[seam-commits] Seam SVN: r14891 - in branches/enterprise/WFK-2_0: examples-ee6 and 4 other directories.

seam-commits at lists.jboss.org seam-commits at lists.jboss.org
Sun Jun 10 15:44:30 EDT 2012

Author: manaRH
Date: 2012-06-10 15:44:30 -0400 (Sun, 10 Jun 2012)
New Revision: 14891

removed empty dirs

Modified: branches/enterprise/WFK-2_0/jboss-seam-gen/dist/build-scripts/build.properties
--- branches/enterprise/WFK-2_0/jboss-seam-gen/dist/build-scripts/build.properties	2012-06-10 18:56:48 UTC (rev 14890)
+++ branches/enterprise/WFK-2_0/jboss-seam-gen/dist/build-scripts/build.properties	2012-06-10 19:44:30 UTC (rev 14891)
@@ -1,6 +1,2 @@
-# Uncomment to stop the build from deploying the datasource to GlassFish

Deleted: branches/enterprise/WFK-2_0/jboss-seam-gen/dist/build-scripts/glassfish-build.xml
--- branches/enterprise/WFK-2_0/jboss-seam-gen/dist/build-scripts/glassfish-build.xml	2012-06-10 18:56:48 UTC (rev 14890)
+++ branches/enterprise/WFK-2_0/jboss-seam-gen/dist/build-scripts/glassfish-build.xml	2012-06-10 19:44:30 UTC (rev 14891)
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="@projectName at -glassfish" basedir=".">
-    <!-- This file consists of Ant deployment targets for the GlassFish Application Server -->
-    <!-- Import this script into your Ant build using <import file="${basedir}/glassfish.build.xml"/> -->
-    <macrodef name="asadmin">
-        <attribute name="cmd"/>
-        <attribute name="args" default=""/>
-        <attribute name="log" default="true"/>
-        <element name="pre-conditions" optional="true"/>
-        <sequential>
-            <fail message="glassfish.home not set" unless="glassfish.home"/>
-            <fail message="glassfish.home does not point to a valid GlassFish installation">
-                <condition>
-                    <or>
-                        <length string="${glassfish.home}" trim="true" length="0"/>
-                        <and>
-                            <not><os family="windows"/></not>
-                            <not><available file="${glassfish.home}/bin/asadmin"/></not>
-                        </and>
-                        <and>
-                            <os family="windows"/>
-                            <not><available file="${glassfish.home}/bin/asadmin.bat"/></not>
-                        </and>
-                    </or>
-                </condition>
-            </fail>
-            <condition property="glassfish.domains.dir" value="${glassfish.home}/glassfish/domains" else="${glassfish.home}/domains">
-                <available file="${glassfish.home}/glassfish" type="dir"/>
-            </condition>
-            <fail message="glassfish.domain not set" unless="glassfish.domain"/>
-            <fail message="glassfish.domain not a valid GlassFish domain">
-                <condition>
-                    <or>
-                        <length string="${glassfish.domain}" trim="true" length="0"/>
-                        <not><available file="${glassfish.domains.dir}/${glassfish.domain}" type="dir"/></not>
-                    </or>
-                </condition>
-            </fail>
-            <pre-conditions/>
-			<!-- Windows batch files (.bat) cannot be executed directly. Must be executed using the command shell (cmd.exe) with the /c switch. -->
-            <condition property="asadmin.cmd" value="cmd.exe">
-                <os family="windows"/>
-            </condition>
-            <condition property="asadmin.arg1" value="/c ${glassfish.home}/bin/asadmin">
-                <os family="windows"/>
-            </condition>
-            <property name="asadmin.cmd" value="${glassfish.home}/bin/asadmin"/>
-            <property name="asadmin.arg1" value=""/>
-            <exec executable="${asadmin.cmd}">
-                <arg line="${asadmin.arg1}"/>
-                <arg value="@{cmd}"/>
-                <arg line="@{args}"/>
-                <redirector outputproperty="gf.cmd.output" alwayslog="@{log}"/>
-            </exec> 
-        </sequential>
-    </macrodef>
-    <target name="gf-init" description="Prepare properties for GlassFish">
-        <property name="transactionManagerLookupClass" value="org.hibernate.transaction.SunONETransactionManagerLookup"/>
-        <property name="ejbJndiPattern" value="java:comp/env/${project.name}/#{ejbName}/local"/>
-        <property name="seamBootstrapsPu" value="false"/>
-        <property name="seamEmfRef" value="#{null}"/>
-        <property name="puJndiName" value="java:comp/env/${project.name}/pu"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="gf-start" description="Start GlassFish">
-        <asadmin cmd="start-domain" args="${glassfish.domain}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="gf-debug" description="Start GlassFish in debug mode">
-        <asadmin cmd="start-domain" args="--debug=true ${glassfish.domain}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="gf-stop" description="Stop GlassFish">
-        <asadmin cmd="stop-domain" args="${glassfish.domain}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="gf-reboot" depends="gf-stop,gf-start" description="Restart GlassFish"/>
-    <target name="gf-list-components" description="List archives deployed to GlassFish">
-        <asadmin cmd="list-components"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="gf-list-jdbc-resources" description="List JDBC resources deployed to GlassFish">
-        <asadmin cmd="list-jdbc-resources"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="gf-check-datasource" unless="glassfish.datasource.useDefault" description="Check if the datasource is registered with GlassFish">
-        <asadmin cmd="list-jdbc-resources" log="false"/>
-        <condition property="gf.needs.datasource">
-            <not><contains string="${gf.cmd.output}" substring="${project.name}Datasource"/></not>
-        </condition>
-    </target>
-    <target name="gf-deploy-datasource" depends="gf-check-datasource" if="gf.needs.datasource"
-        description="Deploy the datasource to GlassFish">
-        <asadmin cmd="add-resources" args="${basedir}/resources/glassfish-resources-${profile}.xml"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="gf-cleanup-ear" if="project.ear">
-        <move todir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF/classes">
-            <fileset dir="${jar.dir}">
-                <include name="META-INF/orm.xml" if="project.ear"/>
-                <include name="META-INF/persistence.xml" if="project.ear"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </move>
-    </target>
-    <target name="gf-check-seam-exploded" if="project.ear">
-        <!-- This file has to be deleted each time since the exploded directory has a different name (doesn't block it) -->
-        <delete file="${ear.dir}/jboss-seam.jar"/>
-        <condition property="gf.explode.seam">
-            <and>
-                <isset property="project.ear"/>
-                <not><available file="${ear.dir}/jboss-seam_jar" type="dir"/></not>
-            </and>
-        </condition>
-    </target>
-    <target name="gf-explode-seam" depends="gf-check-seam-exploded" if="gf.explode.seam">
-        <mkdir dir="${ear.dir}/jboss-seam_jar"/>
-        <unjar src="${lib.dir}/jboss-seam.jar" dest="${ear.dir}/jboss-seam_jar"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="gf-explode" depends="gf-stage,gf-explode-seam,gf-deploy-datasource"
-        description="Deploy the datasource and exploded archive to GlassFish">
-        <asadmin cmd="deploy" args="--name ${project.name} ${exploded.archive.dir}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="gf-restart" depends="gf-explode"/>
-    <target name="gf-reexplode" depends="clean,gf-undeploy,gf-explode"
-        description="Clean, undeploy, and deploy the datasource and exploded archive to GlassFish"/>
-    <target name="gf-redeploy" depends="clean,gf-undeploy,gf-deploy"
-        description="Clean, undeploy, and deploy the datasource and packaged archive to GlassFish"/>
-    <target name="gf-hotdeploy" depends="gf-stage" description="Publish hot deployable artifacts"/>
-    <target name="gf-stage" depends="gf-init,stage" description="Prepare the exploded archive targeting GlassFish">
-        <antcall target="gf-cleanup-ear"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="gf-archive" depends="gf-init,archive" description="Prepare a packaged archive targeting GlassFish"/>
-    <target name="gf-deploy" depends="gf-archive,gf-deploy-datasource"
-        description="Deploy the datasource and packaged archive to GlassFish">
-        <asadmin cmd="deploy" args="--name ${project.name} ${packaged.archive}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="gf-unexplode" depends="gf-undeploy"/>
-    <target name="gf-undeploy-archive" description="Undeploy the archive from GlassFish">
-        <asadmin cmd="undeploy" args="${project.name}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="gf-undeploy-datasource" unless="glassfish.datasource.useDefault"
-        description="Undeploy the datasource from GlassFish">
-        <asadmin cmd="delete-jdbc-resource" args="${project.name}Datasource"/>
-        <asadmin cmd="delete-jdbc-connection-pool" args="${project.name}Pool"/>
-        <!-- Duplicate last two lines for each JDBC resource -->
-    </target>
-    <target name="gf-undeploy" depends="gf-undeploy-archive,gf-undeploy-datasource"
-        description="Undeploy the archive and datasource from GlassFish"/>
-    <target name="gf-prepare" depends="gf-stop,gf-deploy-hibernate"
-        description="Prepare GlassFish to run a Seam application"/>
-    <target name="gf-deploy-hibernate" description="Deploy Hibernate as a JPA provider on GlassFish">
-        <fail message="glassfish.home not set" unless="glassfish.home"/>
-        <fail message="glassfish.home does not point to a valid GlassFish installation">
-            <condition>
-                <or>
-                    <length string="${glassfish.home}" trim="true" length="0"/>
-                    <not><available file="${glassfish.home}/bin/asadmin"/></not>
-                </or>
-            </condition>
-        </fail>
-        <condition property="glassfish.v3" value="true">
-            <available file="${glassfish.home}/glassfish" type="dir"/>
-        </condition>
-        <condition property="glassfish.domains.dir" value="${glassfish.home}/glassfish/domains" else="${glassfish.home}/domains">
-            <isset property="glassfish.v3"/>
-        </condition>
-        <fail message="glassfish.domain not set" unless="glassfish.domain"/>
-        <fail message="glassfish.domain not a valid GlassFish domain">
-            <condition>
-                <or>
-                    <length string="${glassfish.domain}" trim="true" length="0"/>
-                    <not><available file="${glassfish.domains.dir}/${glassfish.domain}" type="dir"/></not>
-                </or>
-            </condition>
-        </fail>
-        <copy todir="${glassfish.domains.dir}/${glassfish.domain}/lib/ext" overwrite="true">
-            <fileset dir="${basedir}/lib">
-                <include name="antlr.jar"/>
-                <include name="asm.jar" unless="glassfish.v3"/>
-                <include name="asm-attrs.jar" unless="glassfish.v3"/>
-                <include name="cglib.jar" unless="glassfish.v3"/>
-                <include name="cglib-nodep.jar" if="glassfish.v3"/>
-                <include name="commons-collections.jar"/>
-                <include name="commons-logging.jar"/>
-                <include name="concurrent.jar"/>
-                <include name="dom4j.jar"/>
-                <include name="hibernate.jar"/>
-                <include name="hibernate-*.jar"/>
-                <exclude name="hibernate-search.jar"/>
-                <include name="javassist.jar"/>
-                <include name="jboss-common-core.jar"/>
-                <include name="jta.jar"/>
-                <include name="persistence-api.jar"/>
-                <!-- Include any required JDBC driver JARs below -->
-                <include name="@driverJar@"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-    </target>

Deleted: branches/enterprise/WFK-2_0/jboss-seam-gen/dist/build-scripts/glassfish-readme.txt
--- branches/enterprise/WFK-2_0/jboss-seam-gen/dist/build-scripts/glassfish-readme.txt	2012-06-10 18:56:48 UTC (rev 14890)
+++ branches/enterprise/WFK-2_0/jboss-seam-gen/dist/build-scripts/glassfish-readme.txt	2012-06-10 19:44:30 UTC (rev 14891)
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-The GlassFish home directory and domain are set in the build.properties file adjacent to this readme.
-First, you must prepare GlassFish for a seam-gen project (i.e., deploy Hibernate as a JPA provider)
-  ant gf-prepare
-Next, you need to start GlassFish:
-  ant gf-start
-Finally, you can deploy the project:
-  ant gf-explode
-GlassFish deployment works out of the box for WAR projects. To deploy an EAR project, make the following changes:
-  1. Uncomment the <ejb-local-ref> entries in resources/WEB-INF/web.xml (include additional entries as necessary)
-  2. Strip the contents up to and including the # in the element <persistence-unit-name> in resources/WEB-INF/web.xml
-  3. Uncomment the <jar-file> element in resources/META-INF/persistence-dev.xml & resources/META-INF/persistence-prod.xml
-If you plan to use the default Derby datasource in GlassFish, named jdbc/__default, then uncomment the following property
-in the build.properties file at the root of the project to prevent the gf-deploy-datasource target from executing:
-  glassfish.datasource.useDefault=true
-When switching back and forth between a JBoss AS deployment and a GlassFish deployment, be sure to clean the project:
-  ant clean
-GlassFish command reference:
-gf-start - Starts GlassFish
-gf-debug - Starts GlassFish in debug mode
-gf-stop - Stops GlassFish
-gf-reboot - Restarts GlassFish
-gf-deploy-datasource - Deploys the datasource and connection pool to GlassFish
-gf-explode - Deploys the exploded archive to GlassFish (restarts application if already deployed)
-gf-hotdeploy - Hot deploys Java classes, Seam components, and view resources
-gf-reexplode - Cleans, undeploys, and deploys the exploded archive to GlassFish
-gf-deploy - Deploys the packaged archive to GlassFish
-gf-undeploy - Undeploys the exploded or packaged archive from GlassFish
-gf-redeploy - Cleans, undeploys, and deploys the packaged archive to GlassFish
-gf-stage - Prepares an exploded archive targeting GlassFish
-gf-archive - Prepares a packaged archive targeting GlassFish
-gf-prepare - Prepares GlassFish for a seam-gen project deployment (calls gf-deploy-hibernate)
-gf-deploy-hibernate - Deploys Hibernate as a JPA provider on GlassFish

Deleted: branches/enterprise/WFK-2_0/jboss-seam-gen/dist/resources/glassfish-resources.xml
--- branches/enterprise/WFK-2_0/jboss-seam-gen/dist/resources/glassfish-resources.xml	2012-06-10 18:56:48 UTC (rev 14890)
+++ branches/enterprise/WFK-2_0/jboss-seam-gen/dist/resources/glassfish-resources.xml	2012-06-10 19:44:30 UTC (rev 14891)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE resources PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Application Server 9.0 Resource Definitions //EN"
-    "http://www.sun.com/software/appserver/dtds/sun-resources_1_3.dtd">
-    <jdbc-connection-pool
-        name="@projectName at Pool"
-        datasource-classname="@dataSourceClass@"
-        res-type="javax.sql.DataSource">
-        <property name="database" value="@jdbcUrl@"/> <!-- HSQLDB uses database instead of url -->
-        <property name="url" value="@jdbcUrl@"/>
-        <property name="user" value="@username@"/>
-        <property name="password" value="@password@"/> <!-- Use the value "()" for an empty password -->
-    </jdbc-connection-pool>
-    <jdbc-resource
-        jndi-name="@projectName at Datasource"
-        pool-name="@projectName at Pool"
-        enabled="true"
-        object-type="user"/>

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