[seam-dev] Re: Blocked threads

Pete Muir pmuir at bleepbleep.org.uk
Fri Jun 6 07:50:30 EDT 2008

On 5 Jun 2008, at 21:04, Clint Popetz wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 2:52 PM, Pete Muir <pmuir at bleepbleep.org.uk>  
> wrote:
>> 2008/6/5 Christian Bauer <christian.bauer at gmail.com>:
>>> Also problematic seems to be the ManagedEntityIdentityInterceptor  
>>> (I think
>>> we really could use a "no JavaBean clustering" switch that  
>>> disables it -
>>> need some input from Gavin who initially wrote it if that is  
>>> feasible):
>> 100% agreed, I want to implement this as the ability to configure
>> (enable/disable) default interceptors.
> As someone who's had a lot of headaches with
> ManagedEntityIdentityInterceptor...let me just say "Yay!"

We should bump this up the priority list I think. Norman, any chance  
you could look at this?

>> Can we detect whether we need
>> to enable the ManagedEntityIdentityInterceptor somehow (e.g. if  
>> aren't
>> in a cluster we don't need it definitely).
> AFAIK there is no standard way to do this.  I have a way to detect it
> for Jboss/Tomcat (by checking for the presence of the ClusterManager
> MBean, but that probably won't help unless we want to create a
> pluggable component which has tweaks/advice for the each app server,
> in which case each could also have an implementation of things like
> "isSessionClustered(HttpSession)."  That's a potential maintenance
> nightmare, but if someone from each large app server maintained their
> tweaks component, it could work.

I was thinking if there was a portable way to do it, it could be a  
start (with the user able to override), but if not, I think we run in  
non-clustered mode by default, and have a single switch on <core:init / 
 > to enable clustering.

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