[seam-dev] Seam's Jira Closure Procedure
Pete Muir
pmuir at bleepbleep.org.uk
Tue Dec 9 04:25:17 EST 2008
On 9 Dec 2008, at 02:08, Jay Balunas wrote:
> Reopening issues should really be discussed in the forums or in seam-
> dev BEFORE reopening.
Don't reopen issues that have been rejected. Don't reopen issues that
are fixed in a previous version (it screws up the issue tracking).
Yes, we would like it disabled except for committers, I'll look into
> As for closing your own jira I am not 100% sure if you can close
> issues without being a commiter - I'll find out and get back.
> However in general only commiters should be rejecting, resolving, or
> closing issues.
Yes, you can close/reject your own issues.
> I will add this information to the page.
> -Jay
> 2008/12/8 Francisco Jose Peredo <franciscoperedo at tabasco.gob.mx>
> Oke, got it.
> And since we are discussing procedures here... how about re-opening
> bugs? I once re-opened one of mine, and since I am not a commiter,
> Pete Muir wasn't very happy with me about that ;-) . Now I know I am
> not supposed to re-open a closed bug if I am not a commiter, but I
> still find it funny that the option is available for me to use...
> Shouldn't the re-open option (and others) be disabled for non-
> commiters to prevent usage-by-mistake?
> Regards,
> Franciscoo
> Nicklas Karlsson escribió:
>> You could add a comment to the JIRA. Someone will close it sooner
>> or later.
>> 2008/12/8 Francisco Jose Peredo <franciscoperedo at tabasco.gob.mx>:
>>> Jay Balunas escribió:
>>>> Hello All,
>>>> I just made a small update to the site and added some information
>>>> on
>>>> when and how Seam jira issues should get closed. We are mostly all
>>>> following these procedures already, but so everyone is on the same
>>>> page I figured I would write it up.
>>>> Here is the link :
>>>> http://www.seamframework.org/Community/SeamsJiraClosureProcedure
>>>> Let me know if you have any questions or comments.
>>> Hi!
>>> What if I create a JIRA by mistake? for example for something I
>>> believed
>>> to be a bug was not, or asking for a feature that I later realize
>>> was
>>> already there?
>>> Regards,
>>> Francisco
>>>> -Jay
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