[seam-dev] Seam 2.1.1.CR2

Francisco Jose Peredo franciscoperedo at tabasco.gob.mx
Thu Dec 4 17:35:01 EST 2008

Sanne Grinovero escribió:
> 2008/12/4 Gavin King <gavin at hibernate.org>:
>> Sometimes you need null values, sometimes you don't. Java should let
>> you declare whether a value accepts null as part of the type
>> declaration (i.e. @Nullable Foo foo), and non-nullable should be the
>> default. But Java doesn't have this facility, so we just have to live
>> with it.
> A good practice should be to use "boolean" for not nullables (the primitive one)
> as it can't be null; reserve the wrapper Boolean for values which can be null.
> This has nothing to do with SQL of course ;-)

All right lets check the case of IsUserInRole.isUserInRole does it
really make sense to answer to the question:
"Is user XXXX in role YYYYY?"  with a null? if we are not sure, shoulnt
we default to "false" (or throw an exception?)
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