[seam-commits] Seam SVN: r13823 - branches/community/Seam_2_2/src/test/ftest.

seam-commits at lists.jboss.org seam-commits at lists.jboss.org
Mon Oct 11 03:24:25 EDT 2010

Author: plenyi at redhat.com
Date: 2010-10-11 03:24:25 -0400 (Mon, 11 Oct 2010)
New Revision: 13823

JBQA-3275 Minor changes and quick bug fixes.

Modified: branches/community/Seam_2_2/src/test/ftest/build.xml
--- branches/community/Seam_2_2/src/test/ftest/build.xml	2010-10-10 16:49:49 UTC (rev 13822)
+++ branches/community/Seam_2_2/src/test/ftest/build.xml	2010-10-11 07:24:25 UTC (rev 13823)
@@ -46,98 +46,11 @@
 	<!-- TODO : should the libs be in seam/lib and managed with mvn? -->
-	<taskdef name="groovy" classname="org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovy" classpath="../../../lib/groovy-all.jar"/>
+	<taskdef name="groovy" classname="org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovy" classpath="../../../lib/ftest/groovy-all.jar"/>
 	<target name="testall" description="Run functional testsuite based on container property">
 		<fail unless="container">Please set container property.</fail>
 		<antcall target="testall.${container}" />
-      <echo message="Rewriting ftest output xml files." />
-      <groovy>
-         <classpath>
-            <pathelement location="../../../lib/ftest/xmlunit.jar" />
-         </classpath>
-         <![CDATA[
-            import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.Diff
-            import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLUnit
-            import groovy.xml.StreamingMarkupBuilder
-            def container = System.getProperty("CONTAINER");
-            def slurper = new XmlSlurper();
-            def builder = new StreamingMarkupBuilder();
-            builder.encoding = "UTF-8";
-            /*
-               edit $(SEAM)/test-output/testng-results.xml
-                  remove elements containing 'setUp' or 'tearDown' - failures incorrectly counted as testcases
-                  replace 'SKIP' with 'FAIL'
-                     insert child '<exception class="java.lang.Error"><message><![CDATA[Deployment in error.] ]></message><full-stacktrace><![CDATA[ ] ]></full-stacktrace></exception>'
-            */
-            def xmlFile = new File("../../../test-output/testng-results.xml");
-            println "../../../test-output/testng-results.xml";
-            assert xmlFile.exists() && xmlFile.isFile();
-            def root = slurper.parse(xmlFile);
-            def serviceMethods = root.suite.test.class."test-method".findAll { it. at signature == "setUp()" || it. at signature == "tearDown()" }
-            serviceMethods.each { it.replaceNode {} }
-            def skippedMethods = root.suite.test.class."test-method".findAll { it. at status == "SKIP" }
-            skippedMethods.each {
-               it.attributes().put("status", "FAIL");
-               it.appendNode { exception(class:'java.lang.Error') { message("Deployment in error.") } }
-            }
-            def writer = new FileWriter("../../../test-output/testng-results-edit.xml");
-            writer << "<testng-results>";
-            writer << builder.bind(root.getBody());
-            writer << "</testng-results>";
-            writer.close();
-            ant.delete(file:'../../../test-output/testng-results.xml');
-            ant.move(file:'../../../test-output/testng-results-edit.xml',tofile:'../../../test-output/testng-results.xml');
-            /*
-               for each ${SEAM}/${EXAMPLE} example/
-                  edit ${SEAM}/${EXAMPLE} example/${EXAMPLE}_${CONTAINER}.xml
-                     remove elements containing '@' - beforeMethod and afterMethod failures incorrectly counted as testcases
-                     replace '<skipped />' with '<failure message="Test skipped." type="java.lang.Error" />'
-            */
-            def testOutDir = new File("../../../test-output");
-            assert testOutDir.exists() && testOutDir.isDirectory();
-            testOutDir.eachDir { dir ->
-               if (dir.getName().endsWith("example")) {
-                  def exampleName;
-                  dir.eachFile { f ->
-                     if (f.getName().endsWith(container + ".xml")) {
-                        exampleName = f.getName().split("_" + container + ".xml")[0];
-                     }
-                  }
-                  def xmlFilePath = "../../../test-output/" + dir.getName() + "/" + exampleName + "_" + container + ".xml";
-                  def xmlFileEditPath = "../../../test-output/" + dir.getName() + "/" + exampleName + "_" + container + "-edit.xml";
-                  xmlFile = new File(xmlFilePath);
-                  println xmlFilePath;
-                  assert xmlFile.exists() && xmlFile.isFile();
-                  root = slurper.parse(xmlFile);
-                  def tsName = root.attributes().get("name");
-                  def tsTime = root.attributes().get("time");
-                  def tsTests = root.attributes().get("tests");
-                  serviceMethods = root.testcase.findAll { it. at name.toString().contains("@") }
-                  serviceMethods.each { it.replaceNode {} }
-                  root.testcase.skipped.replaceNode { node -> failure(message:'Test skipped.',type:'java.lang.Error.') }
-                  writer = new FileWriter(xmlFileEditPath);
-                  writer << "<" + "?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?" + ">";
-                  writer << '<testsuite name="' + tsName + '" failures="0" tests="' + tsTests + '" time="' + tsTime + '" errors="' + tsTests + '">';
-                  writer << builder.bind(root.getBody());
-                  writer << "</testsuite>";
-                  writer.close();
-                  ant.delete(file:xmlFilePath);
-                  ant.move(file:xmlFileEditPath,tofile:xmlFilePath);
-               }
-            }
-         ]]>
-      </groovy>
 	<target name="testall.jboss4" description="Run functional testsuite for JBoss 4">
@@ -177,6 +90,7 @@
 		<testexample name="wicket-runtime" />
 		<antcall target="stop.selenium.server" />
 		<antcall target="stop.container" />
+      <testoutRewrite container="${container}" />
 	<target name="testall.jboss5" description="Run functional testsuite for JBoss 5">
@@ -222,6 +136,7 @@
 		<testexample name="wicket-runtime" /> 
 		<antcall target="stop.selenium.server" />
 		<antcall target="stop.container" />
+      <testoutRewrite container="${container}" />
 	<target name="testall.jboss-embedded" description="Run functional testsuite for JBoss Embedded">
@@ -240,6 +155,7 @@
 		<testexample name="jpa" />
 		<testexample name="hibernate" />
 		<antcall target="stop.selenium.server" />
+      <testoutRewrite container="${container}" />
 	<target name="testall.tomcat6" description="Run functional testsuite for Tomcat 6">
@@ -251,118 +167,36 @@
 		<testexample name="hibernate" />
 		<antcall target="stop.selenium.server" />
+      <testoutRewrite container="${container}" />
 	<target name="test" description="Run tests for single example. Container selection is based on the value of container property">
 		<fail unless="container">Please set container property.</fail>
 		<antcall target="test.${container}" />
-      <echo message="Rewriting ftest output xml files." />
-      <groovy>
-         <classpath>
-            <pathelement location="../../../lib/ftest/xmlunit.jar" />
-         </classpath>
-         <![CDATA[
-            import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.Diff
-            import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLUnit
-            import groovy.xml.StreamingMarkupBuilder
-            def container = System.getProperty("CONTAINER");
-            def slurper = new XmlSlurper();
-            def builder = new StreamingMarkupBuilder();
-            builder.encoding = "UTF-8";
-            /*
-               edit $(SEAM)/test-output/testng-results.xml
-                  remove elements containing 'setUp' or 'tearDown' - failures incorrectly counted as testcases
-                  replace 'SKIP' with 'FAIL'
-                     insert child '<exception class="java.lang.Error"><message><![CDATA[Deployment in error.] ]></message><full-stacktrace><![CDATA[ ] ]></full-stacktrace></exception>'
-            */
-            def xmlFile = new File("../../../test-output/testng-results.xml");
-            println "../../../test-output/testng-results.xml";
-            assert xmlFile.exists() && xmlFile.isFile();
-            def root = slurper.parse(xmlFile);
-            def serviceMethods = root.suite.test.class."test-method".findAll { it. at signature == "setUp()" || it. at signature == "tearDown()" }
-            serviceMethods.each { it.replaceNode {} }
-            def skippedMethods = root.suite.test.class."test-method".findAll { it. at status == "SKIP" }
-            skippedMethods.each {
-               it.attributes().put("status", "FAIL");
-               it.appendNode { exception(class:'java.lang.Error') { message("Deployment in error.") } }
-            }
-            def writer = new FileWriter("../../../test-output/testng-results-edit.xml");
-            writer << "<testng-results>";
-            writer << builder.bind(root.getBody());
-            writer << "</testng-results>";
-            writer.close();
-            ant.delete(file:'../../../test-output/testng-results.xml');
-            ant.move(file:'../../../test-output/testng-results-edit.xml',tofile:'../../../test-output/testng-results.xml');
-            /*
-               for each ${SEAM}/${EXAMPLE} example/
-                  edit ${SEAM}/${EXAMPLE} example/${EXAMPLE}_${CONTAINER}.xml
-                     remove elements containing '@' - beforeMethod and afterMethod failures incorrectly counted as testcases
-                     replace '<skipped />' with '<failure message="Test skipped." type="java.lang.Error" />'
-            */
-            def testOutDir = new File("../../../test-output");
-            assert testOutDir.exists() && testOutDir.isDirectory();
-            testOutDir.eachDir { dir ->
-               if (dir.getName().endsWith("example")) {
-                  def exampleName;
-                  dir.eachFile { f ->
-                     if (f.getName().endsWith(container + ".xml")) {
-                        exampleName = f.getName().split("_" + container + ".xml")[0];
-                     }
-                  }
-                  def xmlFilePath = "../../../test-output/" + dir.getName() + "/" + exampleName + "_" + container + ".xml";
-                  def xmlFileEditPath = "../../../test-output/" + dir.getName() + "/" + exampleName + "_" + container + "-edit.xml";
-                  xmlFile = new File(xmlFilePath);
-                  println xmlFilePath;
-                  assert xmlFile.exists() && xmlFile.isFile();
-                  root = slurper.parse(xmlFile);
-                  def tsName = root.attributes().get("name");
-                  def tsTime = root.attributes().get("time");
-                  def tsTests = root.attributes().get("tests");
-                  serviceMethods = root.testcase.findAll { it. at name.toString().contains("@") }
-                  serviceMethods.each { it.replaceNode {} }
-                  root.testcase.skipped.replaceNode { node -> failure(message:'Test skipped.',type:'java.lang.Error.') }
-                  writer = new FileWriter(xmlFileEditPath);
-                  writer << "<" + "?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?" + ">";
-                  writer << '<testsuite name="' + tsName + '" failures="0" tests="' + tsTests + '" time="' + tsTime + '" errors="' + tsTests + '">';
-                  writer << builder.bind(root.getBody());
-                  writer << "</testsuite>";
-                  writer.close();
-                  ant.delete(file:xmlFilePath);
-                  ant.move(file:xmlFileEditPath,tofile:xmlFilePath);
-               }
-            }
-         ]]>
-      </groovy>
 	<target name="test.jboss4" description="Run tests for single example on JBoss 4">
 		<property name="container" value="jboss4" />
 		<antcall target="test.single.example" />
+      <testoutRewrite container="${container}" />
 	<target name="test.jboss5" description="Run tests for single example on JBoss 5">
 		<property name="container" value="jboss5" />
 		<antcall target="test.single.example" />
+      <testoutRewrite container="${container}" />
 	<target name="test.tomcat6" description="Run tests for single example on Tomcat 6">
 		<property name="container" value="tomcat6" />
 		<antcall target="test.single.example" />
+      <testoutRewrite container="${container}" />
 	<target name="test.jboss-embedded" description="Run tests for single example on JBoss Embedded">
 		<property name="container" value="jboss-embedded" />
 		<antcall target="test.single.example" />
+      <testoutRewrite container="${container}" />
 	<target name="test.single.example">
@@ -556,6 +390,100 @@
 			<property name="container" value="${container}" />
+   <macrodef name="testoutRewrite">
+      <attribute name="container" />
+      <sequential>
+         <echo message="Rewriting ftest output xml files." />
+         <groovy>
+            <arg value="@{container}" />
+            <classpath>
+               <pathelement location="../../../lib/ftest/xmlunit.jar" />
+            </classpath>
+            <![CDATA[
+               import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.Diff
+               import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLUnit
+               import groovy.xml.StreamingMarkupBuilder
+               def container = args[0];
+               def slurper = new XmlSlurper();
+               def builder = new StreamingMarkupBuilder();
+               builder.encoding = "UTF-8";
+               /*
+                  edit $(SEAM)/test-output/testng-results.xml
+                     remove elements containing 'setUp' or 'tearDown' - failures incorrectly counted as testcases
+                     replace 'SKIP' with 'FAIL'
+                        insert child '<exception class="java.lang.Error"><message><![CDATA[Deployment in error.] ]></message><full-stacktrace><![CDATA[ ] ]></full-stacktrace></exception>'
+               */
+               def xmlFile = new File("../../../test-output/testng-results.xml");
+               println "../../../test-output/testng-results.xml";
+               assert xmlFile.exists() && xmlFile.isFile();
+               def root = slurper.parse(xmlFile);
+               def serviceMethods = root.suite.test.class."test-method".findAll { it. at signature == "setUp()" || it. at signature == "tearDown()" }
+               serviceMethods.each { it.replaceNode {} }
+               def skippedMethods = root.suite.test.class."test-method".findAll { it. at status == "SKIP" }
+               skippedMethods.each {
+                  it.attributes().put("status", "FAIL");
+                  it.appendNode { exception(class:'java.lang.Error') { message("Deployment in error.") } }
+               }
+               def writer = new FileWriter("../../../test-output/testng-results-edit.xml");
+               writer << "<testng-results>";
+               writer << builder.bind(root.getBody());
+               writer << "</testng-results>";
+               writer.close();
+               ant.delete(file:'../../../test-output/testng-results.xml');
+               ant.move(file:'../../../test-output/testng-results-edit.xml',tofile:'../../../test-output/testng-results.xml');
+               /*
+                  for each ${SEAM}/${EXAMPLE} example/
+                     edit ${SEAM}/${EXAMPLE} example/${EXAMPLE}_${CONTAINER}.xml
+                        remove elements containing '@' - beforeMethod and afterMethod failures incorrectly counted as testcases
+                        replace '<skipped />' with '<failure message="Test skipped." type="java.lang.Error" />'
+               */
+               def testOutDir = new File("../../../test-output");
+               assert testOutDir.exists() && testOutDir.isDirectory();
+               testOutDir.eachDir { dir ->
+                  if (dir.getName().endsWith("example")) {
+                     def exampleName;
+                     dir.eachFile { f ->
+                        if (f.getName().endsWith(container + ".xml")) {
+                           exampleName = f.getName().split("_" + container + ".*\\.xml")[0];
+                        }
+                     }
+                     def xmlFilePath = "../../../test-output/" + dir.getName() + "/" + exampleName + "_" + container + ".xml";
+                     def xmlFileEditPath = "../../../test-output/" + dir.getName() + "/" + exampleName + "_" + container + "-edit.xml";
+                     xmlFile = new File(xmlFilePath);
+                     println xmlFilePath;
+                     assert xmlFile.exists() && xmlFile.isFile();
+                     root = slurper.parse(xmlFile);
+                     def tsName = root.attributes().get("name");
+                     def tsTime = root.attributes().get("time");
+                     def tsTests = root.attributes().get("tests");
+                     serviceMethods = root.testcase.findAll { it. at name.toString().contains("@") }
+                     serviceMethods.each { it.replaceNode {} }
+                     root.testcase.skipped.replaceNode { node -> failure(message:'Test skipped.',type:'java.lang.Error.') }
+                     writer = new FileWriter(xmlFileEditPath);
+                     writer << "<" + "?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?" + ">";
+                     writer << '<testsuite name="' + tsName + '" failures="0" tests="' + tsTests + '" time="' + tsTime + '" errors="' + tsTests + '">';
+                     writer << builder.bind(root.getBody());
+                     writer << "</testsuite>";
+                     writer.close();
+                     ant.delete(file:xmlFilePath);
+                     ant.move(file:xmlFileEditPath,tofile:xmlFilePath);
+                  }
+               }
+            ]]>
+         </groovy>
+      </sequential>
+   </macrodef>

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