[seam-dev] In list.xhtml.ftl, what is the point of the foreach for the create button if Pages.applyConvertedValidatedValuesToMode cannot deal with nulls in parameters?
Pete Muir
pmuir at redhat.com
Sat Dec 13 14:38:37 EST 2008
I can't follow your description, just create a patch showing the
changes you want.
On 8 Dec 2008, at 16:52, Francisco Jose Peredo wrote:
> Hi!
> The code for the create button in list.xhtml.ftl looks like this:
> <s:div styleClass="actionButtons" rendered="${'#'}{empty from}">
> <s:button view="/${editPageName}.xhtml"
> id="create"
> propagation="none"
> value="Create ${componentName}">
> <#assign idName = componentName + pojo.identifierProperty.name?
> cap_first>
> <#if c2j.isComponent(pojo.identifierProperty)>
> <#foreach componentProperty in
> pojo.identifierProperty.value.propertyIterator>
> <#assign cidName = componentName + componentProperty.name?cap_first>
> <f:param name="${cidName}"/>
> </#foreach>
> <#else>
> <f:param name="${idName}"/>
> </#if>
> </s:button>
> </s:div>
> That generates a <f:param name="${idName}"/> for the primarykey(s).
> Why is that done? My best guess is that it is to clear the value
> of the primary key for the new object that is going to be created.
> But the <f:param name="${idName}"/> actually does nothing, because
> in seam it is impossible to set a parameter to null. This f:params
> are AFAIK expected to set the method generated in EntityHome.java.ftl:
> public void set${idName}(${idType} id)
> {
> setId(id);
> }
> But that set is never going to be called for <f:param name="$
> {idName}"/> because the id value is null! And there is code to
> prevent set${idName}(${idType} id) from being called if the value
> for the id is going to be null in
> Pages.applyConvertedValidatedValuesToMode:
> private void applyConvertedValidatedValuesToModel(FacesContext
> facesContext)
> {
> String viewId = getViewId(facesContext);
> for ( Page page: getPageStack(viewId) )
> {
> for ( Param pageParameter: page.getParameters() )
> {
> ValueExpression valueExpression =
> pageParameter.getValueExpression();
> if (valueExpression!=null)
> {
> Object object =
> Contexts.getEventContext().get( pageParameter.getName() );
> if (object!=null) //<--- HERE IS THE PROBLEM
> {
> valueExpression.setValue(object);
> }
> }
> }
> }
> }
> Of course, it gives the impression it works, but that is just
> because our EntityHome is recently created and the value for the Id
> is initially null. But if we place our EntityHome inside a LRC, and
> try to use after a previous creation set the value of the Id, we
> will see that the Id is not reset to null by the <f:param name="$
> {idName}"/>
> A workaround I use when the id is Integer is this the -1 value:
> <f:param name="${idName}" value="-1"/>
> public void set${idName}(${idType} id)
> {
> if(id<0){
> setId(null);
> }else{
> setId(id);
> }
> }
> But that, as it was commented in another null related discussion, a
> really ugly way to deal with stuff we want to be "undefined". So
> what can be done to fix this in Seam/seam-gen? (And of course offer
> a solution that can be used as a "best practice" for dealing with
> this even in applications that do not use seam-gen).
> I propose removing the if (object!=null) from
> applyConvertedValidatedValuesToModel (and maybe other methods in
> Pages that avoid dealing with nulls in the same limited way? like
> perhaps convertAndValidateStringValuesInPageContext? and
> getStringValuesFromModel? and storeRequestStringValuesInPageContext?
> and possibly others...).
> Now, if ignoring null values for page parameters in this way is not
> a bug, but a feature, then I propose removing the foreach for the
> create button list.xhtml.ftl, because it just creates the false
> impression that <f:param name="${idName}"/> actually does something.
> I already created a related JIRA a while ago (https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBSEAM-3693
> ) but guess I was not able to correctly explain this problem, I hope
> to have better luck this time.
> Regards,
> Francisco Peredo
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