at neither the cluster, 
+         server, application nor ejb-jar level. It has to be done for each stateful bean individually.
+         This is done by adding a file named <literal>META-INF/ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xml</literal> in the EJB module, and declare the timeout value for each bean:
+         <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+  xmlns="http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee"
+  xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+  xsi:schemaLocation="http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee 
+                      http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee/ibm-ejb-jar-ext_1_0.xsd"
+  version="1.0">
-  <ejb-local-ref>
-    <ejb-ref-name>jboss-seam-jee5/ChangePasswordAction</ejb-ref-name>
-    <ejb-ref-type>Session</ejb-ref-type>
-    <local>org.jboss.seam.example.booking.ChangePassword</local>
-  </ejb-local-ref>
+  <session name="BookingListAction"><time-out value="605"/></session>
+  <session name="ChangePasswordAction"><time-out value="605"/></session>
+      </para>
+      <para>
+         The <literal>time-out</literal> is expressed in seconds and must be higher than the Seam conversation expiration timeout 
+         and a few minutes higher than the user's HTTP session timeout (The session expiration timeout can trigger a few minutes
+         after the number of minutes declared to expire s for the HTTP session expiration).   
+	  </para>
+	</section>
-  <ejb-local-ref>
-    <ejb-ref-name>jboss-seam-jee5/HotelBookingAction</ejb-ref-name>
-    <ejb-ref-type>Session</ejb-ref-type>
-    <local>org.jboss.seam.example.booking.HotelBooking</local>
-  </ejb-local-ref>
-  <ejb-local-ref>
-    <ejb-ref-name>jboss-seam-jee5/HotelSearchingAction</ejb-ref-name>
-    <ejb-ref-type>Session</ejb-ref-type>
-    <local>org.jboss.seam.example.booking.HotelSearching</local>
-  </ejb-local-ref>
+    <section id="jee5-websphere-section">
+	  <title>The <literal>jee5/booking</literal> example</title>
-  <ejb-local-ref>
-    <ejb-ref-name>jboss-seam-jee5/EjbSynchronizations</ejb-ref-name>
-    <ejb-ref-type>Session</ejb-ref-type>
-    <local>org.jboss.seam.transaction.LocalEjbSynchronizations</local>
-  </ejb-local-ref>]]></programlisting>
-                  <para>Note also that <literal>EjbSynchronizations</literal> is
-                  a built-in Seam EJB and not part of the Hotel Booking example. This
-                  means that if your application's <literal>components.xml</literal> 
-                  specifies <literal>transaction:ejb-transaction</literal>,
-                   then you must include:</para>
-                  <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
-  <ejb-local-ref>
-    <ejb-ref-name>myapp/EjbSynchronizations</ejb-ref-name>
-    <ejb-ref-type>Session</ejb-ref-type>
-    <local-home></local-home>
-    <local>org.jboss.seam.transaction.LocalEjbSynchronizations</local>
-  </ejb-local-ref>]]></programlisting>
-                  <para>in your web.xml. If you don't include it, you'll get the following error:</para>
-                  <programlisting>Name comp/env/myapp/EjbSynchronizations not found in context java:</programlisting>
-               </listitem>
-            </varlistentry>
-            <varlistentry>
-               <term>
-                  <literal>resources/META-INF/persistence.xml</literal>
-               </term>
-               <listitem>
-                  <para>For this example we will be using the default
-                     datasource that comes with WAS. To do this change the
-                     <literal>jta-data-source</literal> element:</para>
-                  <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
-                  ]]></programlisting>
-                  <para>Then we need to adjust some of the hibernate
-                     properties. First comment out the Glassfish properties.
-                     Next you need to add/change the properties:</para>
-                  <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
-<!--<property name="hibernate.transaction.flush_before_completion" value="true"/>-->
-<property name="hibernate.cache.provider_class" 
-                  value="org.hibernate.cache.HashtableCacheProvider"/>
-<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="GlassfishDerbyDialect"/>
-<property name="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class" 
-          value="org.hibernate.transaction.WebSphereExtendedJTATransactionLookup"/>
-                  ]]></programlisting>
-                  <para>
-                     <itemizedlist>
-                        <listitem>
-                           <para>
-                              <literal>hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class</literal>
-                              &#8212; Standard Hibernate transaction
-                              manager property for WAS 6.X and 7</para>
-                        </listitem>
-                        <listitem>
-                           <para>
-                              <literal>hibernate.transaction.flush_before_completion</literal>
-                              &#8212; This is commented out because we want
-                              the container to manage the transactions. Also
-                              if this is set to <literal>true</literal> an
-                              exception will be thrown by WAS when the
-                              EJBContext is looked up.
-                              <programlisting><![CDATA[com.ibm.wsspi.injectionengine.InjectionException: 
-                 EJBContext may only be looked up by or injected into an EJB]]></programlisting></para>
-                        </listitem>
-                        <listitem>
-                           <para><literal>hibernate.dialect</literal>
-                              &#8212; From WAS on the embedded DB was
-                              switched to the same Derby DB as is in
-                              Glassfish v2.</para>
-                        </listitem>
-                     </itemizedlist></para>
-               </listitem>
-            </varlistentry>
-            <varlistentry>
-               <term>
-                  <literal>src/GlassfishDerbyDialect.java</literal>
-               </term>
-               <listitem>
-                  <para>You will need to get the
-                     <literal>GlassfishDerbyDialect.java</literal> and
-                     copy it into the <literal>/src</literal>
-                     directory. The java class exists in the JPA example source directory and can be
-                     copied using the command below assuming you are in
-                     <literal>jee5/booking</literal> directory:</para>
-                  <programlisting><![CDATA[
-cp ../../jpa/src/GlassfishDerbyDialect.java
-   ./src]]></programlisting>
-                  <para>This class will be put into the
-                     <literal>jboss-seam-jee5.jar</literal> file. </para>
-               </listitem>
-            </varlistentry>
-            <varlistentry>
-               <term> <literal>resources/import.sql</literal>
-               </term>
-               <listitem>
-                  <para>This file must also be copied from the JPA example
-                     because either the Derby DB or the dialect does not support
-                     changes to the <literal>ID</literal> column. The files
-                     are identical except for the column difference. Use the
-                     following command to make the copy
-                     <programlisting><![CDATA[
-cp ../../jpa/resources-websphere7/import.sql ./resources]]></programlisting>
-                     </para>
-               </listitem>
-            </varlistentry>
-         </variablelist>
-      </section>
+      <para>
+        The<literal>jee5/booking</literal>example is based on the Hotel	Booking example (which runs on JBoss AS). 
+        Out of the box, it is designed to run on Glassfish, but with the following steps, it can be deployed on 
+        WebSphere. It is located in the <literal>$SEAM_DIST/examples/jee5/booking</literal> directory.
+	  </para>
+      <para>
+        For running this example, we'll use the second JNDI mapping strategy ("Override the default names generated by WebSphere") 
+        as we don't want to change the java code to add the <literal>@JndiName</literal> annotation as in the first strategy. 
+      </para>
-         <title>Building the <literal>jee5/booking</literal>
-            example</title>
-         <para>In order to get the changes we have made into our application we
-            need to make some changes to the <literal>build.xml</literal>.  
-            There are also some additional jars that are required by our
-            application in order to work with WAS. This section will cover
-         what changes are needed to the <literal>build.xml</literal>.</para>
-         <section>
-            <title>Library dependency changes</title>
-            <para>We remove the <literal>log4j.jar</literal> 
-                        so that all of the log output from our application will 
-                        be added to the WAS log. Additional steps are 
-                        required to fully configure log4j and those are outside
-                        of the scope of this document.</para>
-         </section>
-         <section>
-            <title>Updating the <literal>build.xml</literal> file</title>
-            <para>Add the following entry to the bottom of the
-               <literal>build.xml</literal> file. This overrides the
-               default fileset that is used to populate the
-               <literal>jboss-seam-jee5.jar</literal>. 
-               :
-            </para>
-               <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
-   <fileset id="jar.resources" dir="${resources.dir}">
-      <include name="import.sql" />
-      <include name="seam.properties" />
-      <include name="META-INF/persistence.xml" />
-      <include name="META-INF/ejb-jar.xml" />
-   </fileset>]]></programlisting>
-            <para>Now all that is left is to execute the <literal>ant
-               archive</literal> task and the built application will be in
-               the <literal>jee5/booking/dist</literal> directory.
-               </para>
-         </section>
+        <title>Building the <literal>jee5/booking</literal> example</title>
+        <para>
+          Building it only requires running the correct ant command: <programlisting>ant -f build-websphere7.xml</programlisting>
+          This will create container specific distribution and exploded archive directories with the <literal>websphere7</literal> label.
+        </para>
       <section id="jee5-websphere-deploy">
-         <title>Deploying the application to Websphere</title>
-         <para>So now we have everything we need in place. All that is left is to
-            deploy it - just a few steps more.</para>
-         <para> For this we will use Websphere's administration console. As
-            before there are some tricks and tips that must be followed.</para>
-         <para>The steps below are for the WAS version stated above. 
-         The ports are default values, if you changed them substitute your values.
-            <orderedlist>
-               <listitem>
-                  <para>Log in to the administration console
-                <programlisting><![CDATA[https://localhost:9043/admin]]></programlisting> 
-                     or 
-				<programlisting><![CDATA[http://localhost:9060/admin]]></programlisting>
-                     </para>
-               </listitem>
-               <listitem>
-                  <para>Access the <literal>Websphere enterprise
-                     applications</literal> menu option under the
-                     <literal>Applications --> Application Type</literal> left side menu. </para>
-               </listitem>
-               <listitem>
-	                  <para>At the top of the <literal>Enterprise
-	                     Applications</literal> table select
-                     <literal>Install</literal>. Below are installation
-                     wizard pages and what needs to done on each:
-                     <itemizedlist>
+        <title>Deploying the <literal>jee5/booking</literal> example</title>
+        <para>  
+          The steps below are for the WAS version stated above.The ports are default values, if you changed them, you must substitute the values.
+          <orderedlist>
+			<listitem>
+                 Log in to the administration console
+                 <programlisting><![CDATA[http://localhost:9060/admin]]></programlisting>
+                 Enter your userid annd/or your password if security is enabled for the console.
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>
+                Go to the <literal>WebSphere enterprise applications</literal> menu option under the <literal>Applications --> Application Type</literal>
+                left side menu.
+              </para>
+            </listitem>
+            <listitem>
+              <para>
+                At the top of the	<literal>Enterprise	Applications</literal>	table select <literal>Install</literal>. 
+                Below are installation wizard pages and what needs to done on each:
+                <itemizedlist>
+                  <listitem>
+                    <para>
+                      <literal>Preparing for the application installation</literal>
+                      <itemizedlist>
-                           <para><literal>Preparing for the application
-                              installation</literal>
-                              <itemizedlist>
-                                 <listitem>
-                                    <para>Browse to the
-                                       <literal>examples/jee5/booking/dist/jboss-seam-jee5.ear</literal>
-                                       file using the file upload widget.
-                                       </para>
-                                 </listitem>
-                                 <listitem>
-                                    <para>Select the
-                                       <literal>Next</literal>
-                                       button.</para>
-                                 </listitem>
-                                 <listitem>
-                                    <para>Select the
-                                       <literal>Fast Path</literal>
-                                       button.</para>
-                                 </listitem>
-                                 <listitem>
-                                    <para>Select the
-                                       <literal>Next</literal>
-                                       button.</para>
-                                 </listitem>                                 
-                              </itemizedlist> </para>
+                          <para>
+                            Browse to the <literal>examples/jee5/booking/dist-websphere7/jboss-seam-jee5.ear</literal>
+                            file using the file upload widget.
+                          </para>
-                           <para><literal>Select installation
-                              options</literal>
-                              <itemizedlist>
-                                 <listitem>
-                                    <para>Select the <literal>Deploy
-                                       enterprise beans</literal> and 
-                                       <literal>Allow EJB reference targets to resolve automatically</literal>
-                                       check boxes. This is needed unless you
-                                       used a Websphere AS tool to package the
-                                       application. </para>
-                                 </listitem>
-                                 <listitem>
-                                    <para>Select the
-                                       <literal>Next</literal>
-                                       button.</para>
-                                 </listitem>
-                              </itemizedlist> </para>
+                          <para>
+                            Select the <literal>Next</literal> button.
+                          </para>
-                           <para><literal>Map modules to
-                              servers</literal>
-                              <itemizedlist>
-                                 <listitem>
-                                    <para>No changes needed here as we only
-                                       have one server. Select the
-                                       <literal>Next</literal>
-                                       button.</para>
-                                 </listitem>
-                              </itemizedlist> </para>
+                          <para>
+                            Select the <literal>Fast Path</literal> button.
+                          </para>
-                           <para><literal>Summary</literal>
-                              <itemizedlist>
-                                 <listitem>
-                                    <para>No changes needed here. Select
-                                       the <literal>Finish</literal>
-                                       button.</para>
-                                 </listitem>
-                              </itemizedlist> </para>
+                          <para>
+                            Select the <literal>Next</literal> button.
+                          </para>
+                      </itemizedlist>
+                    </para>
+                  </listitem>
+                  <listitem>
+                    <para>
+                      <literal>Select installation options</literal>
+                      <itemizedlist>
-                           <para><literal>Installation</literal>
-                              <itemizedlist>
-                                 <listitem>
-                                    <para>Now you will see it installing and
-                                       deploying your
-                                       application.</para>
-                                 </listitem>
-                                 <listitem>
-                                    <para>When it finishes select the
-                                       <literal>Save</literal> link and
-                                       you will be returned to the
-                                       <literal>Enterprise
-                                       Applications</literal>
-                                       table.</para>
-                                 </listitem>
-                              </itemizedlist> </para>
+                          <para>
+                            Select the <literal>Deploy enterprise beans and Allow EJB reference targets to resolve automatically</literal>
+                            check boxes at the bottom of the page. This will let WebSphere use its simplified JNDI reference mapping.
+                          </para>
-                     </itemizedlist> </para>
-               </listitem>
-               <listitem id="websphere-app-adj-after-install" xreflabel="installation adjustments for jee5 example">
-                  <para>Now that we have our application installed we need to
-                     make some adjustments to it before we can start it:</para>
-                     <itemizedlist>
-                           <para>Starting from the <literal>Enterprise
-                              Applications</literal> table select the
-                              <literal>Seam Booking</literal>
-                              link.</para>
+                          <para>
+                            Select the <literal>Next</literal> button.
+                          </para>
+                      </itemizedlist>
+                    </para>
+                  </listitem>
+                  <listitem>
+                    <para>
+                      <literal>Map modules to servers</literal>
+                      <itemizedlist>
-                           <para>Select the <literal>Manage
-                              Modules</literal> link.</para>
+                          <para>
+                            No changes needed here as we only have one server. Select the <literal>Next</literal>button.
+                          </para>
+                      </itemizedlist>
+                    </para>
+                  </listitem>
+                  <listitem>
+                    <para>
+                      <literal>Map virtual hosts for Web modules</literal>
+                      <itemizedlist>
-                           <para>Select the
-                              <literal>jboss-seam-jee5-booking.war</literal>
-                              link.</para>
+                          <para>
+                            No changes needed here as we only have one virtual host. Select the <literal>Next</literal>button.
+                          </para>
+                      </itemizedlist>
+                    </para>
+                  </listitem>
+                  <listitem>
+                    <para>
+                      <literal>Summary</literal>
+                      <itemizedlist>
-                           <para>Change the <literal>Class loader
-                              order</literal> combo box to 
-                              <literal>Classes loaded with application
-                              class loader first (parent last)</literal>.</para>
+                          <para>No changes needed here. Select the <literal>Finish</literal> button.</para>
+                      </itemizedlist>
+                    </para>
+                  </listitem>
+                  <listitem>
+                    <para>
+                      <literal>Installation</literal>
+                      <itemizedlist>
-                           <para>Select <literal>Apply</literal> and then
-                              <literal>Save</literal> options.</para>
+                           <para>Now you will see WebSphere installing and deploying your application.</para>
-                           <para>Return to the <literal>Seam Booking</literal> page.</para>
+                          <para>
+                            When done, select the <literal>Save</literal> link and you will be returned to the
+                            <literal>Enterprise Applications</literal> table.
+                          </para>
-                        <listitem>
-                           <para>On this page select the <literal>Class
-                              loading and update detection</literal>
-                              link.</para>
-                        </listitem>
-                        <listitem>
-                           <para>Select the radio button for
-                              <literal>Classes loaded with application
-                              class loader first</literal>.</para>
-                        </listitem>                        
-                        <listitem>
-                           <para>Select <literal>Apply</literal> and then
-                              <literal>Save</literal> options.</para>
-                        </listitem>
-                     </itemizedlist> 
-               </listitem>               
-               <listitem>
-                  <para>To start the application return to the
-                     <literal>Enterprise Applications</literal> table and
-                     select our application in the list. Then choose the
-                     <literal>Start</literal> button at the top of the
-                     table.</para>
-               </listitem>
-               <listitem>
-                  <para>You can now access the application at
-                     <literal>http://localhost:9080/seam-jee5-booking/index.html</literal>
-                     .</para>
-               </listitem>
-            </orderedlist> 
-  <!-- <note>
-               <title>A note about Websphere Stateful bean timeouts</title>
-               <para>The default timeout period for a Websphere 6.1 Stateful
-                  EJB is 10 minutes.  This means that you may see some EJB timeout
-                  exceptions after some idle time.  It is possible to adjust the
-                  timeout of the Stateful EJBs on an individual basis, but 
-                  that is beyond the scope of this document.  See the Websphere
-                  documentation for details.
-                  </para>
-            </note> -->          
-         </para>
-      </section>
-   </section>
-   <section>
-      <title> The <literal>jpa</literal> booking example </title>
-      <para>Thankfully getting the <literal>jpa</literal> example to work is
-         much easier than the <literal>jee5</literal> example. This is the
-         Hotel Booking example implemented in Seam POJOs and using Hibernate JPA
-         with JPA transactions. It does not use EJB3.</para>
-      <para> The example already has a breakout of configurations and build
-         scripts for many of the common containers including Websphere.</para>
-      <para>First thing we are going to do is build and deploy that example. Then
-         we'll go over some key changes that we needed.</para>
-      <section>
-         <title>Building the <literal>jpa</literal> example</title>
-            <para> Building it only requires running the correct ant command:
-               <programlisting>ant websphere7</programlisting>
-               This will create container specific distribution and exploded
-               archive directories with the <literal>websphere7</literal> label.</para>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-         <title>Deploying the <literal>jpa</literal> example</title>
-            <para>This is similar to the <literal>jee5</literal> example at 
-               <xref linkend="jee5-websphere-deploy"/>, but without so many steps.
-             </para>
-         <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-               <para>From the <literal>Enterprise Applications</literal> table
-               select the <literal>Install</literal> button.
-               <itemizedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                     <para><literal>Preparing for the application
-                        installation</literal>
-                        <itemizedlist>
-                           <listitem>
-                              <para>Browse to the 
-                                 <literal>examples/jpa/dist-websphere7/jboss-seam-jpa.war</literal>
-                                 file using the file upload widget.
-                                 </para>
-                           </listitem>
-                           <listitem>
-                              <para>Select the
-                                 <literal>Fast Path</literal>
-                                 button.</para>
-                           </listitem>
-                           <listitem>
-                              <para>Select the
-                                 <literal>Next</literal>
-                                 button.</para>
-                           </listitem>                             
-                        </itemizedlist> </para>
+                      </itemizedlist>
+                    </para>
-                     <para>Select the <literal>Next</literal> button for the next
-                        three pages, no changes are needed.
-                     </para>
+                    <para>
+                      To start the application select our application in the list, then click on the <literal>Start</literal>
+                       button at the top of the table.
+                    </para>
-                  <listitem>
-                      <para><literal>Map context roots for Web modules</literal>
-                        <itemizedlist>  
-						<listitem>
-		                     <para>In the <literal>Context root</literal> text box
-		                        enter <literal>jboss-seam-jpa</literal>.
-		                        </para>
-		                  </listitem>
-		                  <listitem>
-		                     <para>Select the <literal>Next</literal> button.
-		                        </para>
-		                  </listitem>                        
-                     </itemizedlist></para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                     <para><literal>Summary</literal> page
-                        <itemizedlist>
-                           <listitem>
-                              <para>Review the settings if you wish and select
-                                 the <literal>Finish</literal> button to install
-                                 the application.  When installation finished select the <literal>
-                                 Save</literal> link and you will be returned to the 
-                                 <literal>Enterprise Applications</literal> table.
-                                 </para>
-                           </listitem>
-                        </itemizedlist> </para>
-                  </listitem>
-               </itemizedlist>
-               </para>
+                </itemizedlist>
+              </para>
-               <para>As with the <literal>jee5</literal> example there are some
-                  class loader changes needed before we start the application.
-                  Follow the instructions at <xref linkend="websphere-app-adj-after-install"/>
-                  but exchange <literal>jboss-seam-jpa_war</literal> for <literal>Seam Booking</literal>.
-               </para>
+              <para>
+                You can now access the application at <literal>http://localhost:9080/seam-jee5-booking</literal>
+              </para>
-            <listitem>
-               <para>Finally start the application by selecting it in the 
-                  <literal>Enterprise Applications</literal> table and clicking
-                  the <literal>Start</literal> button.
-               </para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-               <para>You can now access the application at the  
-                  <literal>http://localhost:9080/jboss-seam-jpa/index.html</literal>.
-               </para>
-            </listitem>
-         </itemizedlist>
+          </orderedlist>
+        </para>
-         <title>What's different for Websphere AS V7</title>
-         <para>The differences between the JPA examples that deploys to JBoss
-            4.2 and Websphere AS V7 are mostly expected; library and
-            configuration file changes. </para>
-         <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-               <para>Configuration file changes
-                  <itemizedlist>
-                     <listitem>
-                        <para>
-                           <literal>META-INF/persistence.xml</literal>
-                           &#8212; the main changes here are for the
-                           datasource JNDI path, switching to the Websphere
-                           transaction manager look up class, and
-                           changing the hibernate dialect to be
-                           <literal>GlassfishDerbyDialect</literal>
-                           .</para>
-                     </listitem>
-                     <listitem>
-                        <para>
-                           <literal>WEB-INF/components.xml</literal>
-                           &#8212; the change here is <literal>jndi-pattern</literal>
-                            without /local string.</para>
-                     </listitem>
-					 <listitem>
-                        <para>
-                           <literal>META-INF/ejb-jar.xml</literal>
-                           &#8212; the same change in <literal>ejb-ref-name</literal>,
-                            where is replace /local string in 
-                            <literal>jboss-seam-jee5/AuthenticatorAction</literal>.</para>
-                     </listitem>
-                     <listitem>
-                        <para>
-                           <literal>src/GlassfishDerbyDialect.java
-                           </literal> &#8212; this class is needed for the
-                           hibernate dialect change to
-                           <literal>GlassfishDerbyDialect</literal>
-                           </para>
-                     </listitem>
-                     <listitem>
-                        <para><literal>import.sql</literal> &#8212;
-                           either for the dialect or Derby DB the
-                           <literal>ID</literal> column can not be
-                           populated by this file and was removed.
-                           </para>
-                     </listitem>                     
-                  </itemizedlist> </para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-               <para>Changes for dependent libraries</para>
-               <para>The Websphere version requires several library packages because they are
-                  not included as they are with JBoss AS. These are primarily for
-                  hibernate and their dependencies.  Below are 
-                  listed only the additional jars needed above and beyond the JBoss 
-                  <literal>JPA</literal> example.
-                  <itemizedlist>
-                     <listitem>
-                        <para> To use Hibernate as your JPA provider you need
-                           the following jars:
-                           <itemizedlist>
-                              <listitem>
-                                 <simpara>
-                                    <literal>hibernate.jar</literal>
-                                    </simpara>
-                              </listitem>
-                              <listitem>
-                                 <simpara>
-                                    <literal>hibernate-annotations.jar</literal>
-                                    </simpara>
-                              </listitem>
-                              <listitem>
-                                 <simpara>
-                                    <literal>hibernate-commons-annotations.jar</literal>
-                                    </simpara>
-                              </listitem>
-                              <listitem>
-                                 <simpara>
-                                    <literal>hibernate-entitymanager.jar</literal>
-                                    </simpara>
-                              </listitem>
-                              <listitem>
-                                 <simpara>
-                                    <literal>hibernate-validator.jar</literal>
-                                    </simpara>
-                              </listitem>
-                              <listitem>
-                                 <simpara>
-                                    <literal>commons-collections.jar</literal>
-                                    </simpara>
-                              </listitem>
-                              <listitem>
-                                 <simpara>
-                                    <literal>jboss-common-core.jar</literal>
-                                    </simpara>
-                              </listitem>
-                           </itemizedlist> </para>
-                     </listitem>
-                     <listitem>
-                        <para>Various third party jars that Websphere needs:
-                           <itemizedlist>
-                              <listitem>
-                                 <simpara> <literal>antlr.jar</literal>
-                                    </simpara>
-                              </listitem>
-                              <listitem>
-                                 <simpara> <literal>cglib.jar</literal>
-                                    </simpara>
-                              </listitem>
-                              <listitem>
-                                 <simpara> <literal>asm.jar</literal>
-                                    </simpara>
-                              </listitem>
-                              <listitem>
-                                 <simpara> <literal>dom4j.jar</literal>
-                                    </simpara>
-                              </listitem>
-                              <listitem>
-                                 <simpara>
-                                    <literal>javassist.jar</literal>
-                                    </simpara>
-                              </listitem>
-                              <listitem>
-                                 <simpara>
-                                    <literal>concurrent.jar</literal>
-                                    </simpara>
-                              </listitem>
-                           </itemizedlist> </para>
-                     </listitem>
-                  </itemizedlist> </para>
-            </listitem>
-         </itemizedlist>
+        <title>Deviation from the original base files</title>
+        Below are the differences between the base configuration files and the WebSphere specific files held in the <literal>resources-websphere7</literal> directory.
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>
+              <literal>META-INF/ejb-jar.xml</literal>
+              &#8212; Removed all the EJB references
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>
+              <literal>META-INF/ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml</literal>
+              &#8212; This WebSphere specific file has been added as we use the second JNDI mapping strategy. 
+              It defines, for each session bean, the name WebSphere will use to bind it its JNDI name space
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>
+              <literal>META-INF/ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xml</literal>
+              &#8212; This WebSphere specific file defines to WebSphere, the timeout value for each stateful bean 
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>
+              <literal>META-INF/persistence.xml</literal>
+              &#8212; The main changes here are for the datasource JNDI path,
+              switching to the WebSphere transaction manager lookup class,
+              turning off the <literal>hibernate.transaction.flush_before_completion</literal> toggle,
+              and forcing the Hibernate dialect to be <literal>GlassfishDerbyDialect</literal>
+              how as using the integrated Derby database
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>
+              <literal>WEB-INF/components.xml</literal>
+              &#8212; the change here is <literal>jndi-pattern</literal>
+              to use <literal>ejblocal:#{ejbname}</literal> as using the second 
+              JNDI matching strategy
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+          <para>
+            <literal>WEB-INF/web.xml</literal>
+              &#8212; Remove all the <literal>ejb-local ref</literal> except the one for
+              <literal>EjbSynchronizations</literal> bean.
+              Changed the ref fo this bean to <literal>ejblocal:EjbSynchronizations</literal>
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>
+              <literal>import.sql</literal>
+              &#8212; due to the cutomized hibernate Derby dialect, the <literal>ID</literal>
+              column can not be populated by this file and was removed.
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+        <para>
+          Also the build procedure has been changed to include the <literal>log4j.jar</literal> file
+          and exclude the <literal>concurrent.jar</literal> and <literal>jboss-common-core.jar</literal> files.
+        </para>
-   </section>
+    </section>
-      <title>Deploying an application created using
-         <literal>seam-gen</literal> on Websphere V7</title>
+      <title>The <literal>jpa</literal> booking example</title>
+        <para>
+			This is the Hotel Booking example implemented in Seam POJOs and using Hibernate JPA
+			with JPA transactions. It does not use EJB3.
+		</para>
+		<para>
+          The example already has a breakout of configurations and build
+          scripts for many of the common containers including WebSphere.
+        </para>
+		<para>
+          First thing, we are going to do is build and deploy that example. 
+          Then we'll go over some key changes that we needed.
+        </para>
+		<section>
+          <title>Building the <literal>jpa</literal> example</title>
+          <para>
+            Building it only requires running the correct ant command:
+            <programlisting>ant websphere7</programlisting>
+            This will create container specific distribution and exploded archive directories with the
+            <literal>websphere7</literal> label.
+          </para>
+		</section>
-      <para><literal>seam-gen</literal> is a very useful tool for developers
-         to quickly get an application up and running, and provides a foundation
-         to add your own functionality. Out of box <literal>seam-gen</literal>
-         will produce applications configured to run on JBoss AS. These
-         instructions will show the steps needed to get it to run on Websphere. 
-         As stated above in <xref linkend="jee5-websphere-section"/> there
-         are some tricky changes needed to get an EJB3 application running. This
-         section will take you through the exact steps.</para>
+        <section>
+          <title>Deploying the <literal>jpa</literal> example</title>
+          <para>
+            Deploying <literal>jpa</literal> application  is very similar to the <literal>jee5/booking</literal>
+            example at <xref linkend="jee5-websphere-deploy" />.
+            The main difference is, that this time, we will deploy a war file instead of an ear file,
+            and we'll have to manually specify the context root of the application.
+          </para>
+          <para>
+            Follow the same instructions as for the <literal>jee5/booking</literal> sample. Select the   
+            <literal>examples/jpa/dist-websphere7/jboss-seam-jpa.war</literal> file on the first page and on the 
+            <literal>Map context roots for Web modules</literal> page (after the <literal>Map virtual host for Web module</literal>),
+            enter the context root you want to use for your application in the <literal>Contect Root</literal> input field. 
+          </para>
+          <para>
+            When started, you can now access the application at the <literal>http://localhost:9080/&lt;context root&gt;</literal>.
+          </para>
+        </section>
-        <title>Running <literal>seam-gen</literal> Setup</title>
-        <para>The first step is setting up <literal>seam-gen</literal> to
-         construct the base project. There are several choices made below,
-         specifically the datasource and hibernate values that we will adjust
-         once the project is created.</para>
-        <programlisting><![CDATA[
+        <title>Deviation from the generic base files</title>
+        Below are the configuration file differences between the base configuration files and the files customized
+        for WebSphere held in the <literal>resources-websphere7</literal> directory.
+        <itemizedlist>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>
+              <literal>META-INF/persistence.xml</literal>
+              &#8212; The main changes here are for the datasource JNDI path,
+              switching to the WebSphere transaction manager look up class,
+              turning off the <literal>hibernate.transaction.flush_before_completion</literal> toggle,
+              and forcing the Hibernate dialect to be <literal>GlassfishDerbyDialect</literal>
+              how as using the integrated Derby database
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>
+              <literal>import.sql</literal>
+              &#8212; due to the cutomized hibernate Derby dialect, the <literal>ID</literal>
+              column can not be populated by this file and was removed.
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+        </itemizedlist>
+        <para>
+          Also the build procedure have been changed to include the <literal>log4j.jar</literal> file
+          and exclude the <literal>concurrent.jar</literal> and <literal>jboss-common-core.jar</literal> files.
+        </para>
+      </section>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+      <title>Deploying an application created using <literal>seam-gen</literal> on WebSphere V7</title>
+      <para>
+			<literal>seam-gen</literal>
+			is a very useful tool for developers
+			to quickly get an application up and running, and provides a foundation
+			to add your own functionality. Out of box
+			<literal>seam-gen</literal>
+			will produce applications configured to run on JBoss AS. These
+			instructions will show the steps needed to get it to run on
+			WebSphere. This section will take you through the exact steps.
+		</para>
+		<section>
+			<title>Running <literal>seam-gen</literal> Setup </title>
+			<para>
+				The first step is setting up
+				<literal>seam-gen</literal>
+				to
+				construct the base project. There are several choices made below,
+				specifically the datasource and hibernate values that we will adjust
+				once the project is created.
+			</para>
+			<programlisting><![CDATA[
 ./seam setup
 Buildfile: build.xml
@@ -848,39 +704,53 @@
 Total time: 3 minutes 5 seconds]]></programlisting>
-      <para> Type <literal>./seam new-project</literal> to create your
-         project and <literal>cd
-         /home/jbalunas/workspace/websphere_example</literal> to the
-         newly created structure. </para>
-   </section>
-   <section>
-      <title>Changes needed for deployment to Websphere</title>
-      <para>We now need to make some changes to the generated project.</para>
-      <section>
-         <title>Configuration file changes</title>
-         <variablelist>
-            <varlistentry>
-               <term>
-                  <literal>resources/META-INF/persistence-dev.xml</literal>
-               </term>
-               <listitem>
-                  <itemizedlist>
-                     <listitem>
-                        <para> Alter the
-                           <literal>jta-data-source</literal> to be
-                           <literal>DefaultDatasource</literal>. We are
-                           going to be using the integrated Websphere
-                           DB.</para>
-                     </listitem>
-                     <listitem>
-                        <para> Add or change the properties below.
-                           These are described in detail at <xref
-                              linkend="jee5-websphere-section"/>:
-                           </para>
-                        <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
+			<para>
+				Type
+				<literal>./seam new-project</literal>
+				to create your
+				project and
+				<literal>cd
+					/home/jbalunas/workspace/websphere_example</literal>
+				to the
+				newly created structure.
+			</para>
+		</section>
+		<section>
+			<title>Changes needed for deployment to Websphere</title>
+			<para>We now need to make some changes to the generated project.
+			</para>
+			<section>
+				<title>Configuration file changes</title>
+				<variablelist>
+					<varlistentry>
+						<term>
+							<literal>resources/META-INF/persistence-dev.xml
+							</literal>
+						</term>
+						<listitem>
+							<itemizedlist>
+								<listitem>
+									<para>
+										Alter the
+										<literal>jta-data-source</literal>
+										to be
+										<literal>DefaultDatasource</literal>
+										. We are
+										going to be using the integrated Websphere
+										DB.
+									</para>
+								</listitem>
+								<listitem>
+									<para>
+										Add or change the properties below.
+										These are described in detail at
+										<xref linkend="jee5-websphere-section" />
+										:
+									</para>
+									<programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
 <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="GlassfishDerbyDialect"/>
 <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="update"/>
 <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true"/>
@@ -889,108 +759,138 @@
 <property name="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class" 
-                     </listitem>
-                     <listitem>
-                        <para> Remove the JBoss AS specific method of exposing
-                           the EntityManagerFactory: </para>
-                        <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<property 
+								</listitem>
+								<listitem>
+									<para> Remove the JBoss AS specific method of exposing
+										the EntityManagerFactory: </para>
+									<programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<property 
-                     </listitem>
-                     <listitem>
-                        <para> You'll need to alter
-                           <literal>persistence-prod.xml</literal> as
-                           well if you want to deploy to Websphere using the
-                           prod profile. </para>
-                     </listitem>
-                  </itemizedlist>
-               </listitem>
-            </varlistentry>
-            <varlistentry>
-               <term>
-                  <literal>src/GlassfishDerbyDialect.java</literal>
-               </term>
-               <listitem>
-                  <para>As with other examples we need to include this java class for
-                     DB support. It can be copied from the
-                     <literal>jpa</literal> example into the
-                     <literal>websphere_example/src</literal>
-                     directory.
-                     <programlisting><![CDATA[
+								</listitem>
+								<listitem>
+									<para>
+										You'll need to alter
+										<literal>persistence-prod.xml</literal>
+										as
+										well if you want to deploy to Websphere using the
+										prod profile.
+									</para>
+								</listitem>
+							</itemizedlist>
+						</listitem>
+					</varlistentry>
+					<varlistentry>
+						<term>
+							<literal>src/GlassfishDerbyDialect.java
+							</literal>
+						</term>
+						<listitem>
+							<para>
+								As with other examples we need to include this java class for
+								DB support. It can be copied from the
+								<literal>jpa</literal>
+								example into the
+								<literal>websphere_example/src</literal>
+								directory.
+								<programlisting><![CDATA[
 cp $SEAM/examples/jpa/src/GlassfishDerbyDialect.java
-                     </para>
-               </listitem>
-            </varlistentry>
-            <varlistentry>
-               <term>
-                  <literal>resources/META-INF/jboss-app.xml</literal>
-               </term>
-               <listitem>
-                  <para> You can delete this file as we aren't deploying to JBoss
-                     AS ( <literal>jboss-app.xml</literal> is used to enable
-                     classloading isolation in JBoss AS) </para>
-               </listitem>
-            </varlistentry>
-            <varlistentry>
-               <term> <literal>resources/*-ds.xml</literal>
-               </term>
-               <listitem>
-                  <para> You can delete these file as we aren't deploying to
-                     JBoss AS (these files define datasources in JBoss AS, we
-                     are using Websphere's default datasource) </para>
-               </listitem>
-            </varlistentry>
-            <varlistentry>
-               <term>
-                  <literal>resources/WEB-INF/components.xml</literal>
-               </term>
-               <listitem>
-                  <itemizedlist>
-                     <listitem>
-                        <para> Enable container managed transaction
-                           integration - add the <literal>
-                           &lt;transaction:ejb-transaction /&gt;
-                           </literal> component, and it's namespace
-                           declaration <literal>
-                           xmlns:transaction="http://jboss.com/products/seam/transaction"
-                           </literal> </para>
-                     </listitem>
-                     <listitem>
-                        <para> Alter the <literal>jndi-pattern</literal>
-                           to <literal>
-                           java:comp/env/websphere_example/#{ejbName}
-                           </literal> </para>
-                     </listitem>
-                     <listitem>
-                        <para>We do not need
-                           <literal>managed-persistence-context</literal>
-                           for this example and so can delete its
-                           entry.</para>
-                        <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
+							</para>
+						</listitem>
+					</varlistentry>
+					<varlistentry>
+						<term>
+							<literal>resources/META-INF/jboss-app.xml
+							</literal>
+						</term>
+						<listitem>
+							<para>
+								You can delete this file as we aren't deploying to JBoss
+								AS (
+								<literal>jboss-app.xml</literal>
+								is used to enable
+								classloading isolation in JBoss AS)
+							</para>
+						</listitem>
+					</varlistentry>
+					<varlistentry>
+						<term>
+							<literal>resources/*-ds.xml</literal>
+						</term>
+						<listitem>
+							<para> You can delete these file as we aren't deploying to
+								JBoss AS (these files define datasources in JBoss AS, we
+								are using Websphere's default datasource) </para>
+						</listitem>
+					</varlistentry>
+					<varlistentry>
+						<term>
+							<literal>resources/WEB-INF/components.xml
+							</literal>
+						</term>
+						<listitem>
+							<itemizedlist>
+								<listitem>
+									<para>
+										Enable container managed transaction
+										integration - add the
+										<literal>
+											&lt;transaction:ejb-transaction /&gt; </literal>
+										component, and it's namespace
+										declaration
+										<literal>
+											xmlns:transaction="http://jboss.com/products/seam/transaction"
+										</literal>
+									</para>
+								</listitem>
+								<listitem>
+									<para>
+										Alter the
+										<literal>jndi-pattern</literal>
+										to
+										<literal>
+											java:comp/env/websphere_example/#{ejbName}
+                           </literal>
+									</para>
+								</listitem>
+								<listitem>
+									<para>
+										We do not need
+										<literal>managed-persistence-context
+										</literal>
+										for this example and so can delete its
+										entry.
+									</para>
+									<programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
 <persistence:managed-persistence-context name="entityManager"
              persistence-unit-jndi-name="java:/websphere_exampleEntityManagerFactory"/> ]]></programlisting>
-                     </listitem>
-                  </itemizedlist>
-               </listitem>
-            </varlistentry>
-            <varlistentry>
-               <term> <literal>resources/WEB-INF/web.xml</literal>
-               </term>
-               <listitem>                  
-                  <para>As with the <literal>jee5/booking</literal>
-                     example we need to add EJB references to the web.xml. These
-                     references require replacing /local string in 
-                     <literal>ejb-ref-name</literal> to flag them for
-                     Websphere to perform the proper binding.</para>
-                  <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[  
+								</listitem>
+							</itemizedlist>
+						</listitem>
+					</varlistentry>
+					<varlistentry>
+						<term>
+							<literal>resources/WEB-INF/web.xml
+							</literal>
+						</term>
+						<listitem>
+							<para>
+								As with the
+								<literal>jee5/booking</literal>
+								example we need to add EJB references to the web.xml. These
+								references require replacing /local string in
+								<literal>ejb-ref-name</literal>
+								to flag them for
+								Websphere to perform the proper binding.
+							</para>
+							<programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[  
@@ -1002,105 +902,144 @@
-               </listitem>
-            </varlistentry>
-         </variablelist>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-         <title>Creating the <literal>AuthenticatorAction</literal>
-            EJB</title>
-         <para>We want to take the existing <literal>Authenticator</literal>
-            Seam POJO component and create an EJB3 out of it. </para>
-         <orderedlist>
-            <listitem> <para>Change the generated Authenticator class</para>
-               <itemizedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                     <para>Rename the class to
-                        <literal>AuthenticatorAction</literal> </para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                     <para>Add the <literal>@Stateless</literal>
-                        annotation to the new
-                        <literal>AuthenticatorAction</literal> class.
-                        </para>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                     <para>Create an interface called
-                        <literal>Authenticator</literal> which
-                        <literal>AuthenticatorAction</literal>
-                        implements (EJB3 requires session beans to have a
-                        local interface). Annotate the interface with
-                        <literal>@Local</literal> , and add a single method
-                        with same signature as the
-                        <literal>authenticate</literal> in
-                        <literal>AuthenticatorAction</literal> . </para>
-                  </listitem>
-               </itemizedlist>
-               <programlisting role="JAVA"><![CDATA[
+						</listitem>
+					</varlistentry>
+				</variablelist>
+			</section>
+			<section>
+				<title>
+					Creating the
+					<literal>AuthenticatorAction</literal>
+					EJB
+				</title>
+				<para>
+					We want to take the existing
+					<literal>Authenticator</literal>
+					Seam POJO component and create an EJB3 out of it.
+				</para>
+				<orderedlist>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>Change the generated Authenticator class</para>
+						<itemizedlist>
+							<listitem>
+								<para>
+									Rename the class to
+									<literal>AuthenticatorAction</literal>
+								</para>
+							</listitem>
+							<listitem>
+								<para>
+									Add the
+									<literal>@Stateless</literal>
+									annotation to the new
+									<literal>AuthenticatorAction</literal>
+									class.
+								</para>
+							</listitem>
+							<listitem>
+								<para>
+									Create an interface called
+									<literal>Authenticator</literal>
+									which
+									<literal>AuthenticatorAction</literal>
+									implements (EJB3 requires session beans to have a
+									local interface). Annotate the interface with
+									<literal>@Local</literal>
+									, and add a single method
+									with same signature as the
+									<literal>authenticate</literal>
+									in
+									<literal>AuthenticatorAction</literal>
+									.
+								</para>
+							</listitem>
+						</itemizedlist>
+						<programlisting role="JAVA"><![CDATA[
 @Name("authenticator") @Stateless public class
             AuthenticatorAction implements Authenticator {]]></programlisting>
-               <programlisting role="JAVA"><![CDATA[
+						<programlisting role="JAVA"><![CDATA[
 @Local public interface Authenticator { 
   public boolean authenticate(); 
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-               <para>We've already added its reference to the
-                  <literal>web.xml</literal> file so are good to go. </para>
-            </listitem>
-         </orderedlist>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-         <title>Extra jar dependencies and other changes to the
-            <literal>build.xml</literal></title>
-         <para> This application has similar requirements as the
-            <literal>jee5/booking</literal> example. </para>
-         <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-               <para>Change the default target to
-                  <literal>archive</literal> (we aren't going to cover
-                  automatic deployment to Websphere).
-               </para>
-               <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							We've already added its reference to the
+							<literal>web.xml</literal>
+							file so are good to go.
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+				</orderedlist>
+			</section>
+			<section>
+				<title>
+					Extra jar dependencies and other changes to the
+					<literal>build.xml</literal>
+				</title>
+				<para>
+					This application has similar requirements as the
+					<literal>jee5/booking</literal>
+					example.
+				</para>
+				<itemizedlist>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							Change the default target to
+							<literal>archive</literal>
+							(we aren't going to cover
+							automatic deployment to Websphere).
+						</para>
+						<programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
 <project name="websphere_example" default="archive" basedir=".">]]></programlisting>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-               <para>Websphere looks for the drools
-                  <literal>/security.drl</literal> file in the root of the
-                  <literal>war</literal> file instead of the root of the
-                  <literal>websphere_example.jar</literal> so we need
-                  to have the <literal>build.xml</literal> move it to the
-                  correct location at build time. The following must be added at
-                  the top of the <literal> &lt;target name="war"
-                  depends="compile" description="Build the distribution
-                  .war file"&gt; </literal> target.
-               </para>
-                  <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							Websphere looks for the drools
+							<literal>/security.drl</literal>
+							file in the root of the
+							<literal>war</literal>
+							file instead of the root of the
+							<literal>websphere_example.jar</literal>
+							so we need
+							to have the
+							<literal>build.xml</literal>
+							move it to the
+							correct location at build time. The following must be added at
+							the top of the
+							<literal> &lt;target name="war"
+								depends="compile" description="Build the distribution
+								.war file"&gt; </literal>
+							target.
+						</para>
+						<programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
 <copy todir="${war.dir}">
    <fileset dir="${basedir}/resources" >
        <include name="*.drl" />
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-               <para>Now we need to get extra jars into the 
-                  <literal>build.xml</literal>.  Look for the 
-                  <literal>&lt;fileset dir="${basedir}"&gt;</literal> section 
-                  of the task below.  Add the new includes at the bottom of 
-                  the fileset.
-                  </para>
-               <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							Now we need to get extra jars into the
+							<literal>build.xml</literal>
+							. Look for the
+							<literal>&lt;fileset dir="${basedir}"&gt;</literal>
+							section
+							of the task below. Add the new includes at the bottom of
+							the fileset.
+						</para>
+						<programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
 <target name="ear" description="Build the EAR">
     <copy todir="${ear.dir}">
             <fileset dir="${basedir}/resources">
@@ -1127,10 +1066,10 @@
-               <itemizedlist>
-                  <listitem>
-                     <para>Hibernate dependencies</para>
-                     <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
+						<itemizedlist>
+							<listitem>
+								<para>Hibernate dependencies</para>
+								<programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
    <!-- Hibernate and deps -->
    <include name="lib/hibernate.jar"/>
    <include name="lib/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar"/>
@@ -1138,10 +1077,10 @@
    <include name="lib/hibernate-entitymanager.jar"/>
    <include name="lib/hibernate-validator.jar"/>
    <include name="lib/jboss-common-core.jar" />]]></programlisting>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                     <para> Third party dependencies.</para>
-                     <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
+							</listitem>
+							<listitem>
+								<para> Third party dependencies.</para>
+								<programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
    <!-- 3rd party and supporting jars -->
    <!--<include name="lib/log4j.jar" />-->
    <include name="lib/javassist.jar"/>
@@ -1152,20 +1091,25 @@
    <include name="lib/antlr.jar" />
    <include name="lib/commons-logging.jar" />
    <include name="lib/commons-collections.jar" />]]></programlisting>
-                  </listitem>
-                  <listitem>
-                     <para><literal>jboss-seam.jar</literal> - this is needed in
-                     the <literal>ear</literal> base
-                     directory.</para>
-                     <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
+							</listitem>
+							<listitem>
+								<para>
+									<literal>jboss-seam.jar</literal>
+									- this is needed in
+									the
+									<literal>ear</literal>
+									base
+									directory.
+								</para>
+								<programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[
    <!-- seam jar -->
    <include name="lib/jboss-seam.jar" />]]></programlisting>
-                  </listitem>
-               </itemizedlist>
+							</listitem>
+						</itemizedlist>
+						<para>You should end up with something like:</para>
+						<programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<fileset dir="${basedir}">
-               <para>You should end up with something like:</para>
-               <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<fileset dir="${basedir}">
    <include name="lib/jbpm*.jar" />
    <include name="lib/jboss-el.jar" />
    <include name="lib/drools-*.jar"/>
@@ -1196,41 +1140,56 @@
    <!-- seam jar -->
    <include name="lib/jboss-seam.jar" />
-            </listitem>
-         </itemizedlist>
-      </section>
-      <section>
-         <title> Building and deploying the seam-gen'd application to Websphere
+					</listitem>
+				</itemizedlist>
+			</section>
+			<section>
+				<title> Building and deploying the seam-gen'd application to
+					Websphere
-         <itemizedlist>
-            <listitem>
-               <para> Build your application by calling
-                  <literal>ant</literal> in the base directory of your
-                  project (ex.
-                  <literal>/home/jbalunas/workspace/websphere_example</literal>
-                  ). The target of the build will be
-                  <literal>dist/websphere_example.ear</literal> . </para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-               <para>To deploy the application follow the instructions here : 
-                  <xref linkend="jee5-websphere-deploy"/> but use references to
-                  this project <literal>websphere_example</literal> instead of
-                  <literal>jboss-seam-jee5</literal>.</para>
-            </listitem>
-            <listitem>
-               <para> Checkout the app at:
-               <literal>http://localhost:9080/websphere_example/index.html</literal>
-               </para>
-            </listitem>
-         </itemizedlist>
-      </section>
-      </section>
-   </section>
+				<itemizedlist>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							Build your application by calling
+							<literal>ant</literal>
+							in the base directory of your
+							project (ex.
+							<literal>/home/jbalunas/workspace/websphere_example
+							</literal>
+							). The target of the build will be
+							<literal>dist/websphere_example.ear
+							</literal>
+							.
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							To deploy the application follow the instructions here :
+							<xref linkend="jee5-websphere-deploy" />
+							but use references to
+							this project
+							<literal>websphere_example</literal>
+							instead of
+							<literal>jboss-seam-jee5</literal>
+							.
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+					<listitem>
+						<para>
+							Checkout the app at:
+							<literal>http://localhost:9080/websphere_example/index.html
+							</literal>
+						</para>
+					</listitem>
+				</itemizedlist>
+			</section>
+		</section>
+	</section>

Added: branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/build-websphere7.xml
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/build-websphere7.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/build-websphere7.xml	2009-08-03 20:59:44 UTC (rev 11336)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<project name="Booking WebSphere 7" default="clean.archive" basedir=".">
+   <!-- Public targets -->
+   <target name="clean.archive" depends="clean,archive" />
+   <!-- Naming -->
+    <property name="Name"                  value="Java EE 5 Booking Example"/>
+    <property name="example.name"          value="jboss-seam-jee5-booking"/>
+   <!-- Define topology -->
+   <property name="resources.dir"          value="resources-websphere7" />
+   <property name="dist.dir"               value="dist-websphere7" />
+   <property name="exploded-archives.dir"  value="exploded-archives-websphere7" />
+   <!-- Libraries to include in ear -->
+   <property name="seam.ui.lib"           value="true" />
+   <property name="seam.debug.lib"        value="true" />
+   <property name="facelets.lib"          value="true" />
+   <property name="richfaces.lib"         value="true" />
+   <property name="el-ri.lib"             value="true" />
+   <!-- Common build file -->
+   <import file="../../build.xml" />
+   <!-- Extras files for WebSphere -->
+   <fileset id="ear.lib.extras" dir="${seam.dir}">
+      <!-- Seam deps -->
+      <include name="lib/javassist.jar" />
+      <!-- Misc -->
+      <include name="lib/commons-beanutils.jar" />
+      <include name="lib/commons-digester.jar" />
+      <include name="lib/commons-collections.jar" />
+      <!-- Hibernate and deps -->
+      <include name="lib/hibernate-core.jar" />
+      <include name="lib/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar" />
+      <include name="lib/hibernate-annotations.jar" />
+      <include name="lib/hibernate-entitymanager.jar" />
+      <include name="lib/hibernate-validator.jar" />
+      <include name="lib/antlr.jar" />
+      <include name="lib/dom4j.jar" />
+      <include name="lib/slf4j-api.jar" />
+      <include name="lib/slf4j-log4j12.jar" />
+      <include name="lib/log4j.jar" />
+    </fileset>
+   <fileset id="jar.extras" dir="${resources.dir}/JAR">
+      <include name="**/*.*" />
+   </fileset>
+   <fileset id="war.extras" dir="${resources.dir}">
+      <include name="WEB-INF/classes/**/*" />
+   </fileset>

Modified: branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources/WEB-INF/web.xml
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources/WEB-INF/web.xml	2009-08-03 13:45:14 UTC (rev 11335)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources/WEB-INF/web.xml	2009-08-03 20:59:44 UTC (rev 11336)
@@ -55,6 +55,12 @@
+  <!-- Welcome File -->
+  <welcome-file-list>
+    <welcome-file>index.html</welcome-file>
+  </welcome-file-list>
   <!-- JEE5 EJB3 names -->

Added: branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/META-INF/ejb-jar.xml
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/META-INF/ejb-jar.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/META-INF/ejb-jar.xml	2009-08-03 20:59:44 UTC (rev 11336)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<ejb-jar xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" 
+         xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
+         xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/ejb-jar_3_0.xsd"
+         version="3.0">
+   <interceptors>
+     <interceptor>
+       <interceptor-class>org.jboss.seam.ejb.SeamInterceptor</interceptor-class>
+     </interceptor>
+   </interceptors>
+   <assembly-descriptor>
+      <interceptor-binding>
+         <ejb-name>*</ejb-name>
+         <interceptor-class>org.jboss.seam.ejb.SeamInterceptor</interceptor-class>
+      </interceptor-binding>
+   </assembly-descriptor>

Added: branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/META-INF/ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/META-INF/ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/META-INF/ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xml	2009-08-03 20:59:44 UTC (rev 11336)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+	xmlns="http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee"
+	xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+	xsi:schemaLocation="http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee/ibm-ejb-jar-bnd_1_0.xsd"
+	version="1.0">
+   <!--  
+     This file is required for this sample because:
+     - by default WAS binds the EJB with the fully qualified name of the interface
+     - in component.xml. #{ejbname} resolves to the unqualified name of the implementation class, 
+       not the name of the fully qualified interface (use by WebSphere to bind its bean by default)
+     - a (better?) alternative to this file is using the @JndiName seam annotation in each bean
+     When using thsi file, set "jndi-pattern" to "ejblocal:#{ejbName}" in components.xml
+    -->
+   <session name="AuthenticatorAction"  simple-binding-name="AuthenticatorAction" />
+   <session name="BookingListAction"    simple-binding-name="BookingListAction" />
+   <session name="ChangePasswordAction" simple-binding-name="ChangePasswordAction" />
+   <session name="HotelBookingAction"   simple-binding-name="HotelBookingAction" />
+   <session name="HotelSearchingAction" simple-binding-name="HotelSearchingAction" />
+   <session name="RegisterAction"       simple-binding-name="RegisterAction" />
\ No newline at end of file

Added: branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/META-INF/ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xml
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/META-INF/ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/META-INF/ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xml	2009-08-03 20:59:44 UTC (rev 11336)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+	xmlns="http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee"
+	xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+	xsi:schemaLocation="http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee http://websphere.ibm.com/xml/ns/javaee/ibm-ejb-jar-ext_1_0.xsd"
+	version="1.0">
+   <!--  Set the expiration timeout to :
+        10 minutes : HTTP Session timeout set in web.xml
+        +5 minutes : it takes some time for WebSphere to trigger the session expiration
+       = 900 seconds 
+   -->
+   <session name="BookingListAction"><time-out value="900"/></session>
+   <session name="ChangePasswordAction"><time-out value="900"/></session>
+   <session name="HotelBookingAction"><time-out value="900"/></session>
+   <session name="HotelSearchingAction"><time-out value="900"/></session>
+   <session name="RegisterAction"><time-out value="900"/></session>

Added: branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/META-INF/persistence.xml
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/META-INF/persistence.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/META-INF/persistence.xml	2009-08-03 20:59:44 UTC (rev 11336)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<persistence xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence" 
+             xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+             xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_1_0.xsd" 
+             version="1.0">
+   <persistence-unit name="bookingDatabase">
+      <provider>org.hibernate.ejb.HibernatePersistence</provider>
+      <jta-data-source>DefaultDatasource</jta-data-source>
+      <properties>
+         <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="create-drop"/>
+         <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true"/>
+         <property name="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class" value="org.hibernate.transaction.WebSphereExtendedJTATransactionLookup"/>
+         <!--  Use the "Patched" Hibernate Derby dialect that override the default id generator strategy -->         
+         <property name="hibernate.dialect" value="GlassfishDerbyDialect"/>         
+      </properties>
+   </persistence-unit>
\ No newline at end of file

Added: branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/import.sql
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/import.sql	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/import.sql	2009-08-03 20:59:44 UTC (rev 11336)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+insert into Customer (username, password, name) values ('gavin', 'foobar', 'Gavin King')
+insert into Customer (username, password, name) values ('demo', 'demo', 'Demo User')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (120, 'Marriott Courtyard', 'Tower Place, Buckhead', 'Atlanta', 'GA', '30305', 'USA')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (180, 'Doubletree', 'Tower Place, Buckhead', 'Atlanta', 'GA', '30305', 'USA')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (450, 'W Hotel', 'Union Square, Manhattan', 'NY', 'NY', '10011', 'USA')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (450, 'W Hotel', 'Lexington Ave, Manhattan', 'NY', 'NY', '10011', 'USA')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (250, 'Hotel Rouge', '1315 16th Street NW', 'Washington', 'DC', '20036', 'USA')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (300, '70 Park Avenue Hotel', '70 Park Avenue', 'NY', 'NY', '10011', 'USA')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (300, 'Conrad Miami', '1395 Brickell Ave', 'Miami', 'FL', '33131', 'USA')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (80, 'Sea Horse Inn', '2106 N Clairemont Ave', 'Eau Claire', 'WI', '54703', 'USA')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (90, 'Super 8 Eau Claire Campus Area', '1151 W Macarthur Ave', 'Eau Claire', 'WI', '54701', 'USA')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (160, 'Marriot Downtown', '55 Fourth Street', 'San Francisco', 'CA', '94103', 'USA')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (200, 'Hilton Diagonal Mar', 'Passeig del Taulat 262-264', 'Barcelona', 'Catalunya', '08019', 'Spain')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (210, 'Hilton Tel Aviv', 'Independence Park', 'Tel Aviv', '', '63405', 'Israel')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (240, 'InterContinental Tokyo Bay', 'Takeshiba Pier', 'Tokyo', '', '105', 'Japan')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (130, 'Hotel Beaulac', ' Esplanade Léopold-Robert 2', 'Neuchatel', '', '2000', 'Switzerland')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (140, 'Conrad Treasury Place', 'William & George Streets', 'Brisbane', 'QLD', '4001', 'Australia')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (230, 'Ritz Carlton', '1228 Sherbrooke St', 'West Montreal', 'Quebec', 'H3G1H6', 'Canada')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (460, 'Ritz Carlton', 'Peachtree Rd, Buckhead', 'Atlanta', 'GA', '30326', 'USA')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (220, 'Swissotel', '68 Market Street', 'Sydney', 'NSW', '2000', 'Australia')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (250, 'Meliá White House', 'Albany Street', 'Regents Park London', '', 'NW13UP', 'Great Britain')
+insert into Hotel (price, name, address, city, state, zip, country) values (210, 'Hotel Allegro', '171 West Randolph Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '60601', 'USA')

Added: branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/log4j.xml
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/log4j.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/log4j.xml	2009-08-03 20:59:44 UTC (rev 11336)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">
+<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/" debug="false">
+   <appender name="CONSOLE" class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender">
+      <param name="Target" value="System.out"/>
+      <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
+         <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d %-5p %X{username} [%-29c{2}] - %m%n"/>
+      </layout>
+   </appender>
+   <category name="org.hibernate">
+      <priority value="DEBUG"/>
+   </category>
+   <category name="org.jboss.seam">
+      <priority value="DEBUG"/>
+   </category>
+   <root>
+      <priority value="WARN"/>
+      <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>
+   </root>

Added: branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/JAR/seam.properties

Added: branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/META-INF/application.xml
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/META-INF/application.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/META-INF/application.xml	2009-08-03 20:59:44 UTC (rev 11336)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<application xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" 
+             xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+             xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/application_5.xsd"
+             version="5">
+    <display-name>Seam Booking</display-name>
+    <module>
+        <web>
+            <web-uri>jboss-seam-jee5-booking.war</web-uri>
+            <context-root>/seam-jee5-booking</context-root>
+        </web>
+    </module>
+    <module>
+        <ejb>jboss-seam-jee5-booking.jar</ejb>
+    </module>
+    <module>
+        <ejb>jboss-seam.jar</ejb>
+    </module>

Added: branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/WEB-INF/components.xml
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/WEB-INF/components.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/WEB-INF/components.xml	2009-08-03 20:59:44 UTC (rev 11336)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<components xmlns="http://jboss.com/products/seam/components"
+            xmlns:core="http://jboss.com/products/seam/core"
+            xmlns:security="http://jboss.com/products/seam/security"
+            xmlns:transaction="http://jboss.com/products/seam/transaction"
+            xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+            xsi:schemaLocation=
+                "http://jboss.com/products/seam/core http://jboss.com/products/seam/core-2.2.xsd 
+                 http://jboss.com/products/seam/security http://jboss.com/products/seam/security-2.2.xsd
+                 http://jboss.com/products/seam/transaction http://jboss.com/products/seam/transaction-2.2.xsd
+                 http://jboss.com/products/seam/components http://jboss.com/products/seam/components-2.2.xsd">
+    <!-- works thanks to the values set in the "ibm-ejb-bnd.xml" file AND the ref set in "web.xml" -->    
+    <core:init jndi-pattern="ejblocal:#{ejbName}" debug="true" />
+    <transaction:ejb-transaction/>
+    <core:manager conversation-timeout="120000" 
+                  concurrent-request-timeout="500"
+                  conversation-id-parameter="cid"/>
+    <security:identity authenticate-method="#{authenticator.authenticate}"/> 

Added: branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml	2009-08-03 20:59:44 UTC (rev 11336)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<faces-config version="1.2"
+              xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
+              xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+              xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-facesconfig_1_2.xsd">
+    <application>
+        <view-handler>com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler</view-handler>
+    </application>

Added: branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/WEB-INF/pages.xml
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/WEB-INF/pages.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/WEB-INF/pages.xml	2009-08-03 20:59:44 UTC (rev 11336)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<pages xmlns="http://jboss.com/products/seam/pages"
+       xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+       xsi:schemaLocation="http://jboss.com/products/seam/pages http://jboss.com/products/seam/pages-2.2.xsd"
+       no-conversation-view-id="/main.xhtml"
+                 login-view-id="/home.xhtml">
+    <page view-id="/register.xhtml">
+        <action if="#{validation.failed}"
+           execute="#{register.invalid}"/>
+        <navigation>
+            <rule if="#{register.registered}">
+                <redirect view-id="/home.xhtml"/>
+            </rule>
+        </navigation>
+    </page>
+    <page view-id="/home.xhtml" action="#{identity.isLoggedIn}">
+        <navigation from-action="#{identity.isLoggedIn}">
+            <rule if-outcome="true">
+                <redirect view-id="/main.xhtml"/>
+            </rule>
+        </navigation>
+        <navigation>
+            <rule if="#{identity.loggedIn}">
+                <redirect view-id="/main.xhtml"/>
+            </rule>
+        </navigation>
+    </page>
+    <page view-id="/password.xhtml"
+          login-required="true">
+        <navigation>
+            <rule if="#{identity.loggedIn and changePassword.changed}">
+                <redirect view-id="/main.xhtml"/>
+            </rule>
+        </navigation>
+    </page>
+    <page view-id="/main.xhtml" 
+          login-required="true">
+        <navigation from-action="#{hotelBooking.selectHotel(hot)}">
+            <redirect view-id="/hotel.xhtml"/>
+        </navigation>
+        <navigation from-action="#{bookingList.cancel}">
+            <redirect/>
+        </navigation>
+    </page>
+    <page view-id="/hotel.xhtml" 
+          conversation-required="true" 
+          login-required="true">
+        <description>View hotel: #{hotel.name}</description>
+        <navigation from-action="#{hotelBooking.bookHotel}">
+            <redirect view-id="/book.xhtml"/>
+        </navigation>
+    </page>
+    <page view-id="/book.xhtml" 
+          conversation-required="true" 
+          login-required="true">
+        <description>Book hotel: #{hotel.name}</description>
+        <navigation from-action="#{hotelBooking.setBookingDetails}">
+            <rule if="#{hotelBooking.bookingValid}">
+                <redirect view-id="/confirm.xhtml"/>
+            </rule>
+        </navigation>
+    </page>
+    <page view-id="/confirm.xhtml" 
+          conversation-required="true" 
+          login-required="true">
+        <description>Confirm booking: #{booking.description}</description>
+        <navigation from-action="#{hotelBooking.confirm}">
+            <redirect view-id="/main.xhtml"/>
+        </navigation>
+    </page>
+    <page view-id="*">    
+        <navigation from-action="#{identity.logout}">
+            <redirect view-id="/home.xhtml"/>
+        </navigation>
+        <navigation from-action="#{hotelBooking.cancel}">
+            <redirect view-id="/main.xhtml"/>
+        </navigation>
+    </page>
+    <exception class="org.jboss.seam.security.NotLoggedInException">
+        <redirect view-id="/home.xhtml">
+            <message severity="warn">You must be logged in to use this feature</message>
+        </redirect>
+    </exception>
+    <exception class="javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException">
+        <redirect view-id="/home.xhtml">
+            <message severity="warn">Session expired, please log in again</message>
+        </redirect>
+    </exception>

Added: branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/WEB-INF/web.xml
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/WEB-INF/web.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/resources-websphere7/WEB-INF/web.xml	2009-08-03 20:59:44 UTC (rev 11336)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<web-app version="2.5"
+    xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
+    xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+    xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd">
+  <!-- Seam -->
+  <listener>
+    <listener-class>org.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamListener</listener-class>
+  </listener>
+  <filter>
+    <filter-name>Seam Filter</filter-name>
+    <filter-class>org.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamFilter</filter-class>
+  </filter>
+  <filter-mapping>
+    <filter-name>Seam Filter</filter-name>
+    <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
+  </filter-mapping>
+  <servlet>
+    <servlet-name>Seam Resource Servlet</servlet-name>
+    <servlet-class>org.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamResourceServlet</servlet-class>
+  </servlet>
+  <servlet-mapping>
+    <servlet-name>Seam Resource Servlet</servlet-name>
+    <url-pattern>/seam/resource/*</url-pattern>
+  </servlet-mapping>
+  <!-- JSF and Facelets -->
+  <context-param>
+    <param-name>javax.faces.DEFAULT_SUFFIX</param-name>
+    <param-value>.xhtml</param-value>
+  </context-param>
+  <context-param>
+    <param-name>facelets.DEVELOPMENT</param-name>
+    <param-value>true</param-value>
+  </context-param>
+  <!-- Faces Servlet -->
+  <servlet>
+    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
+    <servlet-class>javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet</servlet-class>
+    <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
+  </servlet>
+  <servlet-mapping>
+    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
+    <url-pattern>*.seam</url-pattern>
+  </servlet-mapping>
+  <!-- Welcome File -->
+  <welcome-file-list>
+    <welcome-file>index.html</welcome-file>
+  </welcome-file-list>
+  <!-- JEE5 EJB3 names -->
+  <ejb-local-ref>
+    <!--  This matches the pattern set in components.xml -->
+    <ejb-ref-name>ejblocal:EjbSynchronizations</ejb-ref-name>
+    <ejb-ref-type>Session</ejb-ref-type>
+    <local>org.jboss.seam.transaction.LocalEjbSynchronizations</local>
+  </ejb-local-ref>
+  <session-config>
+    <session-timeout>10</session-timeout>
+  </session-config>

Added: branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/src/GlassfishDerbyDialect.java
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/src/GlassfishDerbyDialect.java	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/booking/src/GlassfishDerbyDialect.java	2009-08-03 20:59:44 UTC (rev 11336)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect;
+import org.hibernate.id.IdentityGenerator;
+public class GlassfishDerbyDialect extends DerbyDialect {
+    public GlassfishDerbyDialect() {
+    }
+    @Override
+    public Class getNativeIdentifierGeneratorClass() {
+        return IdentityGenerator.class;
+    }

Modified: branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/readme.txt
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/readme.txt	2009-08-03 13:45:14 UTC (rev 11335)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/examples/jee5/readme.txt	2009-08-03 20:59:44 UTC (rev 11336)
@@ -137,9 +137,9 @@
 - http://seamframework.org/Documentation
-WebSphere with EJB3 feature pack
-The instructions for integration with Websphere are fairly verbose.  Please 
+WebSphere 7
+The instructions for integration with WebSphere are fairly verbose.  Please 
 refer to the Seam reference guide for additional information.
 - http://seamframework.org/Documentation

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