[seam-dev] Seam 2.1.1.CR2
Gavin King
gavin at hibernate.org
Thu Dec 4 14:41:47 EST 2008
Sorry, but tutorial D handles nulls even worse than SQL: i.e. it
doesn't have them, which means that in tutorial D, you have to
represent an unknown value by some totally ad hoc "special value" of a
non-null type. i.e. you have to define something like -666:=null in a
totally arbitrary and ad hoc manner. They seriously recommend this in
their books.
The completely broken treatment of null by those guys is one reason
why I simply take very little they say seriously. (The other reason is
that they don't seem to understand typing very well.)
Frankly, they bamboozle folks who don't know much math with some
absurdly overblown mathematical formalism that is totally unnecessary
for representing the mathematically trivial problems that occur in
databases. Since I actually have a background in higher math, I'm not
intimidated by that stuff and I can see straight through their silly
arguments. These guys are poseurs (if you read their resumes, they
don't actually have a mathematics background).
2008/12/4 Francisco Jose Peredo <franciscoperedo at tabasco.gob.mx>:
> All right, all right, you outer join arguments demonstrates that null are a
> necessary evil (at least until something like D replaces SQL as the dominant
> relational language). But we are talking about API here, and I think nulls
> should be used only as last resort. Do you disagree?
> Francisco Jose Peredo escribió:
> I mean, for those cases isnt it better to wrap the stuff in a view to hide
> and transform those nulls into true/false stuff?
> Francisco Jose Peredo escribió:
> An outer join where the column in the join is a nullable boolean? Can you
> give me an example where doing that is better (easier to understand during
> maintenace) than using an integer? I do not go against all nulls, just
> boolean nulls.
> Gavin King escribió:
> So you never use outer joins? Every outer join produces null values.
> On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 1:04 PM, Francisco Jose Peredo
> <franciscoperedo at tabasco.gob.mx> wrote:
> I try to avoid it in databases, if there are 3 different possible
> values, it is better to use a not null Integer column, all my boolean
> columns are "not null" always.
> Emmanuel Bernard escribió:
> Databases use this three-state for decades. It seems to work fine.
> Many people believe it does not work fine:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_(SQL)#Controversy
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Gavin King
gavin.king at gmail.com
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